Chapter 79 Decide at once

 Wen Yu walked back after watching the love drama.

 Meeting Xiaoji who was running all the way to look for her.

 The fat girl looked mysterious: "That one" is here.

 Wen Yu was very happy when he heard it.

Of course, before that, she had already found out the location of the Qi family and rushed straight away.

Sure enough, I saw the Qi family sitting there, and the little girl Yuanyuan was also there, but I didn’t see Mrs. Qi or “that person”.

 Just about to look carefully...

 “Sister Yu!”

  She turned around and said, "Ah! Little sister!"

It turned out to be Zhang Jinqing, and Zhang Weiqing was standing next to her, and the two of them were smiling at Wen Yu!

 “Where is Mrs. Zhang?”

“You’re talking over there! Sister Yu, come and help me draw!” Zhang Jinqing rubbed her softly.

Beside the pond, there is a table with paper and ink colors for interested pilgrims to play with.

 “Okay! I’ll draw the little girl!”

Wen Yu is already here anyway, so Wen Yu is not in a hurry. He gently rolled up his sleeves and stood at the table.

Zhang Jinqing stood by the pond, pretending to look at the fish, trying to look beautiful, but in fact his movements were stiff...

 Zhang Weiqing giggled beside him...

Miss Yuanyuan’s eyes were very sharp. She saw Wen Yu in a short while and ran over without saying a word.

The girl and her mother were startled, and they all followed behind.

 “Sister! Sister!”

Wen Yu didn't stop writing, and turned to look at Yuanyuan, "Oh, it's little friend Yuanyuan, the little rabbit!"

 “It’s Tuantuan, and it has a name!” The little girl felt unfair for Tuantuan.

"Okay, where is Xiao Tuantuan!?" Wen Yu asked while drawing without looking at her.

“My aunt won’t let me bring it! I’m so anxious! Tuantuan is so cute, it’s really edible, and it keeps mouthing, just like that…”

 She pouted her little mouth to learn.

Wen Yu glanced at her and smiled wildly.

 Zhang Jinqing was unhappy, "Yuanyuan, don't make trouble...Sister Yu is painting me!"

 “Who are you! How do you know my name is Yuanyuan?”

 “I guessed it!” Zhang Jinqing teased her.

“What are you drawing? Let me take a look... Huh?!” Yuanyuan looked at it seriously.

“Ah! Sister, can you draw a circle for a while?”

 “Okay! After I finish drawing the little girl, I’ll draw you!”

Yuanyuan was waiting anxiously. As soon as Wen Yu finished drawing, she immediately ran to where Zhang Jinqing was standing and posed...

 “Draw me, draw me!”


Mrs. Qi was so disoriented by Du Liu that she walked forward with one foot high and one foot low.

I really didn’t expect that I would trust her so much and give her my most precious son as her son-in-law.

 But it was another wrong payment!

 Thinking back to the time when she was in the boudoir, her parents were loving and the brothers were harmonious. She was the only daughter they had and they treated her like a treasure.

 Have you ever had any troubles?

  Why is it so difficult to get married?

 Thinking about what happened recently, her heart was filled with anger.

 When I arrived at the teahouse set by the Qi family, I found that Yuanyuan, Nanny, and several girls were not there. I was shocked and asked quickly.

 A cousin said: "Isn't that right? We are feeding the fish by the pond!"

Worried that Yuanyuan would fall into the pool, she walked quickly over.

However, he found that Yuanyuan was standing by the pool, posing, hunching her little neck, standing there motionless, not knowing what she was doing.

“What are Yuanyuan doing?” she asked the girl Chunxiang who was standing there.

“Madam, Miss Wen, you want to draw our Miss Yuanyuan!”

 “Miss Wen?!”

Just look at Wen Yu standing in front of the table with a smile, washing his pen. A girl next to her picked up the painting on the table, held two corners, and handed it to a little girl. She asked softly, "Hold both sides and don't move it yet. Wait until it's dry before you look at it."

 He turned around again, picked up a piece of paper, spread it on the table, and pressed it down with a paperweight. The action is simple but effective, showing neatness!

“Yuanyuan, just be natural, don’t be so nervous!” Wen Yu teased Yuanyuan.

Mrs. Qi laughed out loud when she saw Yuanyuan's strange appearance, and her previous depression and awkwardness disappeared.

Wen Yu heard the laughter and turned her head: "Mrs. Qi!" She quickly saluted.

 The girl next to me also saluted and shouted: "Madam, you are polite."

Mrs. Qi said: "You are busy, I will just look around."

 Smiling warmly without being pretentious, he saw that in the basket carried by the young monk next to him, there were steamed buns used to feed the fish to the women.

 “Little master, please give this little girl some steamed buns.”

 The little monk responded obediently, took half a steamed bun and handed it to Yuanyuan.

“Yuanyuan, just stand there, breaking off the steamed buns and feeding the fish. Don’t think about my sister drawing you.”

Yuanyuan was very happy, took the steamed bun, broke off a small piece, and threw it into the pool. There was a splash of water, and the fish came to grab food. Yuanyuan saw it and giggled.

 Wen Yu didn’t say any more. He looked at it for a while and then started to write.

Seeing Wen Yu today, Mrs. Qi combed her hair in a bun that girls like to wear. It's just that her hair is abundant and long, and it looks particularly nice when combed. Only a few small Dongzhu hairpins were attached, and two small Dongzhu earrings were hung from silver chains, swaying gently beside the cheeks.

 The beads are not very good, but they suit her very well.

Two beautiful long eyebrows and a pair of big, calm eyes. When he lowered his eyes, the dense eye hairs covered his expression.

 Wearing a cyan cross-collar waist-cinching blouse with a dark plum pattern, the style is very simple, the material is not bad, and it has a soft luster.

 The whole person is like a narcissus on the desk in winter, quiet and sweet...

 She wanted to paint, so she exposed a small part of her wrist and wore a jade bracelet.

That way of writing...

She was drawing a circle, but she never thought that she was a painting!

Mrs. Qi’s hand couldn’t help but move.

The girl next to her helped her choose colors and put away her pens. It seems that he does this kind of thing frequently.

Someone beside Mrs. Qi whispered to her, "This girl is the niece of Magistrate Zhang...Zhang Weiqing. You met her once a few days ago."

“Oh?! Really? But why don’t I remember it?” Mrs. Qi wondered.

"There were more than a dozen girls at that time, but you may not have noticed...this girl is elegant and generous. The Zhang family has a very good family style. If she hadn't offended someone in her early years, she would have been promoted long ago."

Mrs. Qi looked carefully: Zhang Weiqing had a handsome face, a slender figure, and a spiritual look in his eyes.

The attitude is calm and the actions are crisp. He guessed what Wen Yu would need and prepared properly without disturbing her.

 The whole person is gentle and decisive, but does not steal the limelight.

Hmm, that’s really good.

 If you want to talk about this person, you have to get up and look at it. Just looking at Qin Lianyue, I think the legendary Xi Shi is nothing more than this. But, who is she?

Wen Yu has mixed the colors on several small plates.

I started to write. I first used a thick pen, dipped in a very light color, and used three or two strokes to outline the shape of the pond and the circle.

 Then start adding.

 The strokes were written lightly and quickly, very confidently, and her hesitation and slowness were not felt at all.

 Sometimes I use ink pens, and sometimes I use colored pens.

 After drawing dots for a while, I turned around and saw Silly Yuanyuan giggling, very happy.

Then, she changed colors and brushes.

 The painting is extremely disorganized, not delicate, and even a little messy.

 “Oh, is there such a way to draw?” A girl came around.

 “Yeah, so fast?!”

Mrs. Qi’s own painting skills are very good, and her appreciation of paintings is also quite high.

 Because, although she was born into a family of military officers, her mother was from the Wei family in Lingnan, a master of calligraphy and painting for hundreds of years.

In his early years, my father saved my mother for some reason. He fell in love with her at first sight and shamelessly begged to get her...otherwise, it would have been impossible for the two families to intermarry!

 My mother is good at painting and likes famous paintings.

My father loved his wife and collected a lot of them.

 When I was a child, my mother taught me step by step... Unfortunately, her talent was limited. And my brother is as fond of martial arts as his father...

 So, there is no inheritance...sigh.

However, although Mrs. Qi's painting skills are average, her vision has been honed through more than ten years of cultivation.

As soon as she looked at this girl Wen, she knew that her painting skills were not good without the guidance of a famous teacher.

 It felt chaotic at first, and I had no idea what she was doing.

But before my eyes, the outline of the pond appeared, the hair appeared, and with another stroke, the round, apple-like face also appeared...

 The whole picture begins to become clear.

 This painting method is too casual and cannot be taught.

 If my mother sees it, I don’t know whether she will appreciate it or belittle it...

Mrs. Qi felt sad... It's a pity that her mother has passed away...

 At this moment when she was sad, the painting of a little girl standing by the pond feeding the fish was basically completed.

I saw a little girl in pink, with an innocent and sweet smile, throwing a piece of steamed bun with one little hand. A fat koi with white background and red flowers emerged from the water with its tail swung vigorously, and it was about to pick up the steamed bun with its mouth open.

 The little girl raised her little hand and was wearing a carved gold bracelet.

 The whole picture is vivid and lively.

 Humans and fish seem to be interacting.

Mrs. Qi couldn't help but asked softly: "This painting is not an ordinary painting method. Who did you learn from it?"

Wen Yu smiled and said, "To tell you my wife, when I was a child, my family hired several masters to teach painting. They were from the north, south, west and east. Wen Yu learned them all, but he still didn't master them. He just put them together and painted happily. It’s hard to reach the level of elegance.”

“Well, you can take the characteristics of each family and use them to your advantage. At such a young age, that’s amazing!”

   “Madam is overly praised, it’s just her little daughter’s pleasure.”

“Calligraphy and painting are about expressing one’s feelings freely, and there is no need to stick to elegance and vulgarity. When I was in my boudoir, I also practiced painting for more than ten years, but it was just because of my talent... haha.”

“Madam, you are too modest, but I don’t know...can you give me some advice?”

Mrs. Qi was in a good mood and was not polite, "I haven't written a book for many years, let me give it a try."

 The people next to her quickly helped her tidy up her clothes.

 She picked up the pen and felt at ease: If nothing unexpected happened, it would be the two of them!

 (End of this chapter)

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