Chapter 35 The warm man No. 1

Liu Lanfang thought of the fat boy who smiled as if the sun was shining on his face, and his nose became sore again.

At that time, her parents were still there and she was still young. Children from the same house often played together. She liked Zhang Jiangqing’s...

 After her parents passed away, she also thought: If she could marry him, she and her brother would be settled.

What a pity... She knew that Zhang Jiangqing's favorite was Ah language.

“Afang, where is your uncle?”

" grandfather disliked my uncle's incompetence and was very kind to my mother. My mother gave me a lot of dowry when she got married. My uncle and aunt had such a quarrel that they made my grandparents very angry. Later, my grandparents died and my mother went back to attend the funeral. , they still want to fight against my mother in front of the coffin! My parents died, and they didn’t even come!”

“…” Wen Yu was also helpless, “Then do you have any property in your hands now?”

Lan Fang shook her head, "My parents passed away, and my uncle took over the property. My aunt said that I would keep the valuable things for me first, so I took them away. There are also some things that I use for daily use, for my brother's food and illness... I didn't think it was thoughtful enough, so I didn't bother to tell my eldest aunt, so I added a lot more. I don't have much left at the moment." She smiled bitterly.

“Well, it would be great if there is one. You can transfer it out and hide some of it first. Even if you get married, you can’t bring all of it to your husband’s family until everything is stable..."

Lan Fang was frustrated, "My father left suddenly, and I didn't have time to explain. When my mother left, I was still young...all..." After thinking about it, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Ayu, I just remembered it after you said it: Before my mother passed away, she once told me that there was a loyal servant of my grandmother living there with her paralyzed son, and she left things for my brother and me."

She burst into tears and was very excited, "Yes, yes! My mother is ill and she is afraid that she will die early. My father will marry another person, and our stepmother will ruin our siblings... She told me that she left something for us without telling my father, but I I completely forgot about it! Oh my god! Mother..."

She started to cry, "I was still young at that time...I didn't even understand what it meant. Ayu, my mother...I miss my mother!"

Wen Yu hurriedly coaxed her in a low voice, but Liu Lanfang thought about her mother still thinking about herself and her brother during her illness, and then thought about her experiences over the years, she could no longer control herself, and cried bitterly in Wen Yu's arms.

Although Liu Lanzhou didn't look at them, he knew that his sister was crying. She looked nervous and started to tremble.

Yan Zhu quickly shouted: "Miss Lanfang, stop crying, don't scare Lan Zhou!"

Wen Yu hugged her gently and said, "Stop crying."

Liu Lanfang quickly wiped her tears and smiled at her younger brother: "Sister is playing with Sister Yu! It's okay."

 Liu Lanzhou was unhappy and pursed his lips. Yan Zhu quickly showed him the purse Wen Yu made for Lan Fang...

Wen Yu said: "Somehow, my aunt is protecting you siblings in the sky! Fortunately you didn't think of it, otherwise, the news might have been exposed..."

"Yes, yes, even my father doesn't know about this...Ayu, do you have a place to store it for me? I'm worried that my eldest aunt is going to arrange a nuclear abortion for me, and what if she finds out..." She looked again With a gentle look and a wry smile, he said, "Look at me, you can't even take care of yourself!"

"Don't underestimate me! I'm different from before." After Wen Yu finished speaking, his face was cold: "Before my father left, he had to give me my mother's dowry. In this way, I will have my own place. Does your thing take up a lot of space? Let me arrange it!”

“I don’t know anything about it.”

"It doesn't matter, just pick up the important things and move them away." Wen Yu thought and said, "It's just that I don't have anyone on hand right now. I'll ask Zhang Jiangqing for a while. If there's any news, I'll contact you right away. When you go home, please Stay calm. If you can, postpone the engagement."

 Liu Lanfang nodded gently.

 The two held hands and talked for a long time.

Seeing Liu Lanzhou yawning, he said, "He's sleepy. I'll take him back to the car first. I'll leave everything to you."

“Well, Afang, I know the world is difficult, but we don’t have parents to love us, so we have to be stronger. Just endure it, grit your teeth, and maybe you can get through it. You have to be careful and considerate..."

"I know."

Wen Yu sent them to the second door and looked at Lan Fang supporting his brother as he walked away...he couldn't help but cry.

There is a Mrs. Wang over there, who was acquainted with Liu Lanfang's mother earlier. She has an unmarried young son at home. Missing their previous friendship, she wants Liu Lanfang to be her daughter-in-law. Just now, she expressed it to Mrs. Liu. The desire to get married.

As a result, Mrs. Liu pretended not to understand, and said to Mrs. Wang: "My second brother only has one son and one daughter. I treat them more carefully than my own children. Alas, Lan Zhou is not in good health, where is A Fang?" , I don’t want her to marry outside! My nephew is a motivated person..."


 The sound of footsteps interrupted Wen Yu's melancholy thoughts.

  Turning around, he saw Yan Zhu and a tall, slightly fat man standing over there.

Wen Yu was surprised that he had grown so tall!

Zhang Jiangqing stood outside the pavilion politely. Clothing and footwear are neat, but not luxurious. With her hair **** properly, she looked at Wen Yu and looked at herself, then bowed as she came up.

Thick eyebrows, dark eyes, a smile like the warm sun, revealing the dimple on his right cheek.

 “Sister Ayu!” His voice was gentle with a hint of joy.

Wen Yu stood up and said, "Brother Jiang Qing, how are you always?"

"Okay! I'm fine. Sister Ayu... you..." The words "so beautiful" almost came out of his mouth. He stopped in time, despised himself, and changed his words: "You asked my sister to come to me, I..." I was very happy. Unable to speak any words, he coughed and said, "Uh... I haven't congratulated my sister yet..."

 Oops, her eldest brother is getting married, what should I congratulate her on?

 He lost the calmness that he had managed to maintain and turned red in the face.

 How do you not know that he likes you?

 The family tradition of the Zhang family is very good, Mr. Zhang is an honest official, Mrs. Zhang is generous and kind, and Xiaomei Zhang is innocent and innocent. Even my cousin Zhang Weiqing is very smart and steady.

In my last life, if I could enter the Zhang family, it would be a lifetime of happiness. But in this life... I have a wish that I want to achieve, which Zhang Jiangqing cannot give me. Maybe it will affect him and even implicate the Zhang family!

 This approach may not be tolerated by people like the Zhang family.

 So, Zhang Jiangqing, I’m sorry.

 However, he is the best person to do some things at hand now. I came to him just to take advantage of his likes... The guilt only lasted for a moment, Wen Yu calmed down, the big deal is, I will find a way to return it in the future!

“Brother Jiang Qing, please sit down!” Wen Yu smiled and said, “Lan Fang came with his brother just now.”

"Oh? My brother is here too? Are you leaving?" Zhang Jiangqing relaxed a little when Wen Yu spoke very naturally, and walked into the pavilion generously and sat down.

“My brother ate and drank a lot and felt sleepy, so Lan Fang took him away.”

Yan Zhu came over and said, "Girl, the bride is here!"

Seeing her eyes shining, he said warmly: "Go and watch the excitement! Just don't forget what I said, and come back as soon as possible after watching it."

Yan Zhu ran away quickly.

Zhang Jiangqing smiled and took out a brocade box, "I didn't get any news about your birthday two months ago. I prepared a gift, but it's not convenient to send it specially. My sister and I are thinking about it. And you!"

Wen Yu was moved that there were still people who cared about her.

 “Thank you, Brother Jiang Qing.”

 “Sister Ayu, don’t be so polite...”

“Brother Jiang Qing, I heard that you went to the Yamen to work?”

"Yes. Sister Ayu, you know... I'm not as good at reading as some of my brothers. Father, I found this job for me. Now I just have to do things first, and I won't be able to get the job until the end of the year. These are the things I like to do, I can definitely do a good job. I believe it won't be too bad in the future..." He gave Wen Yu a head start.

“Well, I believe Mr. Zhang’s vision! If Brother Jiang Qing starts working now, he will have more experience than others, and his abilities will gradually increase. These will support you to go higher. In the future, your future may not be worse than taking the Jinshi exam!"

When Zhang Jiangqing heard this, his eyes shone, and he did not praise her like gold: "That's what my father said. Sister Ayu is a middle-aged girl with such a high vision, which is really admirable!"

Wen Yu felt guilty and quickly changed the subject, "Brother Jiang Qing, I came to you today for a few things to see if you can help!?"

 Let me do something?

How many more pieces do you have...

 “Yes! Definitely!” Zhang Jiangqing was ecstatic.

"..." Wen Yu still felt guilty, "Well... one thing is about Hongdou, which is Yan Zhu. That's right, back then, her mother followed her father back to Beijing. When there was a flood, my grandmother rescued her. But her husband was nowhere to be seen. , she had nowhere to go. Her mother stayed with her, and she sympathized with her and did not ask her mother to sign a deed of prostitution. "

"Oh, I see!"

"Yes, my mother passed away later, and her mother also passed away. Only Yanzhu was left."

 “Didn’t her mother go to find her husband’s house?”

"I heard that something happened to her father's family and she ended up living here. Strictly speaking, her father is the son-in-law. So, it doesn't make much sense to get her back. It's just that Yan Zhu's mother left her a piece of jade, saying it was her It belongs to my father. Look at the condition. It is not an ordinary item.

Yan Zhu has been with me all this time and has reached marriage age. My uncle agreed to recognize her as his adopted daughter. This is the certificate written by my uncle. Brother Jiang Qing, I want you to see if you can use this to settle her down? She is older than me, and I am afraid that my grandmother will treat her as a slave and allow her to be taken out at will. "

“Sister Ayu, it’s really rare that you can think of these things despite your age!” He said with admiration and admiration on his face.

 “I’m an adult now. There are definitely more things to think about.”

 Yes, I’m an wish is about to come true! He said beautifully: "This matter shouldn't be difficult. Give me this letter and I will take care of it."

Wen Yu nodded and handed the letter to him. "The second thing...before my father goes to the capital, he wants to give me my mother's dowry. After taking it, I may have to make some new plans. We have a Cailuan Pavilion here, and I like the craftsmanship of Master Qing there. I want to ask my brother to check her background so that I can find an opportunity to recruit her if I want to open a shop in the future."

“…” She just said that about poaching people?

 Zhang Jiangqing really had a new understanding of her.

 It seems that they didn’t treat me as an outsider! His eyes narrowed as he smiled.

“Okay, Master Qing from Cailuan Pavilion, I remember it!”

 “Then the third one is Afang’s matter...”

After Wen Yu explained the matter in detail, she took out the gold and silver given by Guan. She really had to use these, and she had nothing in her hand...

 But Zhang Jiangqing refused to take it, and the two of them pushed each other around, but they didn't notice...

 Behind the flower tree, there are people who are already very angry...

More than 3,000 words have been updated. Please support me.



 (End of this chapter)

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