Chapter 337 Relatives are coming

 Wei Xiangyu’s eldest brother Wei Zhikuan was really stunned when he heard the news of his sister’s death.

Originally, he thought Yang Xiangdong had a calm temperament and ruthless methods. My own sister is not easy to get along with, but no matter what, the two of them can still achieve a good result.

 Unexpectedly, the girl died in such a tragic way.

Yang Xiangdong only told him this fact. But there is no explanation or response at all!

 This idiot, what did he do?

So, he quickly asked his wife to pack her things: "I have to go to Beijing quickly to see what happened."

His wife ordered people to clean it up for him, and said: "My sister still has a lot of money and objects in her hands. When she left, we blackmailed it from Song Shang, and she had to go back to the capital!" The yard is also quite neat..."

"I know! At that time, seeing that Yang Xiangdong had face, I didn't care much about her."

 To say that Wei Zhikuan received the news, he was still a little shocked and disappointed.

His wife, however, couldn't hide her happy smile: "Also, when she was in the Song family, she also saved a lot of money. I know that it is stored in Chengxin Gold Bank! I will go to find out right away. You can get it locally. The Yamen got the certificate of her death and needed it when they went to the bank to redeem it.

In addition, let’s not mention her jewelry, just the clothes... there are more than one piece of leather worth tens of thousands taels! These are incredible! "

After saying that, she became anxious again, "Wei Jinheng held a funeral for her in the capital and took a chance. I don't know how much he swallowed! You can't let him go in vain. Find a witness from her maid first..." If it doesn’t work, just fight or sue the authorities! We all split up! If Wei Xiangyu dies, everything belongs to us!”

 “Okay, okay, I get it!”

So he hurried to the capital and first went to Wei Xiangyu's small courtyard. Sure enough, his cousin occupied the courtyard.

When he entered the house, he looked very unhappy. He walked around the house and found that it was really "clean". None of his valuables were gone.

He sat there with a bang and said with full force, "Where's the money? Where's the stuff? Tell me..."


 Song Chihan was informed of the news of his uncle's arrival.

Song Chihan took the girl and mother-in-law and accompanied by Song Tao to the small courtyard.

Wei Zhikuan looked at Song Chihan, who was dressed in plain clothes and pretending to be in the show, and his eye circles turned red...

Song Tao chuckled secretly and said from the side: "Song Tao is going to put some incense sticks on the late sister-in-law. You talk to Chi Han first." He walked out.

Wei Zhikuan, thinking of what he said to his mysterious person yesterday... forced a sad smile to Song Chihan and said in a deep voice: "Hanhan, uncle is here."

 He felt that he was quite sensational, but Song Chihan was unmoved and looked at him coldly.

 This little girl’s movie!

"You are my only niece... Think carefully about whether you should go home with your uncle or continue to live in the Song family."

Song Chihan was a little stunned. She thought that this uncle was just here to rob her mother's property! Isn’t that what cousin is?

 Auntie only cares about money! My mother used to talk about it a lot...

 So, when she came, she was not nice to Wei Zhikuan.

Hearing this, he wanted to take him away: "You want to take me away?" His dark eyes widened.

"Your stepmother has already entered the house. There is no good stepmother in this world! You are too young to take care of yourself. If you stay alone in the Song family, your mother's spirit in heaven will not be at ease."

Song Chihan's eyes turned red when he heard this.

Wei Zhikuan still said: "We are too far away, and my uncle won't know what happens to you. So, I hope you will follow. Although the Wei family is not as wealthy as the Song family, it is your mother's natal family after all. No one will plot against you. Restrain you!"

 As he spoke, he looked at the little girl's face.

 Actually, the original official of the Wei family did a good job, otherwise he would have strangled Song Shang to marry his sister. It's just that in recent years, he has been relatively unlucky and his tenure has not been smooth. Several pitfalls were stepped on, and Song Shang was extorted from so much money, and all he had to do was fill it...

 He didn’t know, how could Song Shang hope that the Wei family would rise? He also has some hidden traps. The big one is inconvenient to move, but the small one is easy to operate. Therefore, the Wei family has been ups and downs, going in circles.

Song Chihan was suddenly moved. After all, he was his mother's brother. Although his aunt was short-sighted, his uncle was still a good person...

"I won't leave! This is my home, why should I leave?!" She suddenly said excitedly, tears streaming down one by one.

Wei Zhikuan looked surprised, but nodded and said happily: "Well done! For you to be able to say this at such a young age, my uncle is surprised and relieved... It seems that you are smarter and stronger than your mother." "How many points." He took out his cotton handkerchief and handed it over.

Song Chihan didn't take it, but took out his own... the best quality brocade, thick and heavy, extremely white, you can smell the fragrance as soon as you unfold it...

“…” Uncle Wei cursed in his heart and silently took back the veil he had used twice…

"But...the separation of your parents will have a big impact on you. If your mother is still here, although she can't live together. But, even if you are slightly wronged, she can come to the door. The Song family has scruples, so they don't dare to How about you. But now...she's gone...I'm afraid you won't be able to cope with it and you'll suffer a big loss..."

Song Chihan said bitterly: "It's nothing... Now, I'm like an orphan, what else am I afraid of? The worst case... I'll give them a life for a life!"

Wei Zhikuan was shocked: "Look at you at such a young age, what are you talking about?"

 “That’s right!” Song Chihan’s face was full of arrogance.

"Do you have the strength? Does anyone have money? Is there any way?" Wei Zhikuan asked her, but something moved in his heart...

Yesterday the mysterious man came to him and said that someone was dealing with the Song family.

At first I was quite happy to hear it and agreed to help if I had the chance. But now think about it... What good will it do to me after they deal with the Song family? No one can swallow it, but it’s not their turn! Moreover, the crime was so great that this little girl couldn't even run away, and she might even end up eating melon too!

 But what if...Song Shang would die now! ?

 The orphans and widowers behind him, I hold Song Chihan in my hand, the Song family...

 He showed a meaningful smile.

   Girl Song Chihan, although she claims to be extremely smart, how can she see this? He also said bitterly: "I can't beat them...but I can drug that woman so that she can't give birth to a child!"

Wei Zhikuan was really surprised... This girl's strength is not bad.

But he shook his head slightly and said, "What's the use? Wouldn't your father marry again? Wouldn't he take concubines? If his uncle hadn't suppressed him for so many years, he would have had many children..."

 Actually, he can't understand this now. He didn't think the Wei family could really capture Song Shang. The girl can't really confuse him... No, it really won't work!

 But if this is the case, all ten of his eight sons should have come out... Weird!

" there any medicine that can prevent even my father from giving birth?" Song Chihan thought for a while and asked.

Wei Zhikuan was filled with joy and smiled bitterly: "Little girl, if there is one, can you do it?"

"Why not?" Song Chihan's eyes shone: "He drove my mother away, killed her, and then immediately married another man. He only wanted to have a son! Does he take me seriously? He is sorry for me, why should I You can’t harm him!”

"Uncle knows that you are angry, and your hatred is justified. But, how can a person like your father be harmed so easily? He is what he is today, smart, cautious, bold, and ruthless. No one can Quite a bit. What can you do as a little girl?"

"What can I do... I can make him not be wary!" Song Chihan figured it out and became excited, "Yes, that's it! He never thought that I would do anything to him!"

 The tears were not dry, and a smile appeared on her little face.

"At that time...he will only have my daughter! No matter how busy and hard he works, no matter how high the title is, no matter how much money he earns, it will be mine alone!" His little face was red, thinking about the bright future.

 Confident and determined!

Uncle Wei looked at her and shook his head in disbelief: "I didn't expect that you... have such a character. It seems that you have absorbed the advantages of your parents... I have to admire you."

 “Uncle.” Song Chihan truly called out. Ever since I thought that this uncle was not for my mother's property, but for caring about her, I regarded him as my elder... no, as my helper.

"Can you help me? Help me find medicine, help me find a way?" After Song Chihan asked, he persuaded him: "Don't look at my grandmother who loves me so much now! Then she doesn't have a grandson yet. When she has a grandson, I'm afraid I She will forget who it is!

 My father is busy outside every day and rarely comes home. He seems gentle to me, but I don't feel his love. Now, the stepmother has entered the door... As you said, how can there be a good stepmother in the world? Moreover, I have offended her a long time ago! So, how can I live my life? "

Wei Zhikuan hesitated...

Song Chihan said anxiously: "If I really want to leave with you...I'm afraid, they are still eager to be happy! But what do I want? Just like my mother, it is easy to go out, but it is difficult to come back! Why? Song Chihan This home is mine..." She whimpered, "I won't leave! I know they don't like me, so I'll disgust them here!"

"Okay, okay, little girl, don't get excited! My uncle will be here to celebrate the New Year anyway. This is no small matter. Uncle, think about it, and you should think about it again. No matter what, I am your dearest person now, you Whatever you want to do, as long as you think about it, my uncle will definitely help you make it happen!”

"Okay, let's make it a deal! You are my uncle...I'm good, and you can't be any worse!"

Song Chihan actually didn’t forget the many benefits…

Uncle Wei grinned: Why do I feel that this girl is not so easy to control?

However, there are many examples of newborn calves doing great things.

A little girl like her, a eldest lady, has people respecting her, but no one is guarding her... As long as things are done, I can't do anything with her as a little girl?

  Throughout the month of March, I made more than 5,000 updates every day, and there was no reward at all on the platform...


I want to update it every day from now on, dear friends, how about that?

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