Chapter 316 So shameless

The greetings every day only lasted one day and ended without any problem.

To save face, Mr. Tan said that he needed to rest. No one was seen except the kitten.

Wen Yu was very happy to be able to go out, so as usual, he went to the princess's house first.

 Master Qing’s condition has stabilized, but he still hasn’t woken up and looks thinner. The waiter said that General Duanmu had found a medical clinic, and there was a special way to feed patients like this. They had already started using it, and it would be better.

Yibai is not in the room, but I heard that General Duanmu called him over to chat.

 It is not easy for her to disturb a grown man when he is recovering from his injuries. Since there is no inconvenience, just stay for two more days.

When they arrived at the shop, Zhuzhu was very happy to see her and whispered: "He deserves to be beaten! He is bad! Last time at Qi's house, he scared me and Xiaoji!"

Hu Fei heard it with long ears nearby. He didn't know about it yet and planned to ask about it later.

“How is Lanzhou doing here?”

“There are many people here, and he is sometimes a little nervous. Moreover, he is afraid of Hu Fei.”

Hu Fei was also depressed. With his white hair and young face (he thought so), Lan Zhou was frightened by looking at him, so he always hid behind Zhuzhu and ignored him.

 Seeing Lord Wen was overjoyed, when he came back, he called Lan Zhou over and told him a story.

 He is not as serious as the old gentleman. Lan Zhou was very enthusiastic and full of emotion, especially when he talked about the various famous animals in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Even if Lan Zhou didn't understand them, he loved listening to them.

When Wen Yu arrived at the store, he discovered that Wen Su was there with his third uncle's two daughters.

 “Why are you here?”

Wensu said: "Sister! We were bored at home, so we came here to play. Big brother sent us here and picked us up in the evening. We help them with their work!"

Wen Jing and Wen Man also smiled: "Work hard and there will be delicious noodles for lunch!"

Wen Yu called Wen Su and asked, "Where are Wen Jiao and the others?!"

"They are at home! Didn't General Duanmu receive a military stick? The princess went away without greeting them. The two of them were very anxious and said they wanted to visit the doctor. They were also arranging to buy ointment... but their grandmother stopped them. Ha, Wen Jiao was still arguing for a long time, saying that the princess was so kind to her, so how could she make it okay if she didn't go to see if such a big thing happened. Wen Wan also helped.

Grandma is angry, even Wen Jiao is not afraid! Finally, the grandmother lost her temper and banned them. Oh, it should have been so. Later, my grandmother sent someone to deliver some medicinal materials in the name of the Wen family. "

Wen Yu thought to herself that maybe her words worked, so the old lady restrained herself.

“The palace banquet...Wen Jing, you didn’t go?”

"Grandma didn't take us there...but, mother said, it doesn't matter whether we go there or not!"

Wen Yu nodded: "That's true! If you feel bored, come to the store to play. I will go out with you later!"

“Thank you, sister!” Sisters Wen Jing helped the embroiderer divide and arrange the threads, with sweet and lively smiles. It can be seen that the third aunt has raised her with care. I didn’t follow my third uncle’s temper…

Walking around in the shop, it is impossible to say that Master Qing's injury has no impact on the shop. All I can say is, try to minimize the impact.

 It seems that relying on one person is not enough, you have to find a way!

Just as he was thinking about it, Song Shang came and sat down in front of Wen Yu: "Do you still need someone to keep an eye on Wei's place? I can't mobilize my manpower for the moment. If I can remove it, let him keep an eye on Song Tao. Others Man, I'm worried that that boy Song Tao will have an impression."

"It should be fine. Mrs. Li didn't know that our people were still following her. But I asked Mrs. Li to talk to her again. It just so happened that Mu Bo and I were going to be sent abroad! How is Song Tao?"

"Oh, he works hard and flatters me and my mother without any blind spots. My mother admires him very much. I noticed that he has a very good mind and knows the relationship between the people around me clearly. Even my mother's side Grandma's youngest son can remember the leg injury he suffered from a fall more than ten years ago!" Song Shang shook his head.

Then he said: "He is really thoughtful! But I'm afraid he didn't expect that before Xu Er could use it, it would be useless. It was not easy to spend the moment, or thinking that it would be useful in the future. With the money, Xu Er could be raised. Two!

 Xu Er has nothing to do all day long, he has plenty of money, and he has become an uncle... He started to fail to learn..." Song Shang gave a bad smile, "Wait and see! Mainly Song Tao, I want to see what he wants to do. "

"Don't be careless! You know what he did, but we don't know what's going on with the person behind it!"


Wen Yu made an appointment with Mrs. Li, and when the time came, she arrived as promised.

Let the girl pack snacks downstairs, and she went directly upstairs with a look like "If you have anything to say, tell me quickly, I have a lot to do."

Wen Yu smiled and said: "Ma'am, it's so refreshing to do things! It's our first time to work together, it's such a pleasure."

Mrs. Li snorted, "Look at the smile on your face, you won't have trouble with me again, right? Try to restrain yourself. How can such a beautiful woman get involved in such things!? Your shrewd expression matches yours. His image is so inconsistent! Even the Queen saw it when she saw him for the first time. "

Wen Yu said sincerely: "You have wronged Wen Yu. I invited you here today out of pure kindness. Before, there were always people watching at Wei's place. In a few days, these people may have more It's important. I wonder if there will be any problem with you taking it." Mrs. Li was a little surprised: "It's no problem. I've made arrangements for that day!"

"Of course Wen Yu is convinced by what you do. It's just that Mr. Yang is too meticulous. Wen Yu is worried that it won't be as simple as what we see now.

 Look, even if what he planned is accomplished, what will happen? With you, there is Mr. Ge. How dare he marry Webster home openly? No matter how many circles he goes around and how many excuses he finds, as soon as you shake your head, his work is in vain, right? But if he is playing a big game, not only your sister, but also Mr. Ge and you must be careful! "

Mrs. Li looked at Wen Yu and remained silent. Such a beautiful girl actually has such a brain... She really can't be judged by her appearance.

 Just like Yang Xiangdong…

 I have thought about it myself and told my father-in-law and husband about it.

The father-in-law also believes that when Yang Xiangdong does things, it will not be just two steps, but must be one step after another. But no matter how he tries, with his father-in-law here, his efforts may be in vain.

 But what if there is someone behind the scenes, including the father-in-law...

"Wen Yu...Thank you for your reminder. I appreciate your kindness. We will pay attention to this matter. As for the manpower you mentioned...actually, to tell you the truth, I really lack...

My father-in-law and my husband entered official careers based on scientific examinations, step by step, without any superpowers, they were all achieved through hard work. There are many capable subordinates, but there are really none who have this kind of talent. If it works... go and ask the person who is keeping an eye on this matter, can you leave one for me? "

Wen Yu smiled and said, "Let me ask for you. It shouldn't be a big problem!"

 “Thank you.” Mrs. Li also smiled.


 After two days of busy work, Qi Wu came back and told Wen Yu the good news: "The concubine is pregnant."

After hearing this, Wen Yu was happy for her, but also a little worried, "I asked someone to ask the general's family the day before yesterday, and they said there was no news!"

“My grandson said that he is very happy today.”

 “I’m happy... I hope he can protect her this time! I have to go and see her...”

When Wen Yu went there, Pingting had just finished losing her temper. When she saw her coming, her eyes were red: "What's wrong with me? I haven't been as arrogant as I am now since I was a child! I can't suppress it. I don’t want to be depressed at all, I only feel happy when I vent!”

“Could it be that your previous open-mindedness was just an act? Now that you’re pregnant, why don’t you just stop pretending?” Wen Yu teased her.

 “Talking nonsense!” Jiang Pingting was also embarrassed.

 Zhuzhu looked at her curiously: "How do you feel?"

“It’s nothing else. It’s the same for eating, drinking and sleeping. I just get angry if I can’t touch it...”

“Just tell Zhuzhu what you want to eat.”

 “It’s not that much, I’ll tell you if you have something to eat!”

“I brought you rice dumplings. I’m afraid you might find them greasy. I put dates and raisins in them. They’re very refreshing! Let’s heat one up for you to eat!”

 “Okay. Let’s heat up two of them!”

Zhuzhu took the palace maid to do some work, and Wen Yu asked, "Is that grandson-in-law going crazy?"

"When I came back from the palace, I was scolded. The Crown Princess also said harsh words in front of the grandson. She didn't dare to do anything for a moment. Besides, I'm not someone to be trifled with! Treat me like the concubine in front of me, that's She’s dreaming! I’m not afraid of making trouble!”

 “Do you want silver? I have a lot of silver…”

 “Uh…how about giving me some!”

Wen Yu originally just said that when she was doing business, she said she would give herself money.

At this moment, when I heard that Jiang Pingting was really... stunned.

Jiang Pingting didn't take it seriously and said, "Li Qihuan! He took away all the money in my hand!"

Wen Yu: "...he is so shameless to touch your dowry!"

 Pingting nodded in agreement...

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