Chapter 6 Value

 Hongdou woke up early in the morning.

 Getting out of bed neatly and tidying up his little bed quietly.

Wen Yu also woke up and looked at the quietly busy figure.

Huh, that girl is wearing a small coat, with her arms slightly open.

 The front is convex and the back is curved, and the body is delicate.

 Touch your flat, unrippled front again...

 Then he touched the originally flat and uneven back...


  It seems to be a little rounder. Could it be because you have eaten meat recently? !

 Since she was a child, she has liked to eat vegetarian food.

And Hongdou loves pig knuckles, pig ears, pig trotters, chicken feet, duck necks, fish...the whole person is shining brightly...

 After rebirth, thinking about the frail body in the previous life, I couldn’t bear it at all! So, she decided to change her diet. I ate the red beans with great interest.

 Isn’t this? It worked! I couldn't help but feel deeply satisfied.

 Girl, I am so happy today!

 She smiled and stretched.

 “Girl, are you awake?” Hongdou came over.

You could tell it during the day. Hong Dou's smooth little face was dark-yellow-grey... as if she had liver disease. I made the concoction myself and forced it on her.

 Otherwise, that white, pink, and shiny skin would have been visible to people from afar!

 I can’t protect her now...

Hongdou looked at her girl carefully, with long eyebrows, long cold eyes, dark eyes, fluffy eyelashes, and thick black hair on the pillow.

 “Girl, you are so beautiful!” Hongdou blinked.

"Don't praise me! Praise me, and I won't let you wear that pink dress today."

That was made when I was making clothes at home a few days ago.

In the last life, although Wen Yu ate modestly, she liked to wear flashy clothes.

I always want to dress more festively to please the old lady and impress my father.

But my taste is indeed lacking in education. The wardrobe is colorful and a bit gaudy.

 As for this girl, Hongdou, apart from eating and conspiring, she worships everything about herself without any brains, and the same goes for what she wears, always dressing like a peacock.

 The two of them always dress up in chilling ways and show off in the garden.

 But because the two of them grew up really well, they gave those clothes a different flavor.

 Now, I have changed, but Hongdou is still the same.

Seeing that she disliked the peach red dress, she rubbed it off like a stone.

 Then, I always think about wearing it.

She didn't allow it, so Hongdou dressed up in the house for a while before going to bed.

 Haha, in this life, I can wear whatever I like, but I don’t do it to please others.

Pulling Hongdou, he whispered in her ear: "Are you still not afraid of what happened last night? My second uncle is very cold-blooded. No one with a bit of beauty in the house can escape. I am not favored at home, so No one is paying attention to you. If my second uncle sees it and insists on killing you... I can't stop it now. "

"Oh..." Hongdou pouted, unhappy. After thinking for a while, she said seriously: "It would have been better if I had burned him to death last night."

 …she can wear that beautiful pink dress.

 “Haha...” Wen Yu laughed.

 Hongdou’s temperament is so lovable!

 We are both very perverted!

 There was movement from the room outside, like Hongxing directing the little girl to carry water.

 Hearing the tone, I don’t feel very happy.

This was originally something Hongdou and Hongxing took turns to do, but now only Hongdou is left with the girl, and Hongxing has to do everything outside.

 After a while, there was movement at the entrance of the courtyard.

After a while, a little girl entered the main room and asked, "Miss, are you up?" The person who spoke was the second-class girl Xiao Hongmei.

 “What’s the matter?!” Hongxing asked.

“Someone is coming to the old lady’s yard, please let the girl go over in a moment.”


Hongdou looked at Wen Yu, worried that what happened last night would be exposed, and was a little nervous.

 Wen Yu smiled lightly and started to get dressed.

 After experiencing the misery in the previous life, she really didn’t know what “fear” meant anymore.

After washing up, she ordered red apricots: "You go with me!"

 Lately, she doesn’t take red beans with her when she goes out. Hongdou stood at the entrance of the courtyard, watching the girl go away helplessly.


Wen Yu deliberately turned at an intersection and went to Furongxuan to see the excitement.

 As soon as I arrived nearby, I smelled the smell of something burning.

 Going further, the black water on the ground has not yet been cleaned up.

 The door of Furongxuan is closed, but there is movement inside.

 She looked at Wen Feng and Liu Si curiously, but their reactions were not slow! Not burned to death, not burned out? ! This is unreasonable!

  Hehe, if you survive the disaster, there will be a next time!

 Walking in the garden, recalling her tragic past life.

  When I was young, my grandmother didn’t care for me and my father didn’t love me. As the eldest daughter, her life is not as decent as that of the girl next to the old lady.

However, the old lady didn't make it too difficult for her. She was not hungry or cold, so she made clothes for her. Someone is waiting on you.

 She is very lucky and will not get sick or die.

He has a big heart and is not sad. He just stupidly maintains his "relatives" in his own way.

 Then, everything started when she was fifteen years old and had hairpins.

Standing in the carefully maintained garden of the Wen family, recalling the past, it still feels so painful.

That kind of pain cannot be overcome even if she gets a chance to be reborn.

The red meat dumpling will always appear in my mind, and the vague cry will drift from my ears.

 Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but tremble slightly...

Until Hongxing asked in confusion: "Girl?"

Wen Yu opened his eyes, composed himself, and walked forward.

 Enter the old lady’s courtyard, the largest main room in front.

Normally, the ladies of the Wen family greet the old lady and entertain guests here.

 Before I even climbed up the steps, I heard soft voices inside.

 Once, she was so eager to blend in with them. Will remember everyone's birthday and find out their preferences.

 For example: My grandmother doesn’t like sweet things when she is old, and she likes girls who are upright and well-behaved.

 Second aunt likes to eat crispy, chewy snacks.

Three sisters would pretend that the osmanthus cakes they made for her were made by her, and serve them to friends who wanted to please...

Fourth sister thinks that the patterns she draws are good and Hongdou’s embroidery is good. I made a new piece of clothing and asked them to modify and add it, but they never said thank you and kept criticizing and complaining...

 The fourth aunt Liu...has no children and likes to be praised for her good figure and youthful appearance.

Over the years, she would ask them if they were feeling unwell or if the weather had changed. On their birthdays and happy events, rack your brains and send them appropriate blessings.

 Even, he will work **** himself and save all kinds of materials, just to make some useful gifts...

Hongdou, don’t remind her or advise her, just stay with her to do these boring things!

 Haha, it’s a pity that her efforts and hard work did not receive any response.

 When I got sick, I healed myself through Hongdou’s tears...

  Although she is called the eldest daughter, she is invisible and transparent. It might also be annoying. Because grandma may have hoped that she would be able to fend for herself...

 And she...maybe her life is really hard, but she just won't die!

In the last life, I was desperate and became Song Shang's concubine.

 Song Shang…has rich wealth, broad paths, and great ability. Although he only has an official position that is convenient for him to do things, his hands and eyes are very good.

 Not to mention my grandmother and aunt, even my younger sisters got married, and they often needed his help.

In order to save his face, Song Shang deliberately asked them to come to him.

It was then that she was surprised to discover that her grandmother could also be a kind and good grandmother.

Those younger sisters, when facing me, can also greet me with smiles and speak softly.

Even, she would hold her arms affectionately and call her like a coquettish "big sister".

 They easily know their own preferences and treat themselves generously.

 Until that moment, she understood: It turns out that in this world, getting along with others does not depend on how good you are to others, but on how high your value is.

The unpopular eldest daughter is no better than the concubine of a powerful family's son.

 She gently picked up her skirt and stepped into the main room...

“It turns out that in this world, getting along with others does not depend on how good you are to others, but on how valuable you are.”

Although this is difficult to accept, it is quite true.



 (End of this chapter)

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