Chapter 53 I did it on purpose

 After breakfast the next day, the sisters accompanied Mrs. Wen to the conference living room.

 As soon as I entered the door, I found that there were already a dozen guests inside.

Webster wore a bright red embroidered gold silk peony jacket, a set of gorgeous headdress, heavy makeup on his face, and a sharp look of pride between his eyebrows.

 Talk to people casually.

 Old Mrs. Wen saw Wei Shi and smiled: "Hey, Xiangyu looks like a bride today!"

Webster raised his face in a pretentious manner: "What bride? I am a real lady!"

Old Mrs. Wen was inexplicably interrupted and was a little dazed, thinking: What on earth is going on with Webster?

 A bit of a fire, but what could she do?

So I pretended not to hear it and laughed, when someone in front of me called out: "Aunt Song, you are here!"

Mrs. Wen took advantage of the situation and walked forward, "Oh, Mrs. Feng! We haven't seen each other for a while."

The Wen sisters followed and walked in. Wen Yu was the last one. When passing by Wei Shi, Wei Shi sighed: "Where did the bedbug fly from? It fell into my mouth alive! It's really looking for death!"

Wen Yu looked at Wei Shi with a surprised look on his face, looking up and down, as if he couldn't believe Wei Shi's performance.

Wechsler’s eyes stood up…

But at this moment, a girl came over gently: "Ayu!"

 “Yier!” Wen Yu ignored Webster and left.

Webster sneered from behind.

Yier is Mrs. Song’s natal niece, only a few days older than Wen Yu. Mrs. Song liked her very much and often asked her to accompany her.

 She and Wen Yu met often and were quite familiar with each other.

She was busy yesterday and didn't see Wen Yu. When the Wen family came in, she came to see her, but she saw Wei Shi losing his temper. Yi'er was also stunned: What's wrong with her?

Yi'er's parents died early. Mrs. Song was worried about Yi'er's lack of education, so she took care of her herself. Currently, Yi'er is in charge of everything in Mrs. Song's yard.

 Actually, it has nothing to do with Webster.

But Webster was so arrogant that she even looked down on her mother-in-law, let alone her orphaned relatives.

 Furthermore, the husband is too kind to Yi'er!

The girl hadn't gotten engaged yet, and she was really afraid that the old lady would make the decision, so she gave Yi'er to her husband.

So he doesn't show it on the face of the public, and he doesn't have a very good look towards Yi'er in private.

Yier’s parents died young and she was very sensitive. She was so cold to Wei Shi that she was embarrassed to tell Mrs. Song and often felt worried.

"Ayu, I happened to have something to do yesterday, and I didn't see you in the Beast Garden. I was worried that you would have a hard journey at night, so I didn't want to disturb you."

“Why are you so polite? We’ve just met each other now? Oops, we haven’t seen each other for nearly a year. Are you okay?!”

“I’ve been living with my aunt these days, it’s all good! Ayu, are you a punch higher than me?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been on the road lately.”

"You are so beautiful!" Yi'er said sincerely, "Hey, this is... Hongdou? Why are you so dark?"

"Miss Yi'er, my name is Zhuzhu now. This face... has a rash, it's for medicine. It will be fine after a while!" Yan Zhu was very concerned about this, touching her little face with her hands and feeling worried.

“Well, even if you have a black face, you are still good-looking...” Yi’er looks average, so she likes good-looking people.

“Yier, Zhuzhu is no longer the girl next to me. My uncle adopted her as his adopted daughter, she is my sister!”

"Ah?! Really? What's going on?! Tell me quickly!" Yi'er's eyes widened, she was also a gossip.

Wechsler stood there alone, watching Wen Yu and Yi'er chatting animatedly. The one next to me with the bulging front and back is the one named Hongdou, right? This smile is so wild!

What a born bitch!

Since the husband coaxed the two of them to play in the Animal Garden yesterday... I guess they will both follow the husband in the future?

 She dug hard into her handkerchief, yesterday's letter...

 Who wrote it?

 It is certain that it is the people around Mrs. Wen. Moreover, Mrs. Wen may not know about this...

Who is the one?

 What do you want to do?

 Red coral hairpin!

 She has never seen it, but she has heard of it...

 Let’s not mention the exquisiteness and preciousness. The key point is: this is the husband’s wish!

 Since marrying Song Shang, she has not even counted how much money she has spent on jewelry and clothes! I haven't thought about this problem either. Anyway, when you get your things back, there will be a cashier in front of you to settle the bill.

 She once thought that this was very good, and she could live a life more chic than the ladies in the capital.

Unexpectedly, as a husband, he had never cared about anything for himself.

At most, during the Chinese New Year, she can get a gift from her husband from her mother-in-law: neatly packaged, from her own store, all good stuff! But now that he thinks about it, it didn't cost him any thought...

 He went to the "Huiyuan" auction and bought a red coral hairpin!

But he gave it to Wen Yu, that bitch!

 This is really unreasonable!


Over there, several women were chatting after the ceremony, and it was very lively.

After a while, someone said: "Old lady, our fifth master is here!"

“Hey, he’s here!” Mrs. Song said quickly: “Let him come in and meet these aunts and uncles!”

Song Shang strode in, dressed in bright blue, with a smile as pure as the sky. Walked up to Mrs. Song: "Mother!"

Several ladies quickly praised: "Oh, Brother Shang! Look at how energetic he is!"

"Yes, yes! Such magnanimity! Even if you say you are a Marquis, some people will believe you!"

 There are a lot of flatterers.

These people have benefited more or less from Song Shang, so they are really full of enthusiasm.

 Song Shang stood next to his mother and talked to everyone with a smile. Then he turned his eyes and saw the man over there, joking with cousin Yi'er and that... Zhuzhu...

 Haha, he felt at ease and satisfied.

At this time, Mrs. Song’s maiden sister-in-law pushed the girl next to her: “What did you do for your aunt? Take it out quickly!”

The girl’s nickname is Zhenniang, and she is the niece of this lady’s mother-in-law.

She saw that Song Shang had not had a son for several years after their marriage, so she thought of giving her niece to Song Shang. It doesn’t matter whether you are a concubine or not, even if you give birth to a son, it will be the same!

That chastity lady has an oval face, big eyes, and is very upright. Dress and behave like a stable young girl!

Hearing this, his little face turned red, he responded and went to get it.

Mrs. Song originally liked Zhenniang very much, but when she found out that her sister-in-law intended to give her to her son as a concubine, she didn't like her very much. Who would think about being a concubine in a well-behaved daughter's family?

She won’t tolerate this kind of thing!

 A wife asked: "What birthday gift did Brother Shang give you?"

Mrs. Song pointed to the case next to her, which was covered with red velvet cloth and had several objects on it: "This is the ancient jade Bodhisattva. A few days later, during the Thousand-Year Dharma Ceremony of Tianlong Temple, Brother Shang said that he would go to the Dharma to make offerings. , please come back and consecrate it! The niche is ready!"

Some people came over to look at it. They knew it was expensive, but they didn't dare to pick it up. They praised it loudly.

“And the one next to me, it was Brother Shang’s daughter-in-law who gave me a set of ruby ​​hair masks. Oops, how can I, an old lady, wear it?”

Wen Yu also found it funny when she heard Mrs. Song's nagging.

That set of ruby ​​​​head and face, I heard that Princess Wu has a similar set.

 But what is his identity?

Mrs. Song really wears such a thing when going out, will she not cause trouble or make a joke?

 But Webster always looks upward.

Zhenniang's birthday gift was a handkerchief embroidered with the Chinese character "hundreds of years of life".

Mrs. Song took it in her hand and looked at it carefully. Although she was a little dissatisfied with her, she couldn't deny that the handkerchief was really well made.

 “Good girl, your hands are so skillful!”

"Yes! Zhenniang..." The sister-in-law started to boast again.

Mrs. Song listened, nodded, turned around and handed it to the person next to her: "Put it away!"

Song Shang stood there with a smile on his face and said nothing.

Two more girls gave away purses and other things they made themselves, and they were also quite exquisite.

Mrs. Wen quickly said: "You ladies, please bring out what you made for your aunt! You will definitely not be able to compare with Zhenniang and the others, but you can't hide from them. You have to be embarrassed as soon as possible!"

"Haha, aunt, what are you talking about?" Mrs. Song laughed so hard.

 Everyone also laughed.

Wen Jiao gave her a gold-painted folding fan. She bought the fan and it already had words on it. When she bought it, she just had to trace it with gold powder.

Mrs. Wen looked at it, shook her head and smiled bitterly: "This girl's hands are clumsy!"

Wen Jiao didn't care, she opened it and fanned Mrs. Song, "Aunt, this is not an ordinary fan. Smell the fragrance! Doesn't it smell good!?"

 “Smells good!”

Mrs. Song took it and fanned it, "Well, it smells really good!"

Wen Wan sent Luozi with six agarwood beads on it, and you can smell the fragrance. Although it is not high-quality agarwood, it is not cheap either. Fortunately, it is not used much, otherwise Wen Wan would feel distressed.

Wen Su is the most stingy about the scriptures she copied. Knowing that Mrs. Song believes in Buddhism, there is nothing wrong with copying this!

 Finally, it was Wen Yu’s turn.

 She held a book in both hands.

Mrs. Song took it and said, "Girl Yu, what is this?"

“Aunt, Yu’er drew this for you!”

Song Shang moved forward, and the mother and daughter put their heads together to look at each other.

 Open the first page, which depicts a city with numerous shops and people coming and going.

On the second page, there was a child who was running and playing in the market. When he saw people killing pigs, he stood and watched the fun.

 Looking through the page again, the child went to the next door again. Someone was shouting about selling goods, and he opened his mouth curiously.


 Then, his mother saw it, went home, packed her bags, and moved.

Mrs. Song understood immediately, "I know this! It's Meng's mother who moved three times!"

 She was illiterate when she was in her boudoir.

   Married, but not educated.

Later, her husband died and she had to take care of the accounts. As a last resort, she learned some words. She is not very bright, she is gloomy and frightened. A ruthless fortune teller can only look at accounts, but can't read contracts.

After her son grew up and took charge, she felt relieved and returned all the things she had learned to her husband.

It was impossible to let her study, but as soon as she looked at this painting, she immediately knew that it was about the story of Meng’s mother’s three moves!

 Looking carefully, I was stunned again. This child... turned out to be exactly what my son looked like when he was a child!

 Looking at Mencius’s mother... she looks very similar to myself when I was young...

Mrs. Song understood immediately and her eyes turned red...

When Song Shang saw this, her heart was ups and downs. She was determined...

Wen Yu handed Mrs. Song a handkerchief and said, "Aunt, my cousin's achievements today are all due to your careful guidance! You are the person Wen Yu admires the most!"

 This sentence reminded Mrs. Song of the flash of swords in those years. Among the Song family, there were some who wanted to kill him, some who wanted to take advantage of him, and some who wanted to lead him astray.

 It is oneself, protecting, managing, leading, teaching...

 It is not easy for a widow like her who has no ability.

 But in the end...she looked at the son in front of her: he had become a better person than his father!

These are all my own merits!

Mrs. Song pulled Wen Yu and said, "Ayu... you are a good child."

Song Shang felt sweet and bitter in his heart. He was afraid of showing his emotions and did not dare to look at Wen Yu. His eyes were slightly moist.

Webster took two steps over and smiled lightly: "Cousin Wen, you are really attentive!"

 Yes, I did it on purpose! "Thank you cousin for the compliment!" Wen Yu smiled coquettishly.

Webster wanted to say something else, but her husband took the picture album from her mother-in-law's hand and read it carefully.

 Old Mrs. Wen was sitting there, and her warm words were affirmed by Mrs. Song. She should be happy.

 But why do I feel so sour in my heart? ?

This book is about to be signed:)

thanks for your support.



 (End of this chapter)

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