The house is so big.

Tan Shuya grabbed Li Danniu who was looking around.

Li Da Niu was a little disappointed, she didn't see the man.

  Looking down...their mother's shoes were stepping on the carpet...both mother and daughter's faces turned red.

Tan Shuya nervously saluted Mrs. Bai, "Thank you, Madam, for allowing me, mother and daughter..." and couldn't help sobbing.

Madam Bai has changed her clothes, sat on the throne, and said with a smile: "We have the same roots and the same clan, and I am happy to be able to help my clan members. You don't have to do this!"

"You don't know, I, I tried so hard to find this place... but when I inquired, I heard that Tan's family had all moved away. At that time, I really thought that our mother and daughter were going to die..." Thinking of everything on the road, she trembled slightly and shed tears. Wow.

"Don't cry. Once you find me, everything will be fine. Don't worry, taking care of you mother and daughter is a small thing for me. Get settled first, and then talk about other things."

"Yes. Madam, I am shameless and have a small request. You see..."

 “Say it!”

"My mother-in-law's family is in a poor state. She is married and her husband's family is mistreating her. I am not in good health either... I am fine. It's just that I am afraid that I will not be able to teach this little girl because she is ill. I can't even teach her how to work. You Look, can I keep her by your side and serve you like a little girl?"

At this moment, the man came from the side hall.

 “Madam? This is...”

Mrs. Bai said, "Husband, this is a branch of the Tan family's Huaishan Mountain. It originally moved to other provinces. Now, mother and son have come back to search for their clan. You also know that the Tan family is here..."

The man smiled and said: "Oh, it turns out to be Madam's natal family. As long as Madam is here, the Tan family is worth tens of millions..."

 “Okay!” Mrs. Bai said angrily. "You mean to let this little girl stay in the yard... But I have a lot of things to do. I have to do things, meet guests, and take care of my husband and son. I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of her well!"

"Madam! Don't look at her young age. She can do everything. Cooking, chopping firewood, fetching water and washing clothes! You have so many flowers and plants in the garden, it's okay for her to help take care of it."

 “Little girl, raise your head and let’s take a look?!” the man spoke.

Li Da Niu was overjoyed and looked up at the man and then at Mrs. Bai.

Mrs. Bai saw that her hair was yellow and her complexion was poor, but her eyes were clear, bright and watery, which gave her a good impression.

“Ah! After all, she is the madam’s mother-in-law. She looks delicate and smart! Little girl, what is your name!?”

 “My name is Li Daniu!” She was not afraid at all, and even said excitedly.

The man laughed loudly: "What a country name! It was a good name when I was a child, but when I grow up, it will make people laugh. Madam, can you give this little girl a name?"

Mrs. Bai was very happy to see her husband giving face to her relatives. "It's up to you to choose the name!"

 “Oh? Let your husband come?!” He looked at the lady sideways, just to make her laugh.

Tan Shuya hurriedly said: "Can you please give me one? However, when her father was alive, he disliked her as a girl and treated her badly. The little woman thought, we don't care about the surname Li, so please, please, Let’s give it a name named Tan!”

Mrs. Bai was of course happy after hearing this: "Well, this is a good idea!"

"Of course it's good, this way you can get the lady's aura... In my opinion, it's better... just call it Tan Yan Ling! The goose of Dayan, the feather of Ling Yu! Ling and Ling are homophonic, and they both mean intelligence and dexterity. It suits this little girl , very much needed!”

Mrs. Bai nodded: "That sounds good!"

Li Da Niu said loudly: "Tan Yanling... Dayan's wild goose, Lingyu's feather. Niu'er remember! From now on, my name will be Tan Yanling!"

Her little face was serious and serious.


 “Yan Ling?!” Who is calling her?

 “Yan Ling? Wake up!”

Tan's eyes were rolling and he wanted to open them, but he couldn't.


 That day, Mr. Tan did not show up.

Wen Yu felt strange, looked at it, and asked the girl next to her, "Why isn't Aunt Xiuyun here yet? Have you gone to invite her?"

Because the Marquis's two concubines and Qi Youyi's aunt are here.

A girl next to her replied: "Aunt Xiuyun said that she should go to the old lady's place to have a look first, and then come with the old lady."

Master Qing had finished his work. He looked at the things on display and came over to ask Wen Yu what to do next.

Wen Yu thought for a while, "I'll go see what's wrong with her..."

Just as she was about to leave, Mrs. Liu came from behind and said to Mrs. Qi and Wen Yu: "Sister-in-law, the doctor is here and says that my mother's spleen and stomach are out of balance, her body is weak, and she has been sweating a lot. The doctor prescribed medicine and let her take it first. rest.

 So, clothes have no energy. Mother brought a piece of clothing and said that it would be good to make a set in this size. Let my fifth daughter-in-law help me choose and make something to wear in winter. "

Mrs. Qi didn’t care and nodded.

Wen Yu was a little worried, "It was fine this morning. Are there so many people here that they disturbed her?"

Liu: “The old lady said it’s okay, it’s just a coincidence!”

“Then let them withdraw first?”

 “OK, let’s withdraw first!”

 Packed it up quickly and packed it into boxes.

Wen Yu accompanied Master Qing as he walked out, "What a coincidence... I originally wanted you to take a look at her, but you didn't!" Master Qing looked a little solemn: "But it's nothing. I got her size and I'm waiting to try it on. I’ll come again when it’s time to wear it!”

 “That’s right! We’ll see you sooner or later.”


Everyone in the shop left. After a while, Wen Yu took Xiao Ji to the old lady's house.

When the girl in Tan’s house saw her coming, she came out to welcome her and whispered: "Fifth Grandma..."

 “How is the old lady?” Wen Yu also asked in a low voice.

 “Take medicine and fall asleep.”

“Can I go in and have a look?”

"No need! Aunt Xiuyun has been waiting just now. She is going back now! The servants are watching! If there is any news, I will tell you later!"

Wen Yu nodded and returned to the room.

Qi Wu came back quite early.

Seeing Wen Yu come in, he helped her take off her cloak, "Is the old lady sick?"

“Well, I drank the medicine and fell asleep.”

Wen Yu stopped talking to him and sat down, thinking carefully: Why is this so awkward?

 Did she do this on purpose to make me feel sick? Although this seemed like her style... Aunt Xiuyun didn't show up either.

If it wasn’t Master Qing’s business, all this would be natural, and of course I wouldn’t think too much about it. Now...

Qi Wu saw that she was thinking about something, so he sat next to her and kept her company silently.

 When it was time to light the lamp, Mr. Tan was still not asleep! The girl went over to take a look and found that she had a high fever.

So the people behind me became panicked and looked for the third lady to ask for a doctor.

When the doctor came and took a look, his face became serious, "Normally, it shouldn't be!"

Wen Yu heard about it and quickly followed everyone to the back hall. He looked at the busy people coming in and out, and even the Marquis was found...

Is this really sick? !


 “Yan Ling!” Mrs. Tan heard someone shout again, her head suddenly became clear, and she opened her eyes suddenly, she woke up!

 Looking at the embroidered tent ceiling, he turned around and saw the man sitting on the chair in front of the bed... Qi Zheng?

  Everything that happened when I was seven years old was still in front of my eyes just now... I exhaled, and a layer of sweat broke out on my forehead.

“Yan Ling, are you finally awake?!” Qi Hou had a smile on his face.

"Master Hou..." Tan's voice was hoarse.

 “Look, is there anything else that feels uncomfortable?”

 “…I’m fine, why are you here?”

"You had a fever. They were scared and called me over. It's really scary. You've been sleeping since yesterday! It's already afternoon!"

"Ah? So serious?! I don't think anything of it...I..." Mrs. Tan's heart was pounding, and she thought to herself: I have a fever, so I'm not talking nonsense! ?

"It'll be fine when you wake up. The doctor will be here soon..." Qi Hou comforted.

"I feel much better. Mr. Marquis, please go and do your work first! I'm here..."

Mr. Hou nodded: "Okay, call me if you need anything!"

 In the back hall, the entire Qi family is waiting for news.

Finally, Mrs. Liu came out, visibly relaxed: "My mother woke up, and the doctor said that the fever has subsided, and she is finally fine. Don't worry, everyone, go back to the house!"

Over there, a girl invited Aunt Xiuyun over.

Xiuyun was really worried: "Aunt, are you okay? Xiuyun was scared..." After saying that, her eyes turned red.

Mrs. Tan forced a smile: "People will be like this when they get old, but it's okay. You... didn't go to measure your clothes yesterday, right?"

“Xiuyun has been with you all the time and has not gone anywhere.”

Mrs. Tan felt relieved, "Well, let's do it again when I get better. Pour me a bowl of water..."

Xiuyun stood up and started working there. Looking at that familiar movement...

  It’s so similar! Fortunately, that person didn't see her yesterday...

 Bai it really her? !

 …This is really… Mr. Tan laughed bitterly.

 She was only twelve years old when the accident happened to the Bai family.

It's really strange. People have grown taller and dozens of years older, but their appearance has not changed much...look, the charm is still the same!

Ah! But she is no longer a delicate girl, she has become a person who relies on her crafts to make a living and serve others...

 And I became Mrs. Hou.

 The world is changing and the world is changing... It’s so funny!

 Actually, the six sisters of the Bai family have never offended her, and they even treated her well!

 However, they have never seen her in their eyes, and they have never regarded her as their sister...

 So in the end, the Bai family was destroyed, and several noble ladies all met such a tragic end... which made her the most happy!

I couldn’t help but laugh... What did I have at that time? It can kill you, let alone now?

Me, I’m scaring myself...what a fool!

 The ferocious smile on her face was noticed by Xiuyun who turned around and called out worriedly: "Aunt?"

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