Chapter 270 Where to go

 While Wen Yu was eating, someone came over and said, "Master Wen and Miss Yan Zhu, please come over."

Wen Yu walked over there and asked someone to bring some side dishes and a bottle of wine.

Going to the inn corridor, I saw poor Hu Fei standing there.

Wen Yu paused and said, "Mr. Hu, please go over and have something to eat first! Zhuzhu has found her biological father, which is a great joy for her! Your expression is a bit inappropriate."

Unexpectedly, Hu Fei nodded, "You're right, I'll go over right away..." After that, he actually went out to eat.

Wen Yu felt funny, shook her head, and entered the room.

 Father and daughter, they couldn’t finish talking.

Wen Ruoqing saw Wen Yu coming in, got dressed and saluted, "Wen Yu, thank you for your family's help in saving the lives of your wife and daughter."

Wen Yu hurriedly avoided it and replied: "Why do you need to do this, sir? Zhuzhu is my biological sister. We are not outsiders!"

Wen Ruo nodded lightly: "I also know a little bit about her temperament. She is innocent and good-natured. She can be like this because you protect her well."

“We just have our own strengths. There’s no way I can match Zhuzhu’s skills. If nothing else, the dim sum shop is supported by her!”

 Yan Zhu was a little embarrassed to be praised. "Ayu teaches his daughter to settle accounts, but she can't learn it! She's stupid."

Wen Ruo pointed at her lightly and was speechless for a long time: "Your father and I are running rampant in the court just by settling accounts. Sometimes even the emperor has no choice but doesn't matter, my father will teach you."

“Ah, you can’t learn!” Yan Zhu waved her hands repeatedly.

 Everyone laughed.

Wen Yu said: "The days are long and there are many things we can talk about slowly..."

 Wen Ruoqing was very satisfied with this sentence. Thinking that this will be every day from now on, he is indeed beautiful.

"It's just...what's going on with this old lady of the Wen family?" Wen Yu's face darkened.

Wen Ruoqing's expression also changed.

 He was silent for a while, "Actually, I am not Wen Jiazi."

 Wen Yu and Yan Zhu were both surprised.

"My biological parents are Mrs. Wen's maiden brother-in-law. At that time, she had not been pregnant for many years, and she was under great pressure in front of her mother-in-law. She finally got pregnant, but the doctor found out that it was a girl. By coincidence, my biological mother and her Her mother, Mrs. Liu, came up with an idea..."

 “Steal a dragon and turn a phoenix into a phoenix?”

"Well. She looked for an opportunity to give birth to a child in her natal family, and Mrs. Liu gave my biological mother inducing labor medicine. That's it... my father treated me like a treasure. But she was good and bad, and I didn't pay much attention.

Just over ten years later, she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. In this way, I would be redundant. She didn't dare to expose the matter and couldn't drive me away, so she wanted to kill me. Not killed..."

 “Oh my god!” Wen Yu and Yan Zhu were both surprised.

"Why is she so cruel? This is a human life. She raised it herself!" Yan Zhu was very angry, "This old lady is very bad!"

Wen Ruoqing looked at her daughter and nodded: "I was lucky enough to survive, so my biological mother found out, and she told me all this. I was hit hard... and ran away from home. Later, I met Zhuzhu 's mother.

 “When you come back, you will already have a wife and daughter?!”

“Well, I was discovered and brought back, so I told my father exactly what happened.”

 “He didn’t know it before?”

"He didn't know. He was so cruelly deceived by this old lady! It was him who cried and persuaded me to stay. Although he was incompetent and afraid of the old lady, he was very sincere to me. The same thing happened when I was killed. He found and saved me, so I stayed on the condition that I would not pay attention to the wife that the old lady gave me.”

"That means that the wife is her biological daughter." Wen Yu understood.

 “Huh?! Is there such a thing?!” Yan Zhu stared at her beautiful eyes.

Wen Ruoqing liked her look so much that she nodded: "It's so bloody. My biological mother was very angry about her son being taken away, so she treated her daughter badly and even married her into an unworthy family.

 After the death of her youngest son, her tribe came to seize the inheritance. So, I am her son again. She pressured that family, let her daughter go home, and married her back to me. At that time, many people in the capital laughed at her, but she didn't care. Later, he also planned to recruit a son-in-law for Wen Xianggui, but the Wen family members objected so fiercely that they had to marry her to the Yuan family. "

“Now, what do you want Yan Zhu to be named?” Wen Yu asked.

Wen Ruoqing looked at the rational Wen Yu and his daughter who blinked her beautiful eyes and didn't understand at all...

 She is really cute and charming. Love her and love everything about her!

 “I hope to set up my own business! But where is the discussion?”

“Lord Wen, no matter what, we cannot let Zhuzhu live under the hands of Mrs. Wen, nor let her call that woman her mother.”

"This is natural!" "Is there anyone in Wen Xianggui's family still alive?"

“I don’t know about this…”

"Then let me go and inquire..." Wen Yu said with a smile: As long as there is still one person...then let me go!


Old Mrs. Wen fell ill when she returned home. Her biological daughter was abused by Wen Ruoqing's mother when she was in the boudoir. If Mrs. Liu hadn't suppressed her, she probably wouldn't have survived. When she grew up and got married, her husband drank and gambled, which was not good for her. So she has a cowardly temperament and can't stand up to trouble.

 When he saw that his "mother-in-law" was sick, he panicked.

Wen Xianggui had been waiting for good news, but in the end he received a thunderbolt from the blue sky. He was surrounded by the old lady and was about to cry without tears.

Mr. Wen sent someone to ask Wen Ruoqing to go back, but where was Wen Ruoqing free?

 This matter about him reached the ears of the emperor, who made him laugh a lot. The Queen was summoning her again, and Yan Zhu was very nervous, but Wen Yu was busy with her own affairs and told her: Even if the Queen asks you to go, she may not necessarily see you! So don't be afraid.

The gossip of the capital is powerful. There is a family named Wang, who ran to Dali Temple and found Zhang Jiangqing.

 Sue a lawsuit against the Wen family, together with Mr. Wen Ruoqing, for "taking away wives and daughters by force."

Those who came were none other than Wen Xianggui’s father, Wang Xiaoli, her grandmother, uncles and aunts... all of them were well-dressed and burst into tears.

Wang Xiaoli has a lot of money in his pocket and plans to go to the casino after finishing his complaint...

 He said that the Wen family threatened him with the lives of the whole family, so that he could not reconcile with the Xiao Liu family. Then she wanted to take away his beloved biological daughter, and he didn't dare to respond.

 So much so that in the next few years, he would always wander outside the gates of the Wen family and the Yuan family, just wanting to see his own flesh and blood.

He expressed his feelings about how much he missed his wife, saying that he never remarried, etc... His younger brother and his wife knelt behind him, thinking that the eldest brother is really good at acting, but you just married and died later. , didn’t marry again? So where did your son come from?

But...the "good Samaritan" was extremely generous and generous, and gave him a large sum of money when he came up. And he also said that if the mother and daughter were to be brought back, there would be a big yard to send them off to!

As a result, the family became more noisy.

 Master Wen, who had just returned from the morning court, was invited. He pushed 625, saying that he had no idea about having a "wife and daughter".

Of the two women around his mother, he always thought that the older one was recognized by his mother as his "adopted daughter", while the younger one followed his mother and called him "adopted father".

 Everyone thought about it for a long time, but they still didn’t understand what the relationship was. However, why did the Wen family like to recognize their adopted daughter so much?

You will recognize them as relatives if you recognize them yourself.

Isn’t this also a relative? !

 Suddenly, new rumors arose again.

Mr. Wen was so frightened that he came to take him home in person.

Rather than saying it was a conversation between father and son, it was better to say that Wen Ruoqing was making conditions: "I don't mind making this matter public. I think the Liu family would also like me to recognize my ancestor and return to the clan. But my biological parents are no longer here, and I I don’t want to go back. What I want more is to start my own business.”

“Then, I want to sue, Mrs. Lian and her mother, Mrs. Liu, for taking away my son and killing others!”

 Old Master Wen was shocked when he heard this. If this was really the case, he would never have a good day in his lifetime.

"Ruo Qing..." he said miserably, "Dad is so old, but he can't bear it anymore. What do you think we can do to get over it?"

 “Things cannot pass, it is just a choice of what is more important.”

“You say it, you say it, dad will listen to you.”

"First, the old lady practices in the temple and is not allowed to go out again for the rest of her life. Second, my marriage to Xiao Liu is invalid. She will either return to the Wang family or accompany the old lady. Third, Wen Xianggui removes her clan name , in addition to the dowry she took away, she can also subsidize some silver, but the Wen family property she received must be returned. Fourth, I will take good care of you in your old age. After a hundred years, I will gradually transfer the family property to Wen. Ji Qing. After I die, everything will belong to the Wen family. I will raise my daughter by myself, without spending a tael of money from the Wen family!"

"Oh... why are you doing this? I promise you! Just let Yan Zhu return to the Wen family, and you can recruit a son-in-law. If you want to marry outside, she will take half of the Wen family away! I just ask you not to abandon dad. …”

Looking at the old man Wen who was in tears, Wen Ruoqing had nothing to do. "Okay, I'll listen to you. Dad, you have a granddaughter. She has good conduct and is a good cook. She will take good care of you!"

 “Okay, okay! Dad is very happy.”

 The old woman has a hard time living a good life, and her methods are vicious. It was in vain that I was devoted to her, but she lied to me from beginning to end.

Now, I can’t care about her anymore...

 (End of this chapter)

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