The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 46: This matter is not over yet

Chapter 46 This is not over yet

The cold and arrogant tone made the rich lady-looking steward Wang stunned.

Looking up, the eldest girl was sitting there, beautiful and powerful.

She usually didn't pay attention to this "big girl!" But when those women chatted with her, they talked about a lot of gossip, which was nothing more than being ignored, incompetent, being bullied, and timid...

 Why today…

As a slave, she was a little afraid of her master in her bones, but the next moment she straightened her back.

"Oh, eldest lady, it's like this: the second wife gave you a few people. Some of them have been assigned tasks by the government, but they haven't finished them yet. The second wife didn't know the specific things, so she gave them to you by mistake. Now, the second wife will take back the deeds of those people, and I’ll give you some replacements later!”

"What do you mean: The second wife in charge doesn't even know what her subordinates are doing and whether they have finished it? And in a state of chaos, she gives people out randomly and wants to take them back again?"

 “Ouch, big girl!” Manager Wang was shocked.

Mother Wu was forced to kneel down by Wen Yu and was afraid that others would find out about losing face, so she did not explain specifically how Wen Yu tried to squeeze her. So Manager Wang didn't know anything, he just thought that the eldest girl wanted someone, and the second wife gave it to him unconsciously.

But he didn’t expect that now that the eldest girl said this, it would be spread out. If the second eldest daughter heard it, it would be strange if she didn’t take care of herself.

So he quickly denied: "...That's not what I mean! What I mean is: Our Wen family has a big business, with more than 200 people serving the master, and we don't know how many things happen every day! How can our second wife remember that everyone What are you doing? After a brief reminder, the second wife remembered, so she sent the slave!" She spoke with excitement, but her posture was not high.

"Oh, I was shocked. Even my grandmother praised me. My second aunt has been a housekeeper for many years. She is meticulous and prudent, and there are no mistakes at all. When I just heard you say it, I thought that my second aunt was confused and went back on her word, which fooled my grandmother. !”

 Why does she speak so unpleasantly? !

"Girl, you really can't say that!" Manager Wang looked in disbelief and was about to get angry.

Wen Yu smiled and took a sip of tea calmly.

Steward Wang suppressed his anger. It seemed that he didn't understand the big girl before. She is so powerful. Don't let her take advantage of it.

"Big girl! You see, the second wife, the housekeeper, is in charge of important things. In charge of people, she is also in charge of the affairs of all parties like us. How do you know what the people at the bottom are doing? Isn't it?! The slave prompts After passing the Second Wife, the Second Wife will ask your servant to tell you, this is a person who obeys orders...don't embarrass me!"

"Yeah. That's right! Otherwise... you can bring five thousand taels of silver and take them back!" Wen Yu said with a smile.

 “What?! What did you say?” Manager Wang was shocked again.

"These people, I have arranged to go out to do things! They left with five thousand taels of silver. I asked them to spend what they should spend on the logs and buy what they should buy. There is also a piece of property I don't want, and I also asked them to find a buyer. Sell ​​it, I'm in a hurry to use the money. If you take away the person halfway, what will happen to my affairs and the money?"

“Ah? No way! Girl, didn’t someone just give it to you this morning?”

"Yes! You gave it to me and sent him out to do something! It was supposed to be done a few days ago, why didn't you just give him to me today!" Wen Yu still looked troubled.

"...Girl, what do you want for five thousand taels of silver?" Manager Wang had "disbelief" written all over his face.

“Hehe, the manager Wang, my grandmother, and my second aunt don’t interfere with my property. What’s the matter? You want to count the money and check the accounts?”

 “...” choked the steward Wang, “Girl, this slave has no intention of doing this!”

"You're right if you don't mean that!" Wen Yu's face sank, with a pretentious look, "I asked my second aunt for someone, and she checked three times! Why did she just come into my house again..."

At this time, Yan Zhu came close to Wen Yu's ear and muttered something with joy. Wen Yu covered her mouth and looked at Yan Zhu in surprise: "Really?"

 The little black-yellow-faced boy nodded frequently. Wen Yu turned around and looked at Manager Wang up and down. That look in his eyes... made Manager Wang's heart beat fast.

"Heh! Manager Wang, as you said, the second wife is in charge of about two hundred people who handle big things. Then, are there some people... who will treat the second wife like a fool for their own personal gain?"

“…” Steward Wang’s face turned red. She wasn’t sure what Wen Yu knew, but these words were not good words.

"Moreover, I asked them to go to Cousin Song Wu first to take over the account... If the account is half received, he will have to replace someone... Hey, it's troublesome! With my cousin's handiwork, he can help me with these small things, and he is still annoyed ! If something goes wrong here again, he won’t be angry. Grandma will probably take action on this matter! If she talks to her cousin, she won’t lose her temper, right?

ah? ! Lord Song Wu also got involved?

 Does Guanshi Wang still know what this means? Even if I beat her to death, I wouldn't dare bring this matter up to the old lady.

 Finally, Manager Wang left. After leaving the door, his face was full of resentment, he spat loudly, and cursed in a low voice...

“This matter is not over yet! Let me seize the opportunity, don’t talk about that bitch, even... Huh! Don’t even think about feeling better!”


When greeting me the next day, the old lady said with a smile: "You ladies, haven't you always wanted to go to Cailuan Pavilion to make clothes? It has been decided, and we will go this afternoon!"

“Grandma, you are so kind!” Wen Jiao cheered.

“Grandma, grandma, how many bodies can one of us do?” Wen Su also asked anxiously.

“I’m going to check out the materials and styles before deciding. Sister Jiao, you can’t make several at the same time!”

 “Grandma! You don’t love Jiao’er!” Wen Jiao said coquettishly.

"Haha! The jobs that Cailuan Pavilion can accept are limited. Well, like today, it's still the same master who couldn't make the appointment, so he sent someone to ask if our family can go! In fact, the appointment we made is... Three days later! Wow, it’s great for a clothing workshop to do this! It’s okay, we can go to Song’s house in advance!”

When the girls heard this, they became even more happy and chatted together.

Wen Yu wanted to talk to the old lady about his own affairs, so he came over.

"Grandma, the second aunt has given the manpower to the granddaughter. It seems that the manpower is enough at present. No matter how many granddaughters there are, they can't take care of it. The stewards around me are from Li Yuanqing's family. The eldest girls are Qinghe, Xiangshu and Xiaoji. . Li Yuanqing took his son and a few people to take care of the outside affairs. My granddaughter has asked him to talk to his cousin's men when it is convenient. "

The old lady hummed and didn't care too much.

“My father left some money for his granddaughter before he left, and she is going to buy some things. But she doesn’t have any confidence in her heart. Grandma, can you send a capable nanny over to give me some advice?”

The old lady smiled: "Don't you have a good plan? It seems that you have a very good idea and a big heart. It's troublesome for me to meddle in things! I won't get involved. It's just that the ugly words are ahead, and the property is lost. It’s not a big deal. In a girl’s family, reputation is the most important thing... You have to take care of everything. If something happens... don’t blame grandma!"

She spoke softly, using the gentlest words and the harshest words...

Wen Yu was heartbroken, but the smile on her face was sweet and satisfied, "Grandma, don't worry. Even the third sister can go out to meet friends by herself, and the granddaughter will also arrange everything!"

 “Ha, do whatever you want!” Old Mrs. Wen smiled calmly.

 (End of this chapter)

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