070The work is not in vain

Li Jiang and Xiao Ji were making a fuss, and Wen Yu was not idle either.

Quickly took out a few banknotes, shook them in his little hand, pointed at the other person with a commanding attitude and said: "These are thieves! Whoever turns them over to the government, I will reward you with a hundred taels of silver!"

Originally, the ruthless man drew out his dagger and backed away in fright at the excitement.

 No matter how beautiful a beauty is, she cannot risk her life.

 But when I heard it, what, one hundred taels of silver?

 Oh my God!

"Is what the girl said true?!" two idle men asked quickly.

 Xiaoji said: "My lady can lie to people?!"

The tough man sneered, "Let me see who of you dares!"

Although the two idle men did not dare to rush forward, they refused to leave. The leader shouted: "Don't leave, let's just surround them! When the officials arrive, the money will be in hand! Right, young lady?" ?”

Wen Yu nodded quickly: "Yes, yes! When the officials come, the money will be yours!"

 Everyone was excited when they heard it, and some people actually picked up sticks and stones from the roadside.

The man in blue finally became anxious. With a knife drawn from his waist, he wanted to step forward and take away the unconscious little girl.

Sun Ying already understood the meaning of Wen Yu, and without saying a word, he raised his sword to block it.

Wen Yu shouted: "He wants to chop me, but he will have no money!"

When the spectators heard the excitement, without saying a word, they picked up stones and chopped down those few people.

 The woman in pink was so angry that she asked bitterly: "What on earth do you want to do?"

Wen Yu said softly: "Put the little girl down in the car and let you go. After all, I don't want to make a big deal out of it!"

The woman then realized that this girl was just faking it!

 “Do you know who you’ve messed with?” she threatened.

Wen Yu smiled contemptuously, ignored her, and said to the man in blue: "Why don't you understand? With my family background, people from the government are here, and you can still leave?! What's more, the real victim is Come on, I’m afraid I’ll cut you lightly!”

 Others didn't know what she was talking about, but the blue man's expression changed.

With these dozen or so people, even if the man with the knife is added, it is impossible to stop him from taking the little girl away!

 It's just that this matter has gone by the wayside, and it doesn't look like the handiwork of a trafficker...

But really wait for the government to come ... This girl is not only good, but also the thief, and she does not know what she will make trouble.

 The point is, if that person is found... it will be all over.


 Fortunately, these three people... don't know anything. Let's talk about it later.

So, without any further hesitation, he saw his horse behind him. He turned around and got on the horse with a single step.


The crowd was dumbfounded: "He, what did he do?"

 “If you’re afraid you can’t beat me, go call someone!”

“How could you just run away without fighting?

The woman in pink was dumbfounded when she saw it. She winked at the little thin man and ran!

"Okay, you bully our little family, right? My girl's illness is what delayed you after all! Okay, just throw her here now. If she dies, I will go to the capital to complain and I will make you pay with your life. !”

 After saying that, he covered his face and rushed out of the crowd crying. I don’t want the little girl or the car anymore.

 The other two people also left in a panic.

When everyone looked at it, they said, "Girl, what are we going to do? They threw the child to you to blackmail you! If you really have someone who is both good and bad, you will be in trouble!"

Wen Yu was also scared, "Why is this mother-in-law like this!? It's broken. I have to take her to see a doctor quickly. What about that? Thank you very much. You can divide this money among yourself. Don't wait until they call. People come back…”

When everyone heard this, they agreed and quickly discussed how to divide it.

 Qinghe carried the little girl into the Wen family's car. Li Jiang whistled and left.

 When the officials heard the news and came, the alley was quiet and clean, and the donkey cart didn't even know who to let go.

Wen Yu looked at the little girl. She couldn't wake her up and didn't know what was wrong.

Without any delay, he took me directly to the largest medical clinic in the area.

Let Li Jiang enter the store, find a suitable old doctor, arrange a single room, and then Qing He carries the little girl in.

The old doctor felt strange, but he didn't ask any more questions. After careful inspection, he said, "This little girl must have taken sleeping pills. The problem is not that big. She wakes up when she sleeps enough. Acupuncture will make it faster."

“Then let’s get an acupuncture, I want her to wake up as soon as possible.”

 The old doctor nodded, "That's fine. However, she is too young and cannot take these sleeping pills. It will damage her brain! She must be especially careful in the future."


The old doctor gave her an injection and said, "Don't worry, it will take a while."

After getting on the carriage, Xiaoji asked: "Girl, what should I do?"

Wen Yu thought for a while: "You can't take it home. Find a good teahouse!"


Not long after, the little girl woke up. Her eyes focused and she realized that they were all strangers. She was startled and started crying.

“Hey, little girl, don’t cry, what’s your name? This little dress is so beautiful.” He coaxed her with gentle words. The little girl said nothing and cried loudly.

"Little girl, you can't cry. Your face becomes chapped when you cry. It's ugly. Well, you look just like her." Qing He pointed at Xiao Ji.

 Xiaoji rolled his eyes, "Don't listen to her!"

 The little girl was shocked when she saw how fat Xiao Ji was.

 Looking at Wen Yu again, this sister is beautiful! She doesn’t want to be fat! He spoke Wen Yu and pursed his lips, "I want my aunt, I want my father, I want my mother. Woo hoo..."

“Okay, then who should we go to first?” Wen Yu drank tea and was not in a hurry.

The little girl was more practical: "Really, you won't lie to me? Find my aunt..."

 “You are a little girl, why should I lie to you? What is your name?”

 “My name is Yuanyuan…”

“Ah?! Yuanyuan, it sounds so nice! What did your aunt do?”

 "Auntie went...to burn incense. Let me...let me wait at home for Wuwu...I shouldn't go out..."

“Did you run around blindly and lose yourself?”

“No…it was the flower photographer who snatched me away!”

"…"she knows?

“Where are the flower photographers? How could I see that you were chasing a rabbit and then fell unconscious?”

"No, no, it's a flower photographer." The little girl had heard this story many times before, and she stopped crying, and her attitude was more serious, "I just left the door, and then..."

"You remembered wrong!"

 “I didn’t...” the little girl was anxious.

 Why does a little girl have such a good memory? I can’t even remember what happened when I was a child!

Wen Yu picked up a little rabbit by its ears from a basket nearby. It is about the size of a fist, has long hair, a pink three-petal mouth, red eyes, and is kicking its hind legs.

 It’s so cute! I just asked Xiaoji to buy it at the market.

  The little girl's eyes suddenly straightened, and she stared with dark eyes.

“Didn’t you chase it and fall down?”


“…This little rabbit isn’t yours? Then I have to find an owner for it!”

"I...I..." The little girl has been taught not to lie since she was a child.

 But, this little bunny is so cute!

 She didn’t know how to deal with such a complicated matter, so she was anxious and burst into tears. "I want to touch it. Will it bite me?"

 “Touch it gently, it won’t bite you.”

 The little girl touched it carefully, my God! Meaty and hot.

 “What does it eat?!”

Xiao Ji looked at the rabbit with disgust: "Eat grass, eat radish."

 “Then give it something to eat!”

“We don’t have it now, we don’t have the money to buy it!”

 “I have, I...” How could she have it? If there is a collar around her neck, she will take it off.

“Tell me first who your aunt is, and we’ll ask your aunt for money to buy it.”

"My aunt... um... her name is Mrs. Qi. My cousin's name is Wu Lang~~ We live in Zanquan Villa. My aunt, who burns incense here, lives in... um... Lion Lane. There are two big lions in front of my house."

Wen Yu winked at Xiao Ji, and Xiao Ji went out and asked Li Jiang and Sun Ying to go out and inquire.

 Without much effort, I asked about it.

“Lion Lane is the residence of the Qi family in Yuanhou Mansion, Jingcheng Town. Mrs. Qi is the wife of a first-class general. The day before yesterday, Mrs. Qi moved in with her fourth son and fifth son.”

oh? !

Hou Mansion? !

 The wife of a first-class general…

Well, finally the work was not in vain.

"Now, the gate of the mansion is guarded tightly, and everyone is very nervous... but there is not much news coming out."

The young lady at home is missing, and she definitely doesn’t want the outside world to know.

 “Little sister, I will take you home!”

After waiting for the news for a while, the little girl had forgotten all the pain and was playing with the rabbit in full swing!

 (End of this chapter)

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