A family like the Wen family is not good enough to pay homage to the King of Wu and his wife.

 It is already a great honor to be able to participate in this banquet.

Going into the garden, you can enjoy the scenery, drink tea, watch operas and listen to music, talk to your acquaintances, and chat with strangers.

 Old Mrs. Wen stopped and talked to a lady.

Wen Yu turned around and saw Mrs. Qi, surrounded by a bunch of people!

Looking carefully, it seems that they all have girls with them. Talking and laughing...

 There is nothing you can do about it whether it will succeed or not. No more trying to get it together... Moderation is better!

The family sat down, and on the stage in front of them was the royal palace's kabuki, performing one song after another.

There were snacks and tea on the table. As soon as we sat down, a maid came over to serve us. After all, it is a palace, everything is orderly and luxurious...

 Old Mrs. Wen saw Mrs. Zhang and said, "Hey, Mrs. Zhang!"

Zhifu Zhang’s wife came over with Zhang Moqing, Zhang Jinqing, and two girls from the Zhang family.

Even though Old Mrs. Wen herself was not very good in character, she admired Mrs. Zhang very much and hurried over, "I didn't see you yesterday, so I still want to talk to you!"

“There were too many people yesterday, and I’m really tired these days. I’ll go back when I’m done.”

 The girls from the Zhang family and the girls from the Wen family also started talking and laughing.


Yang Ru was walking in the garden, and there was laughter, music, and dancing drums everywhere.

Those who saw her on the road only looked at her with respect and silently, and did not dare to come forward to talk to her.

 She walked slowly, looking at the scenery in front of her. The princess was right, she was "very familiar with this place."

 …She was kidnapped here, if she remembers correctly!

 So, it was easy to avoid the busiest places and go to secluded places.

 Just in time, Wen Yu saw her at a glance.

That back view has a sense of being unique from the world.

Wen Yu watched silently, and the scene of fireworks exploding appeared in his mind. Although beautiful, it seemed that the next moment, it would disappear and return to darkness.

 This feeling is suffocating.

Suddenly, a female official came over and said to Old Mrs. Wen, "But Old Mrs. Wen?"

Mrs. Wen quickly replied: "It's Mrs. Wen!"

"If the queen has something to say, she will receive you in an hour. Please take the girls to prepare in advance."

Mrs. Wen was overjoyed: "Thank you, sir! The Wen family must prepare it in advance!"

Manny Song quietly handed over a beautiful purse.

“This is something the girls embroidered for adults to enjoy.” Old Mrs. Wen said with a smile.

 A light purse containing banknotes.

The female officer was very satisfied: "Old lady, you are too polite, so there is no need to worry. Your Majesty is kind-hearted and will not be in trouble!"

 Old Mrs. Wen was even more happy after hearing this. Continuously called...

After the female official left, Mrs. Wen said to Mrs. Li and several girls: "It's an honor for the Wen family to receive you, your Majesty. From now on, you guys, don't drink water, go and take a break and tidy up. Come back early." "Grandma still has something to say."

Several girls agreed and wanted to take a walk while it was still early.


Yang Rushi walked through a small garden, where a little boy and several little girls were playing.

A servant nearby laughed and said, "Little Prince, please be patient. The Princess is a girl after all. It's not allowed to run and dance like this with you!"

The laughter of the children made her eyes sore and she walked deeper into the forest.

It was many years later that she realized that she was beautiful, but not smart, and even stupid!

 Can't do anything, let alone see through people's hearts.

 The king of Wu was keeping her in captivity, but she didn't know it at all. You still think of him as God, your father, your brother, and the most important person in your life.

 She doesn’t know what’s outside, and she’s not curious. Until, on the way to the south, I met my sister-in-law.

God knows how much I like this sister-in-law!

 Speaking humorously and having a lot of knowledge. Gentle and considerate, and good at work. It seems like she can do anything!

  Sister-in-law easily opened a window for her and saw a corner of the outside world...

At this sight, I couldn’t hold it back. So, she went to tell King Wu that she wanted to go out and have her own friends.

 But the King of Wu did not allow her to go to see her sister-in-law anymore.

She was so angry that she quarreled with him regardless...

 What happened next...she couldn't understand. All of his ideas failed to come true, but he was bullied by King Wu inexplicably...

  and became pregnant.     Then, she was sent here.

 She was not afraid, nor did she know what being pregnant meant.

 Everything here is novel and happy. He tried his best to sneak into the town in disguise and went to Tianlong Temple, where he finally saw a different scenery.

 Unexpectedly, he was targeted by someone. She was taken captive.

 She struggled desperately and cried, but the two people ignored her. Treat her rudely, scare her, hit her.

 She bled…

The two people found out that she was pregnant, and they cursed unhappily...

 One man said that he would sell her.

 Another man said that he would take her away and make her his wife.

 Two people started fighting...

 She could do nothing but cry during this process. Later they put her on a boat.

One of them bullied her despite the fact that she was still bleeding...

That dirty and ugly man bullied her...

At this moment, she realized that it was really ridiculous to run away to gain experience.

 Then, he finally found a loophole and threw himself into the river.

 When she regained consciousness again, it was already several years later.

 She is married to Mr. Hu.

Mr. Hu is very nice to her. Very nice. Care for her tenderly, teach her homework, and take her out to eat. He also said that if she was willing, he would take her to see all the customs and customs in the world, even to the ends of the earth.

 However, she didn’t want to think about it anymore…

 Not going out. No visitors.

 Just want to be alone. Once in a daze, it lasts a day. Once you are sick, you will be confused for a long time.

Mr. Hu never made things difficult for her and stayed with her quietly.

 Until last year, King Wu found her.

She vaguely remembered some things, but those images gave her a headache and nausea just thinking about them.

 A few days ago, Mr. Hu was assassinated and almost had an accident. She was stimulated and suddenly remembered the entire past!

Finally, she remembered that she had overheard the conversation between the two people on the boat. One of them said: "They want her life, so if we take her away, we have violated the agreement. Do you still want to marry her as your wife? Do you know that?" Who is she? Aren't you afraid of death? If you get a good price, we can go away."

Until this moment, she realized that the disaster was not caused by her going out to show off, but because she had already disturbed the eyes of others...

Who else could it be? ? Who still recognizes her?

 It’s the sister-in-law who is always smiling...

Mr. Wu contacted her secretly and wanted to see her.

She also wanted to see him and wanted to ask him about herself.

 But he...only wants himself...

Then, he said that after a long investigation, the result was that the two people accidentally saw her beauty. After she jumped off the ship, the two men were overtaken by the men he sent and committed suicide.

He also said that he checked everyone around him and there was nothing suspicious.

 Nothing suspicious?

"I see…"


 She sat quietly in the corner, looking at the sky. The prosperity and hustle and bustle in the distance have nothing to do with her.

 Over the years, Mr. Hu has been very kind to her and never forced her.

 But she is not happy. In this life, she does not know what real happiness is!

At this time, a maid in black clothes appeared, holding a plate, and said softly: "Madam, would you like a cup of tea?"

Yang Rushi sat blankly, like a stone sculpture. Asked softly: "Do you have any wine?"

The servant girl lowered her head and said with a tremor in her voice, "Yes, Madam."

 “Pour me a glass!”

The servant woman's movements when holding the plate were not standard, but she still poured a glass steadily and handed it over.

Yang Rusu took it and took a sip... He was stunned for a moment and looked down at the wine in his hand.

 Then he turned around and looked at the woman pouring the wine.

The woman looked very delicate and looked at her blankly. The hands holding the plate were shaking slightly.

"I have seen you." Yang Rushi said softly. "You... were very cruel to me. Later, you came to see Mr. Hu and made a lot of noise... What did you say? I don't remember..."

The woman in black was speechless and just stared at her blankly.

Yang Rushi looked at the wine in the glass again and suddenly smiled...

 (End of this chapter)

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