Chapter 365 Chapter 361 Happy and happy

Wen Yu went to another courtyard and observed Master Qing carefully by the bedside.

Yibai looked very happy, his whole body was shining.

"Last time, the imperial doctor came to take the pulse of His Highness the Crown Prince. His Highness asked him to check with my aunt, perform acupuncture, and teach him a set of techniques. He told me to talk to my aunt more often, call her name, and massage her more. It only takes a few days. Kung Fu, he actually had such a reaction. After all, he is an imperial doctor, he is really good at it!"

Wen Yu looked at Master Qing and said happily: "As long as we start, we will wake up quickly! This is really good news."

Qi Wu came, and Wen Yu kept telling him about the subtle changes. After watching Master Qing, the two went to tell the royal father and son about the rumors outside. The grandson's face would change, but the prince chuckled. Suddenly Someone came in and said, "Your Highness, Mrs. Qi Wu's subordinate Li Jiang is here, saying there is something urgent."

Wen Yu was stunned for a moment and stood up: "Your Highness, I'll go take a look first."

Li Jiang was standing outside the courtyard gate, walking back and forth, obviously anxious. Seeing Wen say: "Madam!"

"What happened?"

Li Jiang then told what happened, "Mrs. Qi is afraid that you and the fifth master will be punished by the marquis, so she asked you not to go back yet. She has already sent someone to the Cui family to call someone, and said there is no need to worry about her!"

Wen Yu couldn't help but regret a little. What the Marquis just said yesterday was forgotten today when he was happy and dragged his mother in.

 Turn around and call Qi Wu at the door. The two of them muttered a few words and then said goodbye to the grandson.

On the way, Wen's words were a little dull: "I was a little forgetful and burdened my mother."

Qi Wu smiled and patted her: "It's nothing. In fact, grandfather may be like this because he feels that things are not as good as he imagined, so he is trying to think of something, either looking for this or that. You don't have to feel guilty. It's just that I feel sorry for my mother. , She has been unhappy in the Qi family, so let’s take this opportunity to make peace with her!”

Wen Yu frowned: "Heli? Make room for Xiuyun? What are you thinking about? You didn't do it twenty years ago and you do it now?! Tsk... What about you and Qi Xiao? Do you think mother can really take you away? When the time comes , why don’t you call that **** mother?

I couldn't bear it anyway, I just burned incense and prayed, hoping that what I thought would be true, and then this big-headed scratcher incited them! Oh, finally, Qi Youyi, he has to choose one of the beauties, and if he has to choose his sweetheart, he should get out of the Qi family! "

Although Qi Wu was worried about his mother, he smiled happily after hearing Wen Yu's words.


The Cui family received the news, but the old general and the eldest son of the family went out. Mrs. Cui did not take it seriously and specifically told the messenger, "Don't be too nervous when I tell the old general later. The old man is old and he has It’s not a big deal, don’t shock him.”

Mr. Cui made an appointment with an old friend today. The restaurant has not opened yet, but the chefs have come back one after another. He has not been out of the restaurant for more than ten days, so Song Shang specially asked someone to cook some dishes for him.

 As a result, the food didn’t arrive, but the family called for it. Nothing was as important as my daughter, so I sighed and went home.

 When he got home, after waiting for a while, his eldest son and his fourth son came back together.

 For such a thing, Mrs. Cui will of course come and prepare to get in the car at the door. County Lord Huiyi also arrives.

The old man looked at it and said, "Okay, that's almost enough. Let's go!" With a wave of his hand, he went to Qi's house.

In the backyard of Qi's family, Qi Youyi thought this was a God-given opportunity and ran to Tan's house. Mrs. Tan originally wanted to have a drink, but she was in a good mood, so she had a few more.

When Qi Youyi arrived, she smiled brightly: "Boss! My mother didn't hide it from you. It's been a great time for us two after so many years!"

Qi Youyi saw Tan's behavior and felt that there should be a way to get what he wanted... "Mother, look at Cui! She usually disrespects you and me, but this time, she even dares to intercept my father!

Since you have said everything, my son wants you to tell your father to make peace with her, right? In that way, the son can straighten Xiuyun. Our family is harmonious and beautiful, how wonderful is it? "

Mr. Tan didn't even think about it just now, but now that he was begging before her eyes, she thought about it seriously, weighing the gains and losses in her heart.

"Mother, my son is different from my third brother. He has a small chest and no big ambitions. He just wants to live by Xiuyun. I have wronged her for so many years! If he can help her to be a good man before his death, and be worthy of a husband and wife... he will be buried in the future when he dies. together..."

"Bah, bah, bah! It's not even the New Year yet. Why are you alive and dead? You can't hold back your words!" Mrs. Tan feigned anger. “A true mother. This is what her son is thinking about.”

"Alas..." Mrs. Tan leaned back and said, "It's not my heart's wish for Xiuyun to become a wife one day! It's just..."

"Mother, look at Mrs. Cui's magnanimity. She doesn't care about being the wife of the Qi family. How can I care about her? Since we are estranged spouses, why do we have to be tied together?!"

"Boss, don't talk about me. Do you think the Marquis wants to see this? It's just that... Mrs. Cui gave birth to Qi Xiao and Qi Yang! You and Li Shi are young, but what about the two sons?"

"Humph, what should I do...If you want to stay in the Qi family, you must respect Xiuyun as your mother. If you don't want to, I won't force you to stay! You are kind-hearted and know how to think about them, but where is Qi Hua? Where is the kitten!"

Tan's eyes turned red, "My little kitten!" She took out a handkerchief and wiped her eyes, "Okay! Then use this opportunity to get things done!"

She thought to herself that she originally thought Cui had disdain for the title, but now, under the temptation of that **** Wen Yu, she also wanted to fight. If we really fight, with family rules in place, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to win!

This idiot in front of me is really easy to use.

“Youyi, you are such a good person! All these years, my mother’s love for you has not been in vain!”

Mother and son have reached an agreement, and they are happily together again.

Qi Hou was sitting and sulking, and they came again.

 “What’s the matter?” He was impatient.

Tan said to Qi Hou gently: "Master Hou, you can punish the younger generation even if you don't teach him! The only thing is, don't be angry. You see, I was very angry just now. I went back and had two drinks. These things The matter was immediately forgotten."

Qihou's expression softened a little, "You manipulated them all! Those who dare to contradict their elders like this are hard to find in the capital."

"Then what should I do? Everyone has their own difficulties, so please be considerate! Youyi... I can't find any fault in official matters. But in private matters, I am simple, sensitive and quite delicate. It's a pity that I met Cui Fengying, not Cui Fengying. Shi Duo is not good, but she is simple and rude in doing things. If there is a problem between the two of them, she will not give in or resolve it gently, but will cause trouble every time!

I have also told you about the past events. Now that things have happened, they and I have made mistakes, and so have I..."

Qi Youyi said hurriedly: "Mother! You are right! You are devoted to your son, and your son knows it. Father! Today we have talked to Cui Fengying to this extent. If we don't reconcile with her, it would be better to Afraid of his Cui family!"

Mrs. Tan also nodded: "Master Hou, Youyi has mentioned Heli several times, but I have always disagreed. However, if this family continues to be in such chaos, it will be really difficult to deal with it!"

The Marquis shook his head: "How can things be as easy as you say? There are many things involved in the marriage of families like ours! Besides, they are middle-aged and have grandchildren. Divorce? What about the son? What about the grandson? manage?"

“Father, Cui Fengying is the only one who is leaving. Qi Xiao and Qi Yang, what should we do!”


Tan persuaded: "Master Hou, you also said that Youyi is a man with grandchildren. He can't be such a coward all his life, right? There will always be times when things go well for him. If you are afraid that people in the capital will gossip, then there is no need to …”

Her eyes were full of emotion: "I remember that when the Marquis insisted on marrying me as a concubine, he was famous all over the capital..."

Qi Hou laughed dumbly, "What are you talking about in front of your son?"

Originally, this was just him taking advantage of the situation, suppressing Qi Yang and Cui Fengying to avoid causing trouble.

By all accounts, he really didn't care as much as last time.

As soon as I was stunned, there was chaos at the door. An old man with a red face walked in and laughed loudly: "Qi Zheng, is the good news I just heard true? Is my Fengying going to divorce your bastard?"

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