Chapter 4 Hate the East Wind Evil

Wen Yu was in bed, too excited to sleep.

 Continuously recalling the past life.

The hairpin given by Song Shang made her sad. But it also moved her that there were people who cared about her in this world.

 He later rescued Hongdou, which completely changed her state of mind.

 After he buried Hongdou properly, she knelt down and thanked him with tears on her face.

But Song Shang said: After Hongdou's accident, your life at home will probably be even more difficult.

 Ayu, I have always liked you. However, I cannot divorce my wife at the moment. Come with me, I will ensure your stability for the rest of your life.

 Actually, at that time, I planned to commit suicide after settling Hongdou. Because she felt that if she stayed in the Wen family for a moment longer, she would go crazy.

That's really... I would rather live on the street or be a prostitute than look back at this "home" again!

 So, she nodded directly.

Song Shang went to ask his grandmother for help, but her grandmother did not agree to it in any case... and said that the legitimate daughter of the Wen family could not take someone as a concubine.

 But in fact...Song Shang controls the lifeline of the Wen family's industry, and he has to do many major things.

Grandma knows that she has not been treated well over the years, so she does not want to get involved with Song Shang, influence him, and let anything happen to the Wen family!

 But Song Shang directly made an offer that his grandmother could not refuse: two hundred thousand taels of silver!

 It’s like buying her at a price that’s rare in the world!

 Later, she heard Song Shang say that her grandmother was simply shocked when he proposed this condition.

If the cashier hadn't been the grandmother, she would probably have yelled at Song Shang for being a prodigal, right? !

This benefit was so tempting that my grandmother agreed without hesitation, just because she was afraid that he would regret it!

But father...

Wen Yu still vividly remembers his face at that time, "Since you are willing to humble yourself, then I, Wen Qian, will no longer have a daughter like you!"

 He "resolutely" cut off the "father-daughter relationship" that did not exist in the first place.

 The funny thing is...he was not polite about the two hundred thousand taels of silver.

 It provided for his promotion in the position and provided for his beloved daughter Wen Huan's ten-mile red makeup...


Wen Yu almost laughed out loud when he thought of this. Tears flowed onto the pillow unsatisfactorily.


 When she entered the Song family, her cousin Wei Shi was so angry that she almost fainted and became really sick.

Webster was born in a family with hundreds of years of genealogy in western Anhui, and there were always officials in the family. Up to now, there are many children who are officials in Beijing. The background is rich.

Webster’s ideas for treating little girls are all kinds of strange. Be popular and enjoy doing it.

 But such a thing is not a good thing for marriage. After all, no high-ranking family likes such a flamboyant daughter-in-law.

 So Weishi's marriage to Song Shang was a marriage that benefited both families.

 She thinks she is extremely beautiful and talented. He dresses with superb taste, leads the trend, and is admired by everyone. Although she had been in the family for several years, she only gave birth to one daughter. But she thought she could handle Song Shang just right!

 Even if she did something excessive...Song Shang didn't say anything.

I didn't expect that...he would be so generous and make such a big noise to welcome Wen Yu into the door.

 It is said to be taking a concubine, but it is like marrying an equal wife.

 This is indeed a slap in the face that hurts!

 After Webster recovered from his disease, he lay dormant like a beautiful snake, waiting for the opportunity...


 Song Shang was really good to himself. When I go out to do errands, I take her with me.

 They traveled around the mountains and rivers, drank tea and watched the theatre.

 That was the last life, the most beautiful time in her life.

 Later, she became pregnant.

  After Song Shang’s mother, Mrs. Song, found out, she insisted that she go home to raise the baby.

 Song Shang was very busy and had to go out often, sometimes for several months.

Webster, on the other hand, has instigated Mrs. Song to believe that he is the biggest **** in the world and a vixen who will destroy Song Shang.

 So Mrs. Song treated her with no pretense!

Even though she was pregnant, she still had to go there every day to listen to Mrs. Song’s teachings.

Webster's face and heart were cold and his words were insulting. The people below are evil and evil, and they are treated harshly everywhere. Song Shang is not here, and no one makes the decision. A meal of raw food and a meal of coldness, life there was... even more difficult than in the Wen family.

But at that time, I always felt that I owed something to Webster.

 Can’t, don’t dare, and are embarrassed to conflict with Webster. No matter how great the humiliation is, I will endure it silently.

  Anyway, she is used to it.

I thought that when the child is born and my cousin comes back, everything will be fine.

It's a pity that she couldn't wait until her cousin came back.

  When she was almost seven months pregnant, she suffered a miscarriage due to Wechsler.

 She gave birth to a male child.

 When he came out... he could still move... he even cried a little...

If this incident hadn't shocked Mrs. Song, regretted mistreating her before, and hired the best doctor to protect her... I guess she would have died that time, right?

By the time Song Shang came back, she was as thin as a ghost. He was in a trance and no longer recognized anyone.

 Song Shang directly beat Wei Shi and wanted to divorce his wife.

 Under the obstruction of Mrs. Song, it didn't work out.

 But Song Shang insisted on sending Wei Shi to the family temple. Webster is so proud and arrogant, how can he bear it?

 Ask to go!

From then on, Song Shang took her with him wherever he went.

In order to help her get over her grief as soon as possible, Song Shang hired many masters to teach her how to read, write, paint and play the piano. Invited the nun from the palace, and personally explained the account books to her and discussed the business.

 After several years, she slowly came out.

 Then, she became pregnant again.

 She was waiting for the arrival of this little life with anxiety.

But he found that Song Shang was a little uneasy.

 Asked him, but didn’t answer...

 Finally one day, when she was almost seven months pregnant.

 Something happened to the Song family!

It was her sister Wen Huan who planned the murder and property seizure of the Song family in order to support an emperor's grandson's plan.

 And Webster's remarried husband also played a big role in it.

 Finally, the Song family was raided on the grounds of collaborating with bandits.

 The men of the Song family were beheaded, and she was also imprisoned.

 In prison, she was beaten and kicked by Webster's daughter, and she was stillborn again.

When she was dying, Wen Huan came. She was dressed in gorgeous clothes and her hair was full of pearls. Counting her pride in detail:

"You and your cousin were concubines, and the Wen family received two hundred thousand taels of silver! Sister, you are several times more valuable than the girl Yin Yin by the Qinhuai River!"

"If it weren't for this money, where would my father get a good position? How could I, my sister, get Shili Hongzhuang?"

"My father and my mother have been close friends since childhood. If that **** of yours hadn't stepped in, how could my parents have wasted several years of their good life? How could I have concealed my birth and age and succumbed to you?! I know this, and He is the person I hate the most in this world.”

"Do you think you were responsible for your mother's death?! Hahahaha, let me tell you, it was your most beloved father who did it. Grandma knows it too! You have been longing for your father's attention and your grandmother's love all your life. You didn’t expect it, right? They made you a motherless child with a tough fate!”

"However, you don't have to be angry. Without me, you wouldn't have been born. My father and your mother were not consummated when they got married. Later, when my mother was pregnant with me, my father took advantage of the time when your mother was giving birth to you and remarried my mother... Hehe, my father loves me the most in his life. He never gave me the title of his eldest daughter. He always feels sorry for me. I want the moon, but he won’t give me the stars..."

"Prince Jing's thousand-year-old crown prince position is just around the corner. In the future, he will be honored as a great treasure... Hehe, I originally wanted to throw you into the fireworks alley and survive until you see that day, but you look like neither a human nor a ghost... Isn’t it scary?”

 She said enough, turned around and left with satisfaction.

 And himself, in infinite despair and hatred, died.


At this moment, Wen Yu showed a cruel smile...

 After more than two months of planning, I finally got this opportunity.

 I will not be afraid of whatever happens to you two, let alone regret it!

Anyway, even the stone lion at the door of this home is not clean!

 Liu Si, even if you are lucky enough not to be burned to death, you can never escape from this incident!

 And this is just the beginning!

 (End of this chapter)

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