The Duke’s Wife is Beautiful But Has a Dark Heart.

Chapter 75: There are always surprises

Chapter 75 There are always surprises

Wen Yu was so frightened that he screamed "Ah!" and his hair stood up.

 Looking around...


We only saw Webster, wearing a purple wide-sleeved shirt and a gray skirt, looking like a very upright lady. But with a fierce look in his eyes, he pinched Wen Yu's arm tightly.

 “Accident?!” The tone was flirtatious.

Wen Yu was so frightened that he almost peed, and he became angry all of a sudden. She swung her arm violently, and Webster's hand was thrown away, making her long nails hurt. "If you have something to talk about, what are you going to do when you come up to me?"

"It's a sunny day and you're in a temple again. What are you afraid of? Have you done something bad again?!" Wei Shi looked at her and really wanted to tear her apart.

 She was returned to her natal family by her husband.

I don’t know what to say to my brothers. My brother looked bad but said nothing.

  The sisters-in-law are even more nonchalant, and they say: She is in the midst of blessings and does not know her blessings. The Song family really does not know what is good and what is bad... They also think she is causing trouble in the family and making it difficult for their children to behave well.

Webster was so angry: He didn't even think about how many benefits he would bring to the Song family by entering the Song family.

 Only my mother is really worried about her. Afraid of being criticized for staying at her parents' home, she had to pretend to be sick and say that she came back to take care of her illness.

 My mother didn’t even come to this Dharma gathering.

She came with her sisters-in-law just to find a chance to admit her mistake to her mother-in-law and let her mother-in-law persuade Song Shang. Song Shang will definitely listen to his mother-in-law’s words!

As a result, Mrs. Song was very gentle to her, expressed understanding, advised her not to worry, and promised to persuade her son. However, Webster felt that her mother-in-law was just doing Tai Chi politely, and her attitude was completely different from before.

The matter was not resolved, and her heart was burning, but unexpectedly, she saw this **** here!

Her face was already torn, and Wen Yu was no longer polite to her, "This is the pure land of Buddhism, where the Buddha's light shines everywhere. Whoever stands here will think about whether he has done anything wrong. In the heart of the Buddha, he will remember everything. Come on! Good things will be rewarded, and bad things will be punished.”

Wechsler suddenly felt guilty. I couldn't help but think of the one my husband mentioned, the one named Ruyi.

 Actually, there is another thing. The husband has too many things to do, so he may not notice it. It was a woman named Lianxiang. Before she got married, her husband’s underwear and socks were all made by Lianxiang.

After getting married, of course she didn’t like the girl, so she pointed at someone’s house.

She didn’t know that the girl was engaged.

Lianxiang asked for an explanation in front of her, but at that time, she didn't like her and didn't listen at all. Someone pulled her down, but in the end, the girl actually sought death...

She was stunned for a moment, then heard Wen Yu ask: "Huh? Cousin-in-law, aren't you back to your parents' house?"

 “...” She still dares to mention it? !

Wei Shi immediately shook off the guilt he just felt, "Oh, I am the daughter-in-law of the Song family. Even if there is a **** to sow discord, how can my mother-in-law and husband really care about me? Song Shangba is so proud. The wife who has been brought in in a sedan chair wants to do whatever she wants, but it depends on whether the Wei family agrees!"

“Cousin, you are so powerful!” Wen Yu praised him heartlessly, and then asked, “Hey, why didn’t your fifth cousin come to accompany you to worship Buddha?”

“He is minding his own business! Where are you looking for him? Haha, do you want me to lift you up..."

 At this time, someone was passing by and saw that there seemed to be something wrong between them.

"Wei Xiangyu!" Wen Yu called him by his name: "I think you have no spirituality. You pretend to be so brilliant, but you can't escape the secular world. You always have to rely on your husband and natal family to gain position and success. Glory, if it were husband, no matter who he is, let him go east, he will not dare to go west!"

“How can you say such shameless words?”

"Cousin, we have known each other for several years, and I can't bear to see you in such a situation. Let me tell you some of the comments and suggestions others have made about you. Instead of dressing up in various colors, and guarding against other women outside the home, It's better to have a son myself...

 They say this is the right way! Even if you are capable, even the mosquitoes that bite your cousin are not allowed to be female, but if you don’t have a son, everything is in vain. Ouch, I am a girl. I don’t know if what they said is right! "

After saying that, she raised her chin, flicked her sleeves, and imitated Webster's usual posture, "Please pray well and add more sesame oil?!"

Others said that about her? Webster was stunned there...

Wen Yu went directly to the largest hall in the temple. The floor was covered with futons and filled with women, who were listening to the sutras.

 She came in silently and sat down by the door.

I wanted to see if Mrs. Qi was there. I glanced around, but there was still no...

I had to pretend to listen and listen to the monk chanting sutras for a long time... After listening for a while, my chaotic heart finally calmed down.

 I really didn’t expect that such a thing would happen.

That girl, let him silence her?

 Fortunately, I am smart and have a good life. Otherwise, my life will be over today. After a while, the chanting will be over. Everyone stood up, and the people in the aisle stood on both sides to make way for the passage. The lady at the front was preparing to go out.

 The leader is Princess Wu.

 In the first two years, Wen Yu met him.

 Princess Wu has a face as silver as a plate, and her skin is thin and shiny. Finely groomed eyebrows, two gentle almond-shaped eyes.

As far as looks are concerned, there are no highlights, and the temperament is not unique.

 It’s just the kind of innate wealth and honor that is appropriate.

 Dress appropriately, behave slowly and solemnly, move out slowly, nod to the woman who salutes her, and occasionally say a few words.

Walking to the middle, Princess Wu's voice became louder and said: "Tianlong Temple has been built for thousands of years. This event can be said to be huge. People come from many provinces and even the capital. We who are around here must do our best. Landlord friendship.”

"Yes, yes! I heard that King Wu is a thousand years old, and he has prepared many activities."

“The emperor has sent officials from the Ministry of Rites to participate!”

 “This is the biggest thing here!”

Wen Yu stood by the door, hiding in the crowd, thinking about the King of Wu he had just seen, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

The princess came over to say hello, but when she saw her, she stopped in her tracks.

Several people nearby hurriedly saluted the princess: "Blessings to the queen!"

“Hey, Heng Yi, look at this girl, she’s so pretty!” Princess Wu said to a lady beside her.

The lady quickly divided her group and pulled Wen Yu to the front: "Hey! Your Majesty's eyes are really amazing. She found a treasure behind the crowd. What a charming little girl! Whose family are you from?"

Wen Yu was discovered even though he was hiding behind him, and he was a little puzzled: "Mother is safe, ladies and gentlemen." She bowed first, "In reply to madam, the little girl Wen Yu is from the Wen family in Qianjiang. My father Wen Qian is the new household minister. Minister."

 She looks elegant and graceful, like a well-educated daughter.

"Well, the Wen family?! I've heard of it. A good family and a good girl!" Princess Wu smiled gently and went out.

 This review is not low.

This scene was seen by Mrs. Wen on the other side. After everyone had almost left, she came to Wen Yu and nodded: "Just now, I answered appropriately in front of the queen."

The gentle salute: "It's all cultivated by my grandmother."

After Princess Wu went out, she whispered to the person next to her: "Post a message to the Wen family."

When the lady heard this, she nodded in agreement. She knew that the princess wanted to find a concubine for her eldest son.

 The princess married the King of Wu and gave birth to three girls before she had this son. Although there is a concubine above him, the position of the princess' legitimate son and heir apparent cannot be shaken.

 The prince and concubine have just reached the age of getting married. It was the prince who planned it and the emperor decided on it.

 I will go to Beijing in half a year and get married early next year.

I have seen that girl before. She is from a good background, but her appearance is extremely average.

 Princess Wu felt sorry for her son, and she probably wanted to find some stunning beauty for her son to make up for it.


Webster walked to a secluded place in despair. Thinking of those people who admired and complimented her in front of her, but privately talked about her and belittled her.

Sure enough, no matter how much she pretends to be a fairy, it will still be a joke.

Unable to bear it any longer, I cried miserably.

“That person inside is Sister Xiangyu?!” A man passed by and happened to see her.

 (End of this chapter)

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