Chapter 51 My territory

Mrs. Song saw that Sister Han was only playing with herself and ignored her cousins ​​and cousins...

He was neither anxious nor annoyed, he just coaxed her softly: "Good boy?! Call someone quickly!"

Song Chihan turned to look at his grandmother, pursed his lips... and didn't move or scream.

This expression is very similar to Song Shang's when she was competing. Mrs. Song had no way to do anything to her and shook her head helplessly...

Wen Jiao stepped forward with a smile, "Sister Han, show your puppet to Auntie!?" Wanting to tease her, she reached out to touch the puppet.

As a result, Song Chihan turned around violently, avoided Wen Jiao's hand, and screamed impatiently: "Don't move!"

Wen Jiao's hand stopped in mid-air, feeling a little embarrassed... How is she usually so good-tempered?

But I couldn’t lose my temper at the moment, so I had to put down my hands with a smug expression on my face...

Wen Yu laughed in her heart, she deserved it!

Mrs. Song finally "blamed" Song Chihan: "Hanhan?! You don't call people, but you still yell like this, you are not good!" How can there be any blame in this expression and tone?

 When Song Shang was young, there were many potential dangers around him. Although Mrs. Song loved him more than her own life, she was also extremely strict with him.

 He cannot do anything he is not allowed to do. Otherwise, if she finds out, she will beat her herself. If he hadn't taken care of him like this, Song Shang would have died a long time ago, let alone being as outstanding as he is now!

 But now, life is peaceful and smooth, and facing people of the next generation...Mrs. Song's good temper is overflowing, and her patience has no limit!

Mrs. Wen laughed loudly on the side: "Okay! Han'er is so good, I like it!" But she was thinking in her heart: I'm so used to it! If some of the girls in my family dare to be so unruly in front of me... they will be slapped on their face!

The Wen family members were also laughing and joking: "Yes, Sister Han is so cute..."

He only spoke warmly and turned his head to look at the paintings on the wall disapprovingly.

But she heard Mrs. Song calling her: "Ayu!? Come here!"

Wen Yu walked carefully and reached Mrs. Song's side. She smiled sweetly and said, "Auntie!"

Mrs. Song looked Wen Yu up and down.

 Tall stature, although thin, but her face is white and pink! The eyes are as bright as black pearls, and they look strong!

 Green-pink knitted red plum shirt and green-pink skirt. There are two pearl flowers on her head and a gold lock around her neck.

 The clothes are not that particular, what stands out is the image of a sweet girl in a boudoir.

Well, what a nice girl!

 Mrs. Song’s eyes were filled with fondness.

 Wen Yu often lived in the Song family when he was a child.

Although the Wen family doesn't want to see her, Mrs. Song likes this little girl quite a lot. I think women should be like this...filial, well-behaved, not lazy, love to laugh, have good eyesight, and know how to treat their elders well. This is the quality of a good girl!

 Of course...her eldest granddaughter is not included in this condition!

"Ouch!" Seeing that Wen Yu was more than half a head taller than him, he turned to Mrs. Wen and said, "This girl's stature looks like Mr. Wen's! She also looks like her. Tsk tsk, she looks so good-looking. "Praise from the bottom of my heart.

Hearing his grandmother praising others for their good looks, Song Chihan finally turned his face, pursed his lips, and his eyes became even more unhappy.

Mrs. Wen smiled and said nothing.

“You’re just too thin! Eat more! Remember if you like fish, come to the lake, the fish and shrimp are fresh, eat more!”

“Aunt, do you remember what Yu’er likes to eat?” Wen Yu asked coquettishly.

"You little greedy cat, how could I not remember?! You, and the little girl following you, how old are you that brave one? The two of them ran to the lake to catch fish. The girl came back with me Tell me, it scares me!"

Wen Yu’s face is smiling, but her heart is sad...

 Among relatives, Mrs. Song is the best to me, right?

It's a pity that later she came in and became her son's concubine. It was Webster's instigation that made her disappointed and hating herself...

Mrs. Song picked up a brocade box next to her and said, "This is an adult gift for you! As an adult, you must be careful in your words and deeds, be filial to your elders, and set an example for your younger sisters!"

"Yes! Thank you for your teaching and reward!" Wen Yu took it with his sincere and respectful hands.

Old Mrs. Wen’s ears are a little red. As a grandmother, she has never taught her like this...

 “There are a lot of fun things prepared at home during these days, you sisters...”

At this moment, a chuckle came from the door, "Mom, is my great-aunt here?"

 The door curtain opened and Webster walked in.

 The girls in the Wen family, including the new sister-in-law, all turned their attention to Webster.

She was wearing a silver plain skirt today, with a palm-wide belt embroidered with flowers and decorated with pearls and mother-of-pearl flowers. The lapel with mother-of-fritary pearls hanging down swings at the edge of the skirt with every step, making the whole person agile and elegant.

walked up to the two ladies and saluted with gestures as usual.

 Mrs. Song was all smiles when she saw her daughter-in-law coming. Mrs. Wen also smiled and called: "Xiang Yu!"

“Auntie, you have worked hard all the way! Oh, these are my younger siblings!” She walked over and looked at Mr. Li up and down.

The new daughter-in-law had a thin face and shouted in a low voice: "Cousin-in-law!"

Li is wearing a red shirt and skirt, and she wears quite a lot of jewelry.

Webster was very dissatisfied. Look at what he was was tacky!

 Several girls from the Wen family quickly shouted: "Cousin!"

 “My cousin is so pretty…”

 “The style of this lapel is so beautiful!”

Webster smiled casually and glanced at the Wen sisters one by one, without stopping at Wen Yu, just like he did with others.

Then she said to Mrs. Wen: "In the next two days, relatives and friends coming to attend my mother's birthday banquet will be arriving. I have a lot of things on my hands. Fortunately, you arrived two days early and happened to be with my mother!"

Old Mrs. Wen nodded with a smile, but felt a little dissatisfied. Why don't you hear this?

 Oh, you don’t have time to spend time with your mother-in-law, why don’t you let me do it? Who is the envoy?

who I am?

 I am your mother-in-law’s elder!

This Webster... always looks proud. What is he doing?

If it weren't for Song Shang, how could you have caught my eye even if you were dressed like a princess? !

 But when I think about it, my face doesn’t show it at all.

Webster "finally" saw the brocade box held in Wen Yu's hand, and smiled: "Although sister Yu didn't do this coming-of-age ceremony, she can still receive the gift now!"

Wen Yu smiled coquettishly and said, "It's my aunt who favors me, so don't be jealous!"

"Ha!" Webster's heart was churning, with a sharp look on his face: "Sister Wen is really good at joking!"

She didn't control her emotions well, so her voice was very abrupt, which aroused Mrs. Song's dissatisfaction, "Okay! Not only Ayu has it, but you ladies also have it, and they've all been put in your own room."

Wen Jiao took the lead and said, "Aunt, you are so kind!"

Mrs. Song pointed at her and smiled: "You little girl, your voice is not small! My ears are shaking!"

 I don’t know who she is referring to...

“Auntie won’t notice Jiaoer because her voice is too low!” Wen Jiao didn’t care.

 Everyone laughed.

Mrs. Song added: "This time, your cousin has done a lot of tricks! There are juggling and plays, all arranged in the theater, and a female storyteller is also invited. If you are willing, you can stay there for a day. In addition, in the Beast Garden, your cousin has sent someone to get some good ones... Just stay out of the Zhuangzi gate and play wherever you want!"

 The girls were even more happy and responded one after another.

"Aunt, I will accompany you." Mrs. Song said to Mrs. Wen: "Let's listen to books, sit by the lake, and relax for two days. Oh, if you want to go on a lake ride and ride a horse, let your cousin arrange it. Come on! Sister Han, do you want to play with your aunts?"

 “I’m not going!” Song Chihan frowned.

Mrs. Song laughed heartily, and Mrs. Wen also smiled and shook her head, "This little girl..."

"Oh, Sister Yi is here with me too!" Weng Xiaoyi is her natal niece, "This girl has been very capable recently! I just sent someone to find her for you to see, but I don't know where she went. She’s very familiar with her here. When your cousin is too busy, tell Sister Yi if you want something to eat or drink!”

All the girls agreed.

Mrs. Song turned to Wei Shi and said, "Go and do your work. I'll talk to your aunt for a while. Sister Han, do you want to go with your grandmother or your mother?"

Sister Han stood up immediately, without saying a word, and went up to hold Webster's hand.

Wen Yu couldn't help but secretly sigh that Mrs. Song was so kind to Song Chihan, but she couldn't get her kindness at all.

When Webster went out, he just smiled at his sisters and said, "Sisters, don't treat yourself as a guest. Let's have fun!" After that, he led Song Chihan away.

 The Wen family, the one she values ​​most is Wen Huan. Wen Huan didn't come, and she didn't pay attention to the others.

 Especially Wen Yu…

 When you get to my territory, I’m not in the mood to deal with you!

I don’t want to write anymore. The first time I recall cutting a book...

  (End of this chapter)

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