The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 48: Heavy makeup and light makeup

Chapter 48 Heavy makeup and light makeup

 Seeing Master Qing, Mrs. Wen couldn't help but secretly expressed wonder that there was such a woman in the world!

Manager Liu leaned over and whispered a few words. Master Qing listened quietly and said with a smile: "Manager Liu just recommended the ingredients to the old ladies and girls. Do you need to introduce them again?"

The old lady smiled and said: "I just saw some pieces of Song brocade. They are really beautiful. I would like to ask Master Qing what kind of clothes they can be made from?"

"Old lady, you are very discerning. Those pieces of Song brocade are indeed outstanding!" Master Qing praised the old lady first, and then said: "The characteristics of Song brocade are gorgeous colors and exquisite patterns. But it is flashy but not dazzling. It’s expensive but not obvious. Because of its complicated workmanship and low production, it has become an extremely precious fabric!”

When everyone in the Wen family heard this, their eyes gleamed.

"The price is also quite expensive. So it is usually worn by people of a certain status and age like you, old lady. There are some that are more colorful and stand out, and are also suitable for young ladies. And girls, A full-length Song brocade would be too heavy and not very suitable, but a piece of skirt, belt, purse or even shoes would be a good choice.”

After Master Qing finished speaking, he glanced at everyone.

 The old lady was thoughtful, Wen Yu acknowledged it, and nodded lightly.

Wen Jiao disagreed, muttering silently: That’s not necessarily the case! It looks good on me!

She immediately took her fancy to the orange-red piece with a Pisces pattern... Wen Huan wore a dress of this color a few days ago. It looked good.

 If I were to make a piece of Song brocade, I would definitely surpass her! Ever since her uncle was promoted to an official, she has been secretly competing with Wen Huan...

Old Mrs. Wen nodded: "What Master Qing said makes sense! I didn't know before that it takes so long to make clothes in Cai Luan Pavilion!" Just now, when Manager Liu said that it would take at least four months for the Wen family's clothes to be made, She was stunned.

"The embroiderers in Cailuan Pavilion are extremely hard to find, and there are really not many people. Moreover, a piece of clothing needs to be measured, plated, cut, pre-made, tried on, and finalized. Then it is first embroidered, finely embroidered, and finally You also need to add accessories, and the time is really short. If it is fully embroidered, it can take a year or two to make a dress!"

"One or two years? Oops, that sounds confusing. When I was in the boudoir, my family hired a master to teach me, and I also made clothes, but it was not that complicated. No wonder your clothes are so beautiful!" The old lady confirmed. .

Master Qing smiled modestly and followed without saying much, "I wonder what occasion the old ladies and girls want to wear?"

 Occasion? Do you need to wear clothes for the occasion?

"The Wen family will move to the capital in half a year. I'm afraid, they will have to visit some people's houses and entertain guests at home. Originally, we planned to make two clothes for each person... But there seems to be not enough time. ”

“Master Qing, don’t you have any ready-made clothes in your store?” Wen Jiao asked.

"There are also ready-made clothes! Like the ones displayed in front, and..." As soon as she turned her head, Manager Liu and others took out several sets and displayed them in front of the girl.

"Things like this are ready-to-wear. You can make simple modifications according to the customer's figure. For example, fat or thin, length, etc. In this way, it can be made in a few days! If the dress is suitable, you can take it away on the spot!" Master Qing watched secretly. Looking at Wen Jiao, these words were directed at her.

“I want this one! Hey, this one looks good too!” Wen Jiao pointed at each item back and forth, her eyes almost blinded her!

 She almost shouted: One piece of each style and each color!

"Grandma..." Although Wen Jiao was anxious, she knew not to go too far. "Grandma, how about we make a few sets and buy some ready-made clothes? Look, these ready-made clothes are so beautiful! Just in time, I can wear them for Aunt Song's birthday party!" Thinking of this, she was extremely excited!

When she came out today, she brought her own small treasury with her. She was afraid of encountering a good-looking grandmother who wouldn't say anything, so she put it on herself first and went back to her mother to pay the bill!

When the old lady saw it, she shook her head helplessly, knowing that as soon as this girl came, she would lose control.

He simply ignored her and said, "Master Qing, do you have any good suggestions for my clothes?"

Master Qing looked at the old lady carefully, "Generally speaking, Cai Luan Pavilion will have something like what you have in the capital within a month. Moreover, Cai Luan Pavilion's products will be improved. So, You don’t have to worry about wearing it out of fashion in the capital! According to your temperament... please follow me.”

 The old lady stood up involuntarily and followed her.

Master Qing found the fabric from the counter and said, "When we arrive in the capital in half a year, it will be the Chinese New Year. But when you get some rest, Spring will start again. So, my suggestion..." She whispered to the old lady.

Wen Yu feels that Master Qing is not like the master or shopkeeper of a garment factory at all, but more like a best friend who is discussing the current fashion...

After a long time, everyone finally selected the styles and materials. As expected, Wen Jiao wanted the most.

Wen Wan felt unhappy, but she didn’t dare to compete with her sister.

Wensu is still young and quite tall, so we didn’t choose expensive materials for her. Although she was unhappy, she didn't say anything.

Cousin Hui feels that she is just here to wear clothes, and they are quite expensive! So the old lady asked her to do it and even declined.

 And Wen Yu saw that the old lady had no intention of taking care of her eldest granddaughter, and she didn't care at all. She was just like a few younger sisters. I secretly made up my mind: When my property is taken over, I want to do as many things as I want! Blind you...ahem...

 Master Qing took the old lady to the second floor to measure the clothes. As soon as the old lady finished measuring, Wen Jiao went directly upstairs.

After she finished measuring, she talked to the old lady again, "Grandma, there is my cousin's jewelry store at the corner of the street. Let's go there and have a look? It's only two or three shops away..."

 Old Mrs. Wen said: "Let's go together after your sisters finish measuring!"

“Grandma, they can go over after they have finished measuring themselves! It’s just a few steps away! Let’s go over and let them send a guy to pick her up!” She pulled the old lady and shook her. The old lady shook her head so much that she was dizzy, "Okay, okay! I really can't stand you!" He turned to the girls and said, "After measuring, go out and turn left. You have been to Jinyue Jewelry Building. Don't go wrong. …I’ll send a guy to pick you up when I get there, girls, just go there and don’t run around! I’ll punish you if you don’t obey!”

The girls agreed, and the old lady took Wen Jiao away.

At this moment, Wen Yu has made up his mind to get Master Qing! Get to know her better first, and then look for opportunities. Therefore, she asked her sisters to measure first.

Cousin Hui wanted to wait for her, but she didn't let her go.

Going up to the second floor, she has never been here before in the last life...

Originally I thought: Based on Master Qing’s taste, this place would definitely be simple and high-end. But I didn’t expect…

Oh my God, this is a mess... The whole big room is full of things!

 There is only an open space in front of the big case where clothes are measured, and everywhere else, even the ground is full of baggage...

Wen Yu was speechless, but if you look closely, your eyes are not strong enough. Various small paintings, materials, embroidery, embroidery pieces...tassels, jade buttons, etc., each of which has countless looks. Never seen before!

As soon as I got it in my hands and took a look, I stupidly read one piece and then picked up another...I was immersed in it without realizing it.

I don’t know how long I watched before Master Qing smiled and coughed softly: "Miss Wen?"

Wen Yu calmed down and sat down on the stool among the bundles unceremoniously, "Oh, now that I'm here, I'm like a mouse in a rice vat. I don't know what to do!"

 “Haha, girls like these too?” Master Qing looked at Wen Yu’s skirt, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

 “Yeah. I like fun things!”

“I wonder what kind of clothes girls like to wear on weekdays?

“When I was a child, I liked to wear colorful clothes. Later, I also liked plain clothes. It seems a bit extreme! Now, I want to ask Master Qing’s opinion.”

Master Qing smiled and said, "Girls are born with a unique sense of style and can wear many styles of clothes. No matter what color they are, it doesn't matter what color they are! They are beautiful and can be either bright or light. As the saying goes, light makeup and heavy makeup are always suitable!"

Wen Yu actually blushed a little after being praised by Master Qing.

 “Master Qing praised me.”

"Looking at the girl's age... I'd like to ask, have you ever been engaged?" In fact, even if she has ideas, she won't ask too many questions. But today this girl... made her have a crush on her for no reason. Before getting engaged, you have to consider which family you want to marry, what your prospective mother-in-law will think of you, and what impression you will give your future husband...

“Not yet.” Wen Yu said generously.

 “Oh!” Master Qing stopped talking. After all, he was not familiar with it, and it would be too presumptuous to say more. "The flowers on the girl's skirt..." Changed the topic.

"Is this one? This is what I drew. My girlfriend who grew up with me likes embroidery very much, so she embroidered it. Compared to what Master Qing has here... it's a bit far behind. Master Qing made him laugh." Wen Yu looked around. In the house.

"What did the girl say?! The description of this flower painting is beautiful and the colors are natural. It is quite outstanding. The embroidery method is delicate and very confident. The girl who embroidered the embroidery has a very spiritual heart! It looks like it is quite good. ..." She almost said it, then swallowed it, "It's somewhat similar to my embroidery skills, but it's just a little less sophisticated, but it's pretty good!"

 “Haha, a little know-how is worth a thousand pieces of gold!”

"These... are just survival skills." Master Qing sighed for no reason. "Oh, look at me... I'm feeling sentimental again. Miss Wen, can I give you a measurement?!"

After finishing the measurement, Wen Yu said: "My female companion couldn't come with me today and she's angry with me! I want to buy something good and go back to coax her. Master Qing, please recommend one."

Master Qing was a little surprised: "I am very happy to be a friend to this girl."

 “Well, if you want to be a good friend for life!” Wen Yu was also very emotional.

"This..." Master Qing stretched out his hand and took out a small bag from a pile of messy things. "When I was young, I was not as busy as I am now. I embroidered some small patterns... Girl, take it back and give it to that girl. I think she will like it. of."

Wen Yu opened it and saw two small embroidery pieces. "Hey, this seems different from the one in your store..."

"Is that so...Girl, take it back and look at it!" Master Qing glanced outside.

Wen Yu understood and put it on easily.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, "Master Qing? Have you finished measuring Miss Wen? Jin Yue's guy is asking!" The voice sounded like that of Manager Liu.

 (End of this chapter)

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