Chapter 59 He wants to reconcile

Wen Yu saw Mrs. Song's expression: Well, that's almost it.

 To go too far is not enough.

So he changed the subject: "Aunt, Yu'er has never seen her mother since she was born. My father... took a job outside and had a wife and children. In good times, we can see each other during the New Year, but in bad times, we can't see each other for two or three years. I have never said this to anyone...I really miss my father and want to be by his side...I envy my second sister!"

 She seemed to be mumbling to herself, her expression was so lonely...

Mrs. Song felt sorry for her, "That father of yours! In terms of homework and official work, he is smart and motivated. But he is too careless in life." How could anyone treat his eldest daughter like this?

 “It’s not easy being a father.”

 “You have always been a considerate and good girl!” Mrs. Song set the tone.

"Auntie praised me! This time, my father gave me my mother's dowry." She narrowed her eyes happily.

"Haha, I have heard about this. It's just that you are a little girl who has never been exposed to it. It is really difficult to handle so many things at once. I told your grandmother yesterday."

"Ke Yu'er was so happy that she read and re-read the things her mother left behind. But... to tell you the truth, I haven't slept well for several days. I'm just afraid that if I don't do well, my mother's hard work will be betrayed. Being laughed at!”

Mrs. Song disagreed, "Your mother's spirit in heaven only wants you to be safe and happy! As for the dowry, as long as you do your best and the results are good or bad, she will not criticize you harshly! And this matter has nothing to do with others, why should others laugh at you!? "

“Wen Yu has learned what my aunt said!” Wen Yu nodded solemnly.

 Her attitude was very popular with Mrs. Song.

“Aunt, when I was in Xiangyun Pavilion just now, Yu’er saw how her cousin was talking. Oh my God, he’s so proud! Oh, if Yu’er could be even 10% as beautiful as my cousin, she would be as beautiful as heaven!”

“Haha! Your cousin is very talented and willing to work hard. He started working at the age of twelve!”

“You should be careful with your words. In the future, I hope my mother will be as proud as you of having an outstanding daughter!”

"You girl, I have watched you grow up. I know a lot about benevolence and righteousness, protecting your loved ones with heart, and being well-behaved! Your mother will definitely be proud of you!"

Wen Yu blushed and smiled secretly in his heart: That’s not what you said in the last life.

 “Oh, I’m a big girl now, and we’re getting engaged!” Seeing Wen Yu lower his head, Mrs. Song chuckled: “Auntie will help you keep an eye on it!”

 “Aunt, you don’t listen to me!”

"Okay, if you don't listen, I'll tell your grandmother! She will definitely find a good match for you!"

“What Yu’er wants to ask my aunt to do is to intercede with my cousin. Don’t just think about benefits when you do something for me!”

Mrs. Song laughed heartily, her mood suddenly brightened, "Silly girl, he is just teasing you!"

“When Yu’er gets things done and makes some money, I’ll invite my aunt to eat at the Eight Immortals Restaurant!”

 “Okay! Auntie is waiting!”

 The two people laughed.

“Aunt, as cousin’s matter, Yu’er wants to go and make amends to her cousin first. Do you think it’s okay?”

 “What do you think?” Mrs. Song was a little surprised.

"You see, my cousin and my cousin have been married for many years, and they have Xiao Haner. Just now, my cousin and sister-in-law were so angry, and my cousin was also angry. If they don't accept each other's weakness, what will happen..."

These words made Mrs. Song completely give up her doubts about her. He snorted again, "mutually" dissatisfied...

 How can a husband submit to his wife? !

"As for my cousin, she is indeed proud! If my cousin can take the initiative to give in, I guess everything will be fine!"

Mrs. Song's face turned pale again, "A husband should give in to his wife?!"

“Aunt~~Yu’er means: Big things are reduced to small things. What’s more, this is nothing in the first place. I don’t know where my cousin is so angry...?!”

Wen Yu walked away as he spoke and quickly stopped talking, feeling extremely embarrassed...

Mrs. Song feels so funny, this girl!

"Hey, aunt! Yu'er is worried about you and your cousin. This matter will never end, how painful it is. You have worked hard for half your life, and you should be enjoying happiness. You are always thinking about this in your heart. Can you be happy?"

 “Alas, you girl...” Mrs. Song patted Wen Yu’s little hand. She was really more sensible than Webster!

"Aunt, Yu'er really doesn't want my aunt to have trouble with the family. So, I came up with a good idea: Yu'er goes to apologize to her cousin. If she wants to be beaten or scolded, you can do whatever you want! If she still can't make it, my cousin will tell her a few more words. A soft word. The clouds will surely clear in one day!"

Mrs. Song looked at her.

“Look, the two of them have reconciled as before. When I add a little nephew later, how beautiful will this life be? Do you think so?”

 “Haha, you arranged it quite clearly!”

"Don't laugh at me! Only in this way can I feel more at ease. Otherwise, I will feel really guilty! I really don't want her to lose her temper with her cousin..."

Mrs. Song said: "Your aunt has accepted your wish. However, you don't need to worry about this matter. Your cousin is confident. At worst, there is still an aunt!"

"Ah! Really?! This is what you said!" Wen Yu's eyes were bright.

 “Well, that’s what I said!”

  "Okay, okay, aunt, go to bed early, Yu'er is back, good night, aunt!" Wen Yu hurriedly saluted, felt relieved, and ran away with a smile. "This girl!" Mrs. Song pointed at Wen Yu's back and complained to her grandmother.


Wen Yu returned to the courtyard, and Mother Song saw it.

 Go back and tell Old Mrs. Wen: "The big girl has gone to who knows where, she just came back now!"

Mrs. Wen snorted: "She's very familiar here!" Thinking of Wen Yu's meticulous treatment of Mrs. Song, she felt bad.

Wen Yu returned to the room, and Yan Zhu asked: "How was it?!"

 “It’s okay!” Wen Yu stopped laughing.

 In this life, even if I don’t stay with Song Shang, I can’t let you stay in the Song family.


Not long after Wen Yu left, Song Shang came back.

Mrs. Song quickly sat up straight and looked at her son. She saw that his eyes were bright and he was in a good mood, with only a faint smell of alcohol...

 So I felt relieved.

 “Mother, your son is worrying you.”

"What did you say?! It's okay. It's just what do you want to do next?"

 “The mother…the son wants to make peace with her.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Song looked calm and not at all anxious!

 Song Shang was surprised...

 “Son, is it because of your gentle words?!” Zhizi Mo Ruomu.

 Her doubts about Wen Yu were gone, but her doubts about her son were still there!

Song Shang didn’t answer. He pulled up a stool and sat next to his mother.

"I have been thinking about this for two years. To be honest, you don't have any grandchildren yet, so it has nothing to do with me."

Mrs. Song said nothing and looked at Song Shang.

“I found out that the Wei family had attached themselves to the King of Wu two years ago, and they were quite close.”

 “What, how did it get involved like this?!”

"The Wei family...these years have been going well, so they may have higher aspirations. If that person wants to succeed, he will need a lot of money. I'm worried that the Song family will be sacrificed."

 “Huh?!” Mrs. Song was shocked.

"In the future, if that person succeeds, and the Wei family becomes enlightened, they may turn around and devour me. But if that person fails, the Song family will definitely be devastated, and they will be unable to escape."

“Oh my god, is this true? I didn’t expect that we could be involved in this matter?” Mrs. Song broke out in a sweat.

"This is also the reason why I didn't want to marry the Wei family in the first place. Hehe, I don't have much ability, and I have a lot of appetite. And I dare to think and be shameless. For profit, I even sold my legitimate daughter! It's boring!"

"Then, if you reconcile with Li, can the Wei family respond? Are you not angry?"

Song Shang said, "Originally, I planned to delay it for a while. But now... half a year later, King Wu will come to Beijing. If the Wei family wants to please, they have to find the capital, so I can negotiate!"

 “What to do afterward?”

"There's nothing to worry about. Over the years, the Wei family's affairs have not escaped my notice. If he is soft, I will give in a little. If he is tough, I will not let him force me so easily."

“Son, apart from your deceased father, there is nothing worth remembering in the Song family. The property belongs to us...the bird’s nest is a waste, and the rice porridge is also a waste. The safety of our mother and son is the most important.”

 “I know, mother, don’t worry!”

Mrs. Song has experienced ups and downs. Although this twist was a little sharp, she could still keep her composure and said firmly: "I have nothing to worry about when you do things! Webster... Haha, I'm afraid we can't give her what she wants! So I have respected her for many years just because I love you! Otherwise...ha."

 “Thank you, mother, for your understanding.”

"Then...are you going to have two people by your side? Give me two grandsons first!"

"Haha! Mother, take good care of yourself. In the future, there will be a lot of grandsons! I will let you take care of them. You can't complain that your back hurts and your legs hurt!" Song Shang knew how to handle his mother best.

 “How could it be!? I’m in good health!”

"Well, let's do this before your birthday, hehe... I'll have to deal with it for my mother in the next two days."

"Don't worry!" Mrs. Song sneered on her face: "What does this mean?"

 (End of this chapter)

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