Chapter 37 Her true face

 Early the next morning, the Wen family gathered in the old lady’s house in the backyard, where the bride was coming to recognize her bride.

 Old man Wen and his wife sat in the first place. The Wen brothers and their wives sat on both sides, and the men of the next generation stood on one side and the women on the other.

 Everyone is a little excited.

Especially the little girls, with their heads half lowered and not daring to speak loudly, they only exchanged glances.

  The high-spirited groom walked in with his well-dressed bride.

This sister-in-law, whose surname is Li, is of medium height, with an oval face, curved eyebrows and red eyes, and a very upright appearance. Every action is very generous.

 Smiling shyly and steadily, he served tea to the two old men and his parents-in-law.

Mr. Wen had no expression on his face and said nothing. After receiving the gift, I gave him a red envelope.

Mrs. Wen was very satisfied with her eldest granddaughter-in-law. She had a kind face, gave her a few instructions, and gave her a beautiful brocade box.

 Wen Feng and Wu prepared a generous meeting gift for their daughter-in-law.

 After getting to know a few people, Mrs. Li gave the elders her needle and thread. Every girl got a pocket.

Wen Yu holds it in hand and looks at it carefully. The stitches are well-proportioned, the shape is regular, and the materials used are exquisite. It can be seen that this is a person who is fastidious but not outside the circle.

After the wedding, Mr. Wen was about to go out to meet friends. Of course, his third son would accompany him.

Wen Qian will be leaving in two days, and there are a lot of things to do. Only Wen Feng had nothing to do, and suddenly thought of the woman he met yesterday.

 I turned around inside and outside the house, but there was nothing. I planned to go to the garden again, but I met Hong Xing'er who had just met Grandma Xu.

Hong Xing'er caught Wen Yu's fault yesterday, but she didn't dare to go to the eldest lady rashly. She was so excited that she didn't even sleep well. I finally met Grandma Xu today, so I said it quickly.

Mother Xu was really surprised that this happened? I got excited after hearing this...

Looking at Hongxing's excited and eager eyes, she calmed down a little, and then took out the golden hairpin that she had prepared long ago from her pocket, "Well, Hongxing, you did a good job in this matter. This is a first-class girl." It’s what I need to do! My wife gave me the gold hairpin, so take it first! I told my wife that there will be a reward.”

"Thank you, mama!" Hong Xing'er took it with both hands. It was heavy and very delicate... her eyes lit up!

"Hong Xing'er, this matter is related to the reputation of the Wen family. Don't tell anyone else! If the news comes out, the old lady will be the first to beat you to death!"

Hong Xing'er's face turned pale, "I understand, mama."

The two of them separated after talking. Hongxing slipped back to the old lady's courtyard and happened to meet Wen Feng who was planning to go to the garden to find a beauty.

Wen Feng glanced at the scene with just one glance. Well, this girl is not bad either. She has a slim waist and looks pretty when she walks. But he was distracted by yesterday's surprising glimpse. Hongxing was so unsightly that he entered the garden without stopping.

The bride was chatting with the old lady. Mrs. Wu was very satisfied with her daughter-in-law and joined her there. Thinking that if the new daughter-in-law has a weak face and has something difficult to deal with, she will help her.

After seeing this, Wen Yu thought to himself: This second aunt is a rare and virtuous person. Every day is filled with mother-in-law, husband, children, and household chores... I have never faced her in my last life, so I don’t know what her true face is.

 When I have the manpower, I will go to Zhuangzi to see how she dealt with the Liu family!

The old lady smiled and said to Mrs. Li: "Although you are already married, in terms of age, you are not much different from their sisters. Our family does not have so many rules. When you settle down, just follow the younger sisters. Play everywhere.”

Mrs. Wu also said: "Grandma is charitable and never criticizes others harshly. Go and have a chat with their little sisters!"

Ms. Li responded gently and came among the sisters.

Wen Jiao obviously acted like a real sister-in-law, neither salty nor bland, and showed off her power to the new sister-in-law. Wen Huan is reserved and very polite. Try your best to get rid of the girlish state and prepare to appear in the capital as a lady.

Wen Yu quickly got along well with this elder sister-in-law.

Although she doesn’t do much, Li feels that she is easy to get along with. Although he didn't say much, it made Li feel like a spring breeze. Then, Wen Yu, Miss Hui, and Wen Su. The four of them were talking and laughing, having a good time. This made Wen Huan and Wen Jiao angry.


Back in the house, Nanny Xu quickly told Mrs. Yuan what Hongxing said.

Yuan's expression was dull, but her beautiful eyes were a little condensed: "Really?"  "Really! Hongxing also said that on the day of the eldest daughter's birthday, she received a gift from her young master. She looked at it and saw that it was a red coral hairpin! According to her, it’s so beautiful! Among all the people who come to the house, they have never seen Dai like this!”

Yuanshi murmured, "What does Song Shang mean?"

"I don't know, I don't know. But look at the gift that Mr. Song Wu gave a few days ago. It's novel, rare, and not cheap. But... it feels very normal! It's not as good as the red coral hairpin..." She didn't know how to describe it.

“…it means private.” Yuan had a sinister smile on her face and looked at the boxes stacked at the door. She knew that today or tomorrow, those things would leave her.

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean... Tsk! I really didn't expect that the big girl would be so... shameless!" Aunt Xu looked mean.

 “Hmph! You little bitch!” Yuan cursed with a ferocious face.

 These words could come out of Yuan's mouth, which shocked Aunt Xu. She has watched Yuan grow up, but she has never uttered a dirty word for decades...

"That's right! You'll tell the adults soon! Let the old lady and the adults take care of her! If you don't want to kill her, you have to send her to the temple! In this way, you don't have to hand over those things!"

Yuanshi was speechless after hearing this and summed it up carefully...

 Mother Xu did not dare to say any more.

 After a while, Yuan shook his head. "Not yet!"

 “Madam! This is a great opportunity! Let’s take advantage of it!”

Yuan still shook his head, "There are a few things. The first one is that the old man is here and this scandal cannot be exposed at this time. The other one is what happened to Huan'er last time... You may still be unhappy in your heart. Don't add anything to it before you digest it. New trouble. Third, the account was about to be handed over, but I exposed this, it seems like it was a trap because I didn't want to hand over the account. Oh! If... that girl can counterattack, it will be troublesome. ”

After hearing this, Grandma Xu suddenly realized. "My wife is still smart and thoughtful."

"Yes. And... although the adults don't say much, I also know that Song Shang is very important to the Wen family! If he is interested in Wen Yu, the old lady and even the old man will never do anything to offend him. Finally. I don’t know what it will be like!” She said with sarcasm.

“What can we do? Let the eldest girl become a concubine?! How is this possible? Sir, this cannot be justified!”

“That depends on Song Shang’s intention and handwriting! If he wants it, he can get it if he is willing to give up. In the future, when the Wen family goes to the capital, who will remember this!"

“Then, then we got such a letter for nothing?” Nanny Xu was unwilling to accept it.

Yuanshi smiled coldly, "It won't be in vain. Isn't there also Webster? That's a great one!"

“You mean to tell Mrs. Song Wu this letter?”

 “The person next to the old lady can just be used.”

“You mean, go around in a circle and hand the letter over?”

"Of course." Yuan walked to the table, held the pen in his left hand, thought for a moment, and then wrote a few lines on a piece of paper. What’s funny is that her husband doesn’t even know that she can also write with her left hand!

After finishing the writing, I read it over and then said: "In a few days, the old lady will go to the Song family. You ask that person to find a way and let Webster get the letter... We have already left by then. No one can think of it. Let’s reveal the news!”

 “This is a great idea, madam!”

"Haha, Yew's temperament will definitely not tolerate it. It depends on her methods! If Wen Yu can't be dealt with in the Song family, then she will be a flamboyant waste!" She handed the letter to Aunt Xu.

"Don't worry, it will be done properly." Nanny Xu carefully put away the letter.


In the evening, when Yan Zhu saw Hong Xing'er returning to her room, she whispered to Wen Yu about Hong Xing'er's behavior in the past two days, "It seems that she told Aunt Xu about your meeting with Mr. Song Wu. "

Wen Yu smiled: "It doesn't matter, let her talk! Yuan dares to use this matter to suppress her, I have my own way to deal with her!"

 (End of this chapter)

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