Chapter 345 The past goes with the wind

Song Shang picked up two lanterns from the side and lit them.

Hand one to Wen Yu, go out of the back door of the living room and walk to the backyard.

  Early when Song Shang was lighting the lantern, Song Tao quickly backed away, tiptoeing, and hid behind the huge water-filled stone next to the small backyard. I felt the soles of my shoes were a little noisy, so I quickly took them off. There was movement even when the silk clothes were rubbing against each other, so he took off his jade pendant belt and took off his clothes. Hug it in my arms, clinging to the stone...

Wen Yu looked at the silent backyard, "Why is it so quiet? Where are the people?"

Song Shang said angrily: "Even a servant has the right to celebrate the New Year, right?!"

Seeing that he didn't speak well, Wen Yu asked again: "Where is Song Tao? Is he still staying in the capital?"

Song Tao held his breath when he heard Wen Yu mentioning him.

"That's your cousin too! Why did you mention him in this tone?" Song Shang said dissatisfied.

Wen Yu thought, "I don't like him. What's wrong with his tone?"

Song Tao: "..." Did I offend her by touching her?

"Did he provoke you? Every time I see you, you smile and are extremely polite!" Song Shang was speaking for Song Tao.

 “Hey, is this rare for me, madam?” Wen Yu said arrogantly.

Song Shang was very nice at this moment: "Taodi is humble, smart, and does things properly. He is a good helper for me. When you mention him again, don't be so contemptuous."

  "You care about me? He is petty and has no great wisdom. He is as careless as the lotus pods in your lake..."

 The two people talked and turned a corner.

Song Tao scolded Wen Yu in his mind and watched them turn a corner before slowly following them.

 Bitch! Do I care about you?

 Do you care about Song Shang? Humph, I took advantage of him for a long time, then turned around and married into the Hou Mansion. Aren’t you the one who praises the superior and disdains the inferior? It's ridiculous that Song Shang, an idiot, has been eyeing his sweetheart for so many years, only to watch her marry someone else. If it were me, I would have taken action!

 Humbling words...shameless! A man and a woman alone, alone in a room in the middle of the night, and they are so close to each other and biting their ears, there must be no bad intentions! I want to add this matter to Song Shang's case later to see what will happen to you bitch!

 Hey, are they going to the warehouse? What were the two of them talking about just now? Why come to the warehouse on New Year's Eve?

 Song Shang and Wen Yu have arrived at the door of the warehouse, which is Song Shang's private treasury.

 He reached out and took out a rope from his neck. There were several bunches of keys hanging on one end of the rope.

Wen Yu originally felt heavy in his heart, but when he saw this scene, he felt a little funny again, "Rich man, do you have the keys tied to your ribs?"

Song Shang turned back to glare at her again, and handed the lantern in his hand, "Hold it higher, so you can't see it in the dark!"

"It's still dark? There are lights around the door. Besides, it's just a door. What else do you want to see?"

"Do not talk nonsense!"

Wen Yu held the lantern with one hand high and one low, illuminating the door.

Song Shang first used the key to open an iron window nearby. Wen Yu curiously looked around and saw three dials inside.

Song Shang dialed the first one, his movements were slow and clear, nine turns to the right, followed by the second one, five turns to the left.

 “What are you doing?” he said, Wen Yu asked strangely, is it still so complicated?

 Furthermore, why is he moving so slowly? Even I understood how to open it. Seeing that he was about to switch to the third one, I wanted to say to him again: "How did you..."

Song Shang turned around again, "Shut up, do you want to go in?!"

“Okay, okay, why don’t I stop saying it?”

Song Shang was making the third turn, even more slowly. He turned six times to the right, paused, and then turned two times to the left...

Wen Yu suddenly understood. Could it be that he was showing it to Song Tao?

 Ouch, my cousin is cunning!

After turning it around, Song Shang pushed it, and the two black doors opened silently.

The two of them went in. Wen Yu picked up the lantern and saw large boxes and tall shelves. It was hard to see what was on them.

Walking straight forward, when he came to a shelf, Song Shang stretched out his hand and pulled hard without knowing where to hit. With a bang, the shelf separated and a secret door appeared. He turned the key a few more times. It was too dark here. The hole is too small, even if Wen Yu stands nearby, he can't see clearly.

Song Tao didn't dare to enter the warehouse door. He huddled outside and peeked. Until the secret door was revealed, he became excited. What was there? He really followed and looked, but couldn't. If a bad person is locked up here, it will be over.

It didn’t take long, Wen Yu illuminated the front, and Song Shang was carrying a box in his arms. It was not small, but it seemed to have no weight.

Song Tao hurriedly hid.

The two of them left the warehouse. Song Shang put down the box and closed the warehouse door. There was a click. He pushed it again, but the door didn't move at all. Turn around and close the small iron window and lock it.

 Pick up the box and leave.

No one was around anymore. Song Tao came out and looked at the warehouse door. He remembered the opening method just now. MILF has a way with keys.

 After pondering for a while, Xu Er could get Madam Xu’s key no matter what. Just open the first door and put that thing in. Just wait until the next year, and the case outside will be closed.

 Thanks to that **** Wen Yu, I understand the method of opening it!

 In the front study room, Wen Yu carefully looked at the oak box in front of him, feeling a little excited.

Song Shang opened it, and there were several pieces of paper on the top. "This is written on how to use the medicine. Give this to Qi Wu and ask him to show it to the grandson. The two of us will go to another hospital to prepare. If he thinks it is feasible, we will Come on. If you can’t believe it... forget it!”

Wen Yu took the paper and said, "As long as this is used, don't show up."

"Oh, my body fell into the well, but I can still hang my ears? Stop talking nonsense. You have to take Dr. Huang with you when you go. Do you think everything will be over once you take the medicine? You don't know how dangerous the process is. !”

 “Cousin...” Wen Yu was very moved. "You're here, go and give it to him, and then you tell me what's going on!"

Wen Yu went out and handed the paper to Qi Wu.

 She had been in there for so long that Qi Wu was anxious to death, "This is..."

Wen Yu said: "Show it to His Highness, and don't talk too much, because no one knows what the result will be! My cousin and I went to another hospital to prepare, but my cousin said he had to bring Doctor Huang with him."

Qi Wu nodded and went to the East Palace without saying a word.


Song Shang returned to the inner courtyard again. Song Tao was waiting for him at the door, "Fifth brother!"

 “Why are you here?”

 “I drank a little too much, let’s relax for a while! Wait for the fifth brother to come and continue.”

Song Shang smiled and walked into the house, "There is something urgent. I can't drink today! Mother, my son has to go out. I will talk to you when I get back!"

 Mrs. Song is very kind and knows that her son is going to do big things. Therefore, don’t blame, don’t pester and ask questions, just nod directly. "There won't be any trouble on patrol, right?"


 Song Shang left. Song Tao really wanted to follow them to see what they were doing, but he definitely couldn't...

 Mrs. Song explained to Yao Ruotong: "He is like this sometimes. But don't worry..." Yao Ruotong watched his mother-in-law act and gained a better understanding of how to get along with her husband.

Song Shang called Dr. Huang. The little old man was drinking happily with several aides.

 When we arrived at the other courtyard of the East Palace, the manager was shocked. Is this the day when someone comes to the door? He didn't answer the letter!

Wen Yu calmly said to the steward: "Can you please open the prince's palace, burn the walls, and heat the water. Also, there is a package of medicine here, which needs to be boiled in a large oil-free pot. It is a medicinal bath. In a moment, Your Highness the Grandson Come and use it. I will make the decision here without permission. If my grandson blames me, I will bear it."

 The steward hesitated and said, "Then you can't go in!"

 “Just prepare as I say, I won’t go in!”

 The steward made a decision, directed his men to work, and personally took Dr. Huang to the kitchen to cook the medicinal soup.

Yibai heard that they were coming and came out lame to welcome them.

 Lanzhou went to Wen's house to celebrate the New Year. Wen Yu and Yibai asked about Master Wenqing, and then said, "We are having a conversation in Yibai's room."

Song Shang sat there and said, "Wen Yu, you have to explain to me today no matter what!"

Wen Yu sat down and sighed: "Who would have thought that on New Year's Eve, the two of us would be sitting here talking about this?"

"Speak quickly, they may be arriving in a while. I can't speak clearly, and I will die in a hurry..."

"Bah! There are no taboos!" Wen Yu blamed him for speaking without restraint on New Year's Eve.

"Cousin..." Wen Yu has avoided talking about this topic with him since his rebirth, but he did not go around it after all.

 “Do you believe that people are reborn?”

She thought Song Shang would call her nonsense, but unexpectedly, Song Shang said: "There are many wonderful things in this world, and many legends are true, but we have not encountered them ourselves."

 “But I, I met...”

Song Shang looked at Wen Yu silently.

"The reason is unknown! In fact, if you think about it carefully, I didn't have much time to take care of myself in my previous life, and I didn't do many good deeds. I don't know why, but I got such an opportunity."

So Wen Yu recounted his experiences in the previous life.

Song Shang was calm on the surface, but his heart was exploding like thunder.

 “No wonder…” After listening to this, Song Shang was so calm that even his gentle words were strange.

"No wonder you know so many things. Moreover, you refused to stay with me no matter what. It turns out that I once dragged you here, but failed to take good care of you. I made you suffer so much, I'm sorry... "

Wen Yu shook his head: "Actually, there are many things that you have no control over. I feel sorry for you and don't blame you. It's just that neither of us can go back to the old path in this life. It's too painful..."

Song Shang said: "I know, it's good like this now. I, I'll go for a walk outside..."

He didn't know how to get out of the house. He saw a high pavilion outside the yard. He rushed up to it in three steps and two steps at a time, tears streaming down his face.

Looking up at the sky in the capital city, thousands of lights are shining brightly, and there are so many people laughing and talking...

 It turns out that I once had her...but I made her suffer so much.

"I can't blame her. I didn't care about her and followed her around without any power to fight back. I owed her a debt in the previous life. I once had such a wonderful life..."

This feeling should be called heartbreaking, right?

After Song Shang rushed out in panic, Wen Yu bent down and covered her eyes with her hands. She couldn't accept him, and she also had her own lover, but this feeling was not pleasant...

At this moment, in the Yibai room, a tinkling sound came from the piano.

Song Shang on the pavilion and the gentle words in the room closed their eyes, letting the good and bad past events fly up to the sky with the sound of the piano, and slowly dissipated in the wind of the capital...

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