Chapter 394 It’s so messy

 The huge noise stunned everyone in the front yard.

Qi Wu and Wen Yu looked at each other with some surprise in their eyes.

Qi Hou ordered people: "Go and see what happened?" Then, he looked at Wen Yu coldly, knowing that she was responsible for all this.

"What else do you know?" Qi Hou was very coercive.

But Wen Yu has a strong ability to withstand pressure: "Grandpa, there are two major events, one from seven years ago and one from now. However, there is no evidence in hand yet. You know, there is no evidence, grandson-in-law I won’t say it.”

Qi Hou squinted his eyes and looked at her: "Can you reveal which aspect it is?"

Wen Yu looked at the backyard: "Our newly minted marquis may have been involved in some things that he shouldn't have been involved in! If true, it might have brought the Qi family into trouble."

 “What did you say?” Qi Hou was shocked.

"It seems that you don't know everything about what he was busy with when he came back. However, there is really no evidence at the moment. If you hadn't asked, my granddaughter-in-law wouldn't have told you! Grandpa, you were deceived by Li Da Niu. There are some reasons. mother…"

 “Okay!” The old man’s face turned purple. He could only imagine how the old man of the Cui family would laugh if he knew this! When he thought of that scene, he had the urge to kill! Stop Wen Yu quickly.

Over there, Qi Youyi was dumbfounded. Who was really his mother-killing enemy?

Qi Hua made a fuss in front of him: "Dad, this is absolutely impossible! It was Qi Wu and the others who framed him! It's true, for the sake of a title, he will do anything! Dad, you can't listen to the rumors, you must punish him severely ! Don’t we know what grandma is like? She is the best to you and my aunt!”

 But Qi Hua didn’t even think about it, how convincing could this be now?

No matter how nice he is to Qi Youyi, his title will have nothing to do with him! Good for Aunt Xiuyun, but that is her biological daughter!

Qi Xiao came over slowly: "Father."

"You knew this already?" Qi Youyi glared at him fiercely.

Qi Xiao shook his head: "I just learned about Li Danniu."

Qi Youyi couldn't help but feel nauseated when he heard the word "Li Danniu"...

Qi Hua jumped even more, "You are talking nonsense! Do you dare to say another word? I will take action..."

Without saying a word, Qi Xiao went up and punched Qi Hua in the face, sealing his left eye...

“Ah!” Qi Hua covered his eyes and bent down. How could he compare with Qi Xiao in terms of kung fu? "Dad! He beat his son..."

Qi Youyi pointed at Qi Xiao and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"Before, the mother didn't want her son to get involved, so she sent her son out. But after Minghui's death, her son came back to investigate and found that the person who tripped Minghui was indeed Li Da Niu!"

Qi Xiao hated that old woman so much that he called her Li Danniu. What is Yanling? She deserves it too! "There is also the rotor spell that Aunt Liu made, which was tricked by people around her. After practicing it for a long time, Li Danniu was eventually involved. Moreover, that spell is simply deceptive and does not work."

Qi Youyi stared at Qi Xiao, "But..."

Xiuyun sat there blankly. She blinked for a long time before she understood what everyone was talking about. Look at the man on the stage, and then look at the one named Bai Yuqing.

 The Bai family? Is it very powerful?

 I and this man have the same father and mother...

It can’t be wrong, right? She often saw the ladies and girls who came home, and often looked in the mirror. Her appearance was different from others. Therefore, her blood relationship with these two people cannot be escaped!

 It's just that their aunt and nephew didn't even give him a chance. The pride in her bones... made her feel ashamed. In the blink of an eye, I saw Wang and Mao Mao, crying together.

"Master...Qi Hua..." She stretched out her hand to Qi Youyi and her son. What should she do? What about her children?

Qi Youyi heard Xiuyun calling him, the daughter of the enemy who killed her mother... He had a splitting headache!

Why? Why it came out like this?

 Seven years ago? Qi Hou thought about it and his eyes widened. How could he forget what happened seven years ago? How many families have been bloodbathed by the emperor's thunderous wrath? Could it be that King Xiang's death was related to Youduan?

Before he could think about it, a person rushed outside and said, "Master Hou!"

 “What’s going on outside?”

 “Someone is attacking the palace!”


 Everyone was stunned.

Wen Yu and Qi Wu looked at each other again, King Wu or King An? Taking action? Why so early?

 “Who is so bold?” Qi Hou asked anxiously.

"It's King Wu and King An. They want to clear the king's side! Lord Marquis, the Song Commander in the palace has sent someone to ask the Zhenyuan Hou Mansion to bring the soldiers to rescue him!"

Qi Wu was anxious and said to Wen Yu: "I have to take people to another courtyard. I'm afraid someone will fish in troubled waters!"

“Okay! Then shall I take Laba to the East Palace? I’m worried about Pingting.”

"No, don't go out! I don't know what kind of chaos is happening outside! If it is true...then Laba can only do so much and cannot protect you. If you are in the yard with your mother, I will leave two guards and close the door. Don’t go either!”

Wen Yu agreed first.

Qi Hou glanced at Qi Youduan who had just ran out, and he didn't know what the two of them were... "Let's talk about the family affairs later. Let's take the soldiers to rescue him first!"

Qi You nodded: "Yes! My son understands!"

Hou Qi strode to the armory of soldiers, changed into soft armor and picked up the guy.

Qi Youduan asked Qi Yue in a low voice, "What happened after I left?"

Qi Yue is usually generous, but what happened today also hit him hard. He told Zhang Yuan, and Qi Youduan closed his eyes. In this case...

He said to Qi Yue: "Follow them! In a moment..." He whispered a few words. Qi Yue was stunned and looked at his father. Qi Youduan's face was ashen and his eyes were stern: "Don't you understand?"

"Understood." Qi Yue's face turned pale. His soft armor was in his yard and he trotted back. He had just changed his clothes and came out when he met Zhu who was furious.

 Mr. Zhu was controlled by others. After watching such a show, she was so angry that she died! She is the one who cares about her status the most. Originally, she despised the grandmother and old lady from the bottom of her heart. Now she heard that she still had such an unsightly and dirty past.

Angrily said to Qi Yue: "Qi Yue! I went to marry into the Qi family, but I didn't know it would be so chaotic! That Li Danniu, don't want me to be filial to her! You are not allowed to leave... I tell you..."

Qi Yue was already ashamed and resentful, and his father entrusted him with such an important task. He also understood that if he didn't do this, his career would be over.

Seeing that Mrs. Zhu was holding him in confusion, he gave her a slap in the face.

Although Qi Yue is perverted, he is not a showman. He knocked Zhu down in one fell swoop. He didn't waste any time and went straight out the door.

Qi Youduan didn't go to change his clothes. He went to the front study room, called a confidant and whispered a few words.

Qihou was ready. When he came out, he saw that Qi Youyi, Qi Xiao, Qi Yu, and even Qi Yue were all there. Qi Youduan and Qi Yang were nowhere to be seen. He didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, "The situation is unknown. Our main purpose is to rescue the driver and protect the palace gate. Don't worry about other things. Be careful yourself!"

 After saying that, he took them away.

Qi Youduan returned to the front study. He knew that it was King Wu or King An who had taken action. He really dared to take action! King Xiang doesn’t know whether he is in the palace or outside...

 But he can't care about it now. He has more important things to do, and he must get the military talisman.

Wen Yu called Master Qing, Yibai, Baoer, Zhang Moqing and others to Mrs. Qi's yard. He also asked people to go to the kitchen to get some food and prepare water.

Mrs. Qi was a little uneasy: "What are they trying to do?"

"Qing Jun is on his side. He probably went to Prince Xiang while he was still on a firm footing. Otherwise, if they get the military power in their hands, these two people will have no chance at all. The two highnesses expected that they would take action, but they did not expect this. quick!"

Wen Yu ordered the guards to protect the yard, feeling guilty. "Mom, I'm worried about Pingting! I want to take a look."

Mrs. Qi: "But if the soldiers enter the city and cause chaos, you can't go out!"

"I changed my clothes and took Laba and Mubo with me."


"Besides, my cousin and Mr. Hu both have people in their hands...I'll ask someone to go there. Mother and daughter-in-law have to go!" Wen Yu said thoughtfully.

"Then you..." Mrs. Qi was in too much trouble, and her son handed her over to him.

"Then you take Zhang Yuan and Xiao Wuliu's guards with you! There are still soldiers in the mansion. Let's seal the yard. It's safer than the street."

Wen Yu didn’t refuse: “Okay!”

 She went back to the house, changed into the clothes that Xiao Xiang had just made, and was about to leave with Laba. Xiaoji followed behind, "Girl, Xiaoji is following you!"

 When I went out, there was no one on the street, but there were sounds from the east and fire lights from the west, which was very scary.

Wen Yu told the people Qi Wu had left with her: "Two of you. One of you goes to the Song family and asks your cousin to send someone to find the Fifth Master in the East Palace. You go to Mr. Wen's house. Mr. Hu must be there. Let him Send someone to the East Palace.”

 Zhang Yuan and Mu Bo rode a horse, and Laba rode with gentle words. Xiao Ji had no choice... "Xiao Ji, go back and look after your wife. Let's not let the backyard catch fire!" Xiao Ji nodded and ran back.

The four people were walking towards the East Palace. When they saw that there were many people in front of them, they turned around and walked through the streets and alleys. It took them a while to reach the East Palace. The gate was closed and guarded. Those people all faced the East Palace. Hearing the sound of horse hooves, he turned around and drew his knife, then stepped forward...

Wen Yu said: "Let's go!" They ran away, and the other party did not pursue them.

Going around to the back door again, I saw a few cars parked at the back door...

somebody is coming?

 Who could it be?

Wen Yu was a little confused. This car... is very impressive.

Rolling her eyes, she knew that there were several small doors in the East Palace, one of which was close to Pingting. Sometimes when I bring her food, I go through that small door. "Take the small door!"

 The small door is closed tightly.

 “I’m Wen Yu, is there anyone inside?” Wen Yu knocked on the door, but it was quiet inside and no one answered.

Laba said: "They dare not open the door. It's better to come down!" She looked at the terrain carefully and found a few places where she could borrow strength. He took off a rope from his waist and threw it to the door. He pulled it down and then threw it again. After a few times, I finally got the hang of it.

As soon as she regained her breath, she took a few steps and then used the power of the rope to go up and disappear at the top of the wall. Then I heard several screams, and after a while, the door opened. Wen Yu took Mu Bo and Zhang Yuan in.

It was dark all the way to the door of Jiang Pingting's courtyard, but the lights were bright, and someone inside could be heard shouting: "You are the one who got me here! Your Highness! There has been no peace in the house since you came in! It's all your fault." , and that **** Wen Yu!”

 It’s really confusing. Why is there still someone mentioning me at this time?

 Maybe just one chapter.

  Thank you readers "Dream Back to Mogan Mountain" for your continued rewards, touching me, and gratitude!

There are so many readers who read the article seriously and commented seriously. I read every one of them carefully.

 Also: I feel like all the bad guys have violent tendencies subconsciously... They especially like heavy-flavored box lunches!

The world is so wonderful, let’s not be angry!

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