The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 406: Extra: He’s here to stir things up

Chapter 406 Extra: He came to stir up trouble

Under Hu Fei's hard work, Zhuzhu quickly got married and became pregnant three months earlier than Wen Yu.

This time, the two people had more topics to talk about. When they met, they talked head to head endlessly. Even if they don't meet each other every day, they still send each other girls to give things and gifts.

Hu Feizhen regarded pearls as treasures, and what he ate and used was extremely luxurious. And everything was in duplicate, so Wen Yu got a lot of credit. She was in pretty good health, she only felt uncomfortable for half a month, and everything was back to normal.

 He couldn't let go of Jiang Pingting, so he looked for Zhuzhu and wanted to take her to watch the draft together to support Jiang Pingting.

“When we go, any beautiful girl will be compared to dirt.” Wen Yu said very arrogantly.

Zhuzhu nodded: "That's right, don't let them be too arrogant!"

So Wen Yu came to Zhuzhu, and these two young pregnant women in gorgeous clothes were shining all over. Qi Wu and Hu Fei were worried, so a crowd of people followed them.

With this alone, how can you still control the situation?

 The result...I couldn’t hold myself back!

Wen Yu finished bowing to the Empress Dowager and the Empress General, then sat down and looked at the beautiful girls below who were showing off their talents. He caught sight of the two of them with just one glance.

He couldn't help turning his head and asked the queen softly: "Where did this come from?"

Jiang Pingting chuckled and whispered back: "The one on the left is called Guo Baihui, and my grandfather once worked with my grandfather. After He Ge grew old, there was a strong demand to join the cabinet. The one on the right is called Feng Shu, and his great-grandmother is Jianye The eldest princess, her great-grandfather was the Marquis of Jingping now, but her grandfather and father are both capable."

"This is really in line with the saying: people who live in a boudoir don't know it!" Wen Yu murmured.

  The Queen Mother did not come during the primary election, and today she is sitting here for the first time. At this moment, I was thinking: I have never seen or heard of such a person in Beijing’s social circles. It seems that the family deliberately hid it when the situation was unclear.

 Now that the new emperor is secure and young, he has released them to make a future for the family. No wonder the draft matter can't be pushed through. I guess these old foxes are encouraging me from behind!

Wen Yu shook his head secretly: Old fox! It seems that I have been very shallow these past few times!

Look carefully: That Guo Baihui looks like a flower of happiness in the world. The skin is thin and white, as if it has never been exposed to the sun. He has thick hair, three courts and five eyes, and is extremely upright. The smile on his face is gentle and his eyes are clear and pure. The hand is holding the pen, revealing a bright and fleshy wrist. It turned out to be a body with a small frame and flesh.

 The key is that I am good at painting peonies. The colors are bright and the petals are full...the painting is just like the person.

Feng Shu... is beautiful and quiet, with a temperament like orchid. Every move and every move has rules in his heart, and is natural and unpretentious. "I play the piano well and my chess skills are also good!"

Wen Yu was shocked and lost confidence, "How about compared with Yibai?"

The queen looked at her angrily: "How many people in the world can compete with Yibai? Even the emperor dare not watch him play chess with Mr. Hu. It consumes too much energy and I can't stand it!"

Having said that...these two women are different from me and Zhuzhu. This is truly a well-established family, cultivated with care and made with money!

 Looking back, the girls, who were all good at first, were suppressed and looked colorless.

The Empress Dowager was a discerning person and thought to herself: If she enters the palace and gives birth to a son, she will be a threat to Huan Lin... There have been no children born in the palace for many years, and she likes children the most. Not bad either.

A few people finished reading today's content in a dull manner and asked the show girls to get down.

The Empress Dowager did not treat Wen Yu and Zhuzhu as outsiders, and directly said to Jiang Pingting: "Queen, these two women entering the palace... I'm afraid it will cause turmoil. If you want them to lose the election, let the Ai family take action. ?”

Zhuzhu nodded vigorously.

Wen Zhu thinks about it: It’s okay to control things in advance.

But Jiang Pingting said: "Thank you for the emperor's grandmother's consideration. However, the two of them are so outstanding, their reputation must have spread. If this continues, there will probably be people saying that we fooled the emperor. At that time, it will cause dissatisfaction." Necessary trouble."


  "Royal grandmother, there are talented people from generation to generation. According to the rules, the election is every four years. I don't know what will happen in the future. Let nature take its course!"

The Empress Dowager sighed secretly: It seems that only if the son is the emperor can he be stable! "That's all we can do for now. Don't worry, with the Aijia here, no one will cross our joy!"


Li Qihuan finally saw the woman in the draft.

Sure enough, the two outstanding people made his eyes light up and nodded with great satisfaction.

Now, to a large extent, he can do whatever he wants, which is a very pleasant feeling! The thought of having such a beautiful woman next to me makes me excited...

It would be great if one could be left for Qi Wu. However, they were from decent backgrounds and could only be concubines to Qi Wu. These two are not meant to be concubines! Except me!

He glanced at the group of girls at the back, turned around and secretly said to Jiang Pingting: "Queen, are there any daughters of fifth-rank officials in the back who have good appearance and talents?"

“Your Majesty, these girls are all outstanding. What do you think?”

“Oh. Originally, in this draft, we would also choose a concubine or something like a concubine for the junior members of the royal family.”

"I know this. I have consulted various governments before and have some drafts." She lowered her head and looked at the list in her hand: "How about you take a look?"

 “No, no, no. Just follow the conditions I just gave you, point it at me and see.”

 Pingting was wondering, why was the emperor so anxious and cautious, so why was he more excited than seeing the two beauties?

Suspicion suddenly arose in her heart. She pretended to look at the crowd and said casually: "You mentioned some good conditions. I just don't know who the emperor... specifically pointed them to?"

Li Qihuan rolled his eyes: Humph, I didn’t tell you!

 “Show me first!”

Seeing him like this, Pingting became more cautious, so she pointed to two of them.

But Li Qihuan was not satisfied: "They don't look very good either!" "Your Majesty, they may not be able to compare with Miss Guo and Miss Feng, but they are still quite good! Their talents are also very good."

 “No, no, let’s try another one!”

 Jiang Pingting smiled: "I am not as sharp as the emperor, but if you name the person you want to give it to, it will be easier for me to see it with a purpose."

Li Qihuan was in high spirits, his eyebrows were flying, his eyes were rolling around, and he had a constipated expression on his face, but he just refused to speak.

"The most outstanding ones are the two girls Guo and Feng. I just don't know if you are willing to part with them."

Li Qihuan thought to himself: I am willing to give it up, but their background is much higher than that of Wen Yu. It is difficult to deal with the Guo and Feng families. The key thing in my heart is, don’t talk about it, it’s not easy to choose. explain? His queen is Wen Yu's best friend, so it would be bad if he missed the letter in advance.

"No..." After he answered, he looked around the crowd again, and suddenly found a round-faced girl with a pursed smile and two dimples. She looked a bit heroic. Then he pointed quietly and asked: "Who is that little round face... the one wearing a narrow green skirt and wide pants?"

 Jiang Pingting said: "Her father is a fourth-grade Zhongyong general. The girl's name is Zhang Ruonan. She is a good swordsman!"

Li Qihuan touched his chin. This girl is not bad, with a heroic appearance and a simple temperament. There is a big contrast with Wen Yu. If you can't compare, do the opposite!

 That’s the idea!

 He smiled like a mouse.

Jian Pingting understood that he was plotting against Qi Wu and Wen Yu.

Sure enough, turning around, the emperor called Qi Wu and his wife over, and said seriously: He wanted to choose one of the beautiful girls to be Qi Wu's concubine. Fortunately, the wife is pregnant and there is no one around to take care of her.

Qi Wu was startled, and before Wen Yu could say anything, he waved his hands repeatedly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your consideration and understanding. But I don't want this concubine!"

Li Qihuan’s face darkened and he turned to look at Wen Yu: “Wen Yu, what did you say!?”

He said in a warm tone: "Your Majesty. Since ancient times, the emperor has given marriages, but how can you give concubines? You are the emperor, and you have opened the golden mouth, and I must obey. Let's do this. I will separate from Qi Yang and give up my wife. "How about you give me the right to marry me?"

 “Ayu!” Qi Wu was anxious: “Don’t talk nonsense!”

 “Are you scaring me?” Li Qihuan narrowed his eyes, full of authority.

“I don’t dare to do this. Isn’t this just sharing your worries?”

Li Qihuan looked at Queen Jiang with gloomy eyes. Queen Jiang lowered her eyelids slightly and pretended not to hear.

 “If I really want to relieve you of your worries, you should take it back happily!”

Qi Wu's face became unhappy: "Your Majesty, Ayu is pregnant, please don't let her worry!"

"What a joke, what's the rush? It's just a concubine. Is it possible that you won't have a concubine in your life?"

"Yes, he will never take a concubine in his life!" Wen Yu raised his chin.

 “You!” Li Qihuan really didn’t expect that Wen Yu would dare to contradict him like this. "What are these seven things? Huh? Do you know that you are jealous? It is natural for men to keep concubines!"

  "A cow is forced to have its head pressed without drinking water? Ask him, does he agree?"

“I don’t care whether he agrees or not? Once you have been rewarded, you have to take it back happily.”

 You and I stumble over each word...

 Finally, Li Qihuan became anxious: "Wen Yu! Don't think what's wrong with you! When he married you, it was a helpless move. He told me that it didn't work out with Qin Lianyue, and it would be the same with anyone he married!"

 “Your Majesty!” Qi Wu was shocked.

 Jiang Pingting was also startled: "Your Majesty!"

Upon hearing Wen Yu, he stood up and looked at Qi Yang: "Qi Yang, is this what you said?"

   Everyone was shocked, and Li Qihuan was very proud, "Qi Yang, tell me, did you say this!?"

Qi Yang really said that!

 But at that time, one of them had not yet fallen in love with Wen Yu. The other one is obsessed with the majesty in front of him, and he can fool him with random words. There are prerequisites for this, but he is clumsy, and even after "I" tried for a long time, he couldn't explain it.

Wen Yu became angry now, rolled up his sleeves and left.

Qi Yang: "Ayu!" He went up and pulled her.

Wen Yu pushed him angrily and hit him again: "Let go!"

Li Qihuan stood up excitedly: "Why did you hit him?"

Qi Yang glared at the emperor bitterly, "Ayu, I..." Seeing Wen Yu walking away without even listening, he was afraid of pushing her harder, so he didn't dare to pull hard. But he didn't dare to let her go like this, so he followed in a confused tone: "Ayu, it's not like's really not...don't be angry, don't get so angry."

Li Qihuan pointed at their backs: "He...look at him, this loser, what's the big deal! Let's make peace with her, and we have to divorce her! She's so lucky! Qi Wu and I make the decision!"

The queen said calmly: "Your Majesty, Wen Yu is pregnant, and the couple is living a good life, why do you need to interfere?!"

"What's wrong with her being pregnant? Who recruited her? It's just a concubine! What's more? Look at his temper, he beats people! What do you think of Qi Wu's potential? What are you afraid of her doing?"

"Your Majesty, why are you afraid? Can't he care about her feelings because he likes her in his heart?"

"You!" The emperor pointed at Jiang Pingting and said anxiously: "What do you like or not! The man's family makes contributions to support the family, and the woman's family carries on the family line, respects the elderly and takes care of the house! Like... what does it mean to like? Huh! No wonder you two are so good, a couple. You don’t understand the rules!”

"Yes! I am not very talented, ugly and dull, and I am not qualified for such a big job. Please choose someone more talented, your Majesty!"

 After saying that, the queen also left.

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