Princess Wu has been standing outside. She is actually not happy about Yang Rushi's death.

 I didn’t die last time, I will die now.


 Seeing that the Hu family had finally taken away the people, he walked in quietly.

 King Wu sat there dejectedly, showing no trace of royal demeanor on his body.

 “Your Majesty.”

 Wang Wang turned his face, his eyes were fierce, "Is this your business?!"

Princess Wu had no choice but to kneel down and salute the one he grabbed. "I am a lax housekeeper, please punish me!"

 King Wu had a thousand words in his heart to scold, to beat, to punish, and to deal with him, but he knew that none of them would be too severe.

 Gently...what's the use?

 “Just stop here and get those people out of the orange grove!”

“…Your Majesty, there are still some things that need to be done…”

"You didn't hear what I said?! It's all gone! Hurry up! Mrs. Chen, don't force me to fall out with you!" His face was ugly, like a tiger encountering a strong enemy.

 Wu Wangfei was startled, she quickly responded and withdrew.

 So, today’s banquet comes to an end.

Wen Jiao whispered: "I haven't even eaten the food in the palace..."

 “Yeah! What a shame.”

Wen Yu felt like he was receiving an amnesty, and he almost laughed out loud.

 And Mrs. Wen is even more regretful! I didn’t get to see the princess, and I don’t know what happened when the princess summoned her...

 Alas, I sighed countless times in my heart.

 Wen Yu returned to his residence, feeling uneasy. Because as soon as she entered the door, Qinghe and Xiaoji greeted her and stretched out their hands to help her get her bag.

She was frightened: "Don't move!" The voice was sharp and loud, startling the two girls.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Someone died at the meeting today, which scared me. I’ll take the things myself. You prepare hot water, don’t talk, and don’t disturb me..."

 She is always smiling on weekdays, and Qinghe and Xiaoji are not afraid either. The seriousness at this moment actually frightened the two girls into not moving. He walked quietly.

Wen Yu held the bundle in his arms but did not open it to look at it.

It turns out that she planned to burn it when she came back!

 But at this moment, he changed his mind again.

Although I didn’t see what they were, they must be important items...

Mr. Hu and Mrs. Hu were like a couple of gods, and they left a good impression on her. If this works for him...

Then what can we hand this into his hands and get benefits at the same time without letting him know who he is?

so hard!

She was furious and nervous, but now she relaxed and fell asleep.

Old Mrs. Wen went back to the house and complained to Aunt Song. "There is such a thing..." The previous excitement and happiness all disappeared.

“If the princess is really interested, she will contact us again. Besides, the royal family sometimes don’t need to discuss with us, they just come directly and give us instructions.”

 “Oh, then wait another two days?”

“Old lady, did you see the way Young Master Jiang Qing of the Zhang family looked at our eldest girl today?”

 “Oh? Didn’t pay attention.”

“Mr. Zhang used to be chubby and smiling, so I didn’t really think anything of it. Now that he’s had such experience, he’s really outstanding.”

“Humph, it’s a blessing for Wen Yu to be able to enter the Zhang family!”

 Before, the eldest granddaughter was always rushing to post, and she found it annoying.

 But now I don’t post it anymore. As a result, I am close to Mrs. Song and the girl from the Zhang family. She was also very gentle to Mrs. Qi that day. But I became estranged from my family (myself)...

snort! The marriage is still in the palm of my hand. Good or bad, just depends on my mood!

 The fact that Mrs. Wen and her husband are having such trouble is definitely not the fault of one person. No, she was embarrassed.

 In the evening, I sent someone to inquire, and the news came back: King Wu and Princess Wu had left, leaving only people to deal with the aftermath.

 Zhifu Zhang also left.

 I also heard that the Hu family has also left...

Old Mrs. Wen was even more disappointed, so she decided: Let’s go, let’s go home early tomorrow morning!


The journey went smoothly. When we got home, Yan Zhu was so happy.

 Looking at her look, she wished Wen Yu could start talking about it from the moment she left home.

Wen Yu said, "Let me sleep for a while. I'll tell you when I wake up. I promise." After saying that, she stuffed the bundle under the pillow.     As soon as he falls down, he falls into drowsiness.

 Where is Yan Zhu willing?

I pulled Xiao Ji, and Xiao Ji happened to bring a lot of snacks. The two of them hid in the house and chirped for a long time.

Wen Yu actually didn't sleep for much longer. She was woken up by a nightmare.

Dream: The woman in black, King Wu, Princess Wu, and the masked man in black are all chasing her.

And Yang Ru was walking towards the sky, minding his own business... getting higher and higher.

 Finally, after running for a long time, she caught it with her jade hand. Someone smiled contemptuously and said: "Look where you are going!"

That voice was actually very startled her awake all of a sudden.

Hurryly opened the small package, there were more than a dozen pieces of paper densely packed inside, with very delicate regular script on them.

 The first letter expressed my admiration for Mr. Hu. And the heart that never regrets.

 Then, he talked about Mrs. Hu's past in detail... What he wanted to show was that Mr. Hu treated Yang like this and gave her the important "inheritance" of the Hu family. In fact, she doesn’t deserve it at all!

This paragraph of text is full of black sadness, making me look at Wen Yu with tears on my eyelashes...

She didn't have the unwillingness and resentment of the woman in black. She just thought, how could such a beautiful woman be so miserable? King Wu and the princess, such noble people, why would they hurt a woman like this?

 A depressing sadness filled her heart, reminding her of her previous life...

 Why would anyone have to go through this?

 Sorrow arises from the heart, tears fall from the cheeks...

Yan Zhu cared most about Wen Yu. Hearing the commotion, he quietly came in, sat beside her bed, and asked worriedly: "A Yu, what's wrong with you?"

So Wen Yu told Yan Zhu about the incident.

Yan Zhu cried even harder than Wen Yu: "Mrs. Hu is so pitiful! King Wu and Princess Wu are so bad! They have such noble status, but they act in such a vicious and despicable way!"

He wiped away his tears again: "This Mr. Hu... is so pitiful. He watched his sweetheart die before his eyes, ugh... I can feel his pain. If it were me... I would probably die."

"Freeze said!"

“It’s true, Ayu. Although death is painful, you don’t know anything after death. But people who are alive have to suffer... He loves his wife so much, how sad it is!"

“I understand.” Wen Yu wiped her tears and wiped them for Yan Zhu too.

Yan Zhu held her hand and said, "Ayu, why don't you think of a way to give this to Mr. Hu! Let him know that his wife has been miserable and avenge her!"

“You said...if Mr. Hu knew that Madam had such an experience, would he look down on her!?”

"How could it be? According to you, Mr. Hu is a man of noble character, how could he be so narrow-minded in his actions? Besides, Mrs. Hu couldn't help it. It was others who bullied her, and it was not her own intention! If he did it because of this Look down on him, I still look down on him!"

 “Good Zhuzhu, you are right.”

 “What about the following? What are they written?”

Wen Yu then continued reading.

It turns out that after the woman in black was driven away by Mr. Hu, she married Mu Qi.

 But I was dissatisfied, so I thought: How could Yang Ru be an ordinary person if she is so beautiful? ! check!

 At first, she thought some people were raising skinny horses, so she went to check, but there was no news at all.

 Later I thought about it, Yang Rushi... doesn't seem to have any talent.

Those skinny horses are trained by children and have various talents. Although those people's waists were soft, they were not as weak as hers. The hands that have practiced piano will still be strong even without calluses, but they are not as soft as hers!

 Hence, he turned around to investigate again.

 As a result, it was found that someone was also checking Yang Rushi...

 Then he followed these people and spent several years... finally figuring out Yang Rushi's origins.

 The third part is about King Wu…

Wen Yu glanced down and his expression became serious. Why is this Mrs. Mu so capable?

 Can all this be found?

(Actually, she didn’t know that the one who was really capable was Mu Qi.)

 Tianfa Temple... actually belongs to King Wu?

 It doesn’t take Mrs. Mu to say it, she can understand it in Wen’s words, incense, monks, and people who belong to the property of the temple. Okay! It’s both money and people! He is really good at it!

 Iron ore, copper ore…

 Salt works, and land in other people’s names…

These are just simple lists.

As for the evidence, she looked down and saw an address in the mountains.

These things are really important and dangerous.

I have to go out for fun today. I wrote it yesterday and sent it out immediately. Correct if there are any mistakes.

Suddenly, how about the CP with Mr. Hu and Mr. Hu?

  (End of this chapter)

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