Zanquan Villa is located halfway up Yunmeng Mountain.

To go up, you have to climb the mountain ridge in front of you.

This time when we came back, the Qi family specially built a road. Although it was a bit steep when climbing over the mountain ridge, it was not difficult to walk. The fourth master of the Qi family had already arranged someone at the foot of the mountain to lead the guests up the mountain.

Going up the mountain road, everyone opened the car curtains and swayed to the Qi family gatehouse amid the beautiful scenery along the way.

 The female steward had been waiting for me for a long time, and she greeted him with a smile.

“Old Mrs. Wen, my surname is Wang. I was sent by my wife to serve the old lady and the girls.”

 “Hey, Manager Wang! I’m going to trouble you. Your wife is really meticulous.”

"This is what it should be. I'm afraid you are not used to walking on mountain roads! The yard assigned to your family is very close. Please come with me!"

 After entering the gatehouse, there is a long bluestone road.

 “This villa is really prosperous.” Old Mrs. Wen praised it sincerely.

 There are restaurants and shops on both sides, which are clean and tidy. There are not too many people, not too many, and it is quite artistic.

Manager Wang introduced it as he walked: A wealthy family built a courtyard here to escape the heat in the summer and soak in the hot springs in the winter.

 There is morning mist every day, with mountains and rivers nearby, half hidden and half visible, extremely beautiful.

 The fog clears and the sunrise can be seen as you walk further up.

  The Qi family has a hot spring village that will receive guests. The fee is not low, but if you want to come, you have to queue up!

Old Mrs. Wen couldn't help but secretly sigh, this kind of background is really beyond the reach of the Wen family.

Manager Wang also said: "It's cold in the morning and evening in the mountains! Old ladies and girls are expensive, so they should wear thicker clothes. Especially cloaks, which are indispensable."

“It’s really cooler than where we are. Before, I asked the ladies to prepare thick clothes.”

Wen Yu looked at the prosperous Zanquan Villa and Yan Zhu with shining eyes, but he was thinking in his heart: Even if his father gets promoted, the Wen family is still not qualified to be the honored guests of the Qi family!

Mrs. Qi invited the Wen family here simply because she wanted to take the opportunity to thank herself for saving Yuanyuan.

There is no news about the marriage between the two young masters, maybe they want to see each other among the guests this time...

 Alas, there are many things that I cannot control!

 Not long after, we arrived at the courtyard where the Wen family lived.

Wen Yu didn’t need anyone to help him, so he jumped out of the car and looked around... the small town under the sun, with exquisite architecture, quiet and peaceful.

As I was looking around in circles, I suddenly saw a figure flashing behind the huge stone with the word "Zanquan Villa" carved on it.

 Looking carefully, there is no one there.

 “Ayu, come quickly.” Yan Zhu called in a low voice.

 The courtyard where the Wen family lives faces the street in front and mountains in the back.

Through the courtyard gate, I saw a two-story house inside.

Wen Jiao cheered and walked into the courtyard without caring about anything. Then she rushed to the second floor. She wanted to choose the best room.

"My wife said, you have been working hard all the way, so you should take a rest first. The dinner will be arranged in Luomei Pavilion. It will be earlier, the guests will chat, and I will accompany the old lady there. If there is anything missing in the room, I will send someone to tell me "One sound."

 “The arrangement is so thoughtful!” Old Mrs. Wen was really flattered. This reception was really an honor for the Wen family. It was neither a relative nor a friend. The eldest son's promotion brings many benefits...

Wu followed the old lady and looked around. When her eyes passed over Yan Zhu, who was standing next to Wen Yu, she was stunned.

Wen Yu had his own carriage, so he brought Yan Zhu, Xiao Ji and Xiang Shu with him without the old lady’s permission.

“Who is that?” Wu asked the girl in a low voice.

The girl did know: "Madam, this is the girl named Hongdou next to the eldest daughter...I heard recently that her name has been changed..."

Wu rolled her eyes, "I remember, Wen Yu said that a girl next to me is not a slave, is she her?"

 “It should be her...”

Wu squinted her eyes, and there was a fierce light in them, "If you are not a slave, how can you stay with Wen Yu? Remind me, when you go back, drive her out." She broke out in a cold sweat, so beautiful, her husband actually Didn’t see…

He had no intention of doing anything else and looked at Yan Zhu one by one.


 Behind the boulder, hidden are Qi Si and Qi Wu.

When the Wen family members all went in, Qi Si smiled and said, "Which one is Miss Wen? Just now, two stunning beauties got out of the car! Which one is it? Tell me quickly?!"

Qi Wu's face turned even paler with anger. He was dragged and hugged by his fourth brother.

He straightened the clothes that were messed up by Qi Si and lost his temper: "I almost let people see her! What kind of words?! Does it matter whether she is good-looking or not? What a peerless beauty, she is just a little bit better than... others."

“Tch, a little better? Your vision is really bad... Just tell me which one it is, and I’ll let you go!”

Qi Wu pursed his lips and said nothing.

Qi Si winked: "Tall or short? Just like spring orchids, like summer flowers, tsk tsk tsk, no matter who you are, fifth brother will be a blessing to the sky!"

“Is it polite for you to comment on others like this?” Qi Wu glared at Qi Si bitterly. "You said it, I won't comment! Come on, come on..." Qi Si acted rogue.


The big cloak covered her body, leaving only her hair and snow-white face exposed.

 It’s really not ugly…

 It’s just that when she got out of the car, she jumped down!

Can't help but think of my cousin Lian Yue who was as weak as a spring willow, easy to get angry and easy to be happy. She usually had to be supported by a girl when she walked.

  She was good, she walked lightly and quickly... her cloak flickered, like a butterfly...


Although she looks pretty...okay...

 But, she is not gentle! On the street, you dare to save Yuanyuan from the gangsters! How courageous must this be! ?

“Which one is it?!” Qi Si turned around anxiously.

 “Tall!” Qi Wu said impatiently.

"Ah, fifth brother, Miss Wen is tall among women. She is a perfect match for you!" Qi Si felt that he was much more powerful than fifth brother, but he was not as tall as him, which was a pity...

 “What’s the right match? All she has to do is make her mother happy!” Qi Wu muttered.

"Hehehehe..." Qi Si looked at him and laughed.


Wen Jiao walked around the second floor for a long time and chose the best one. The old lady and Wu chose the first floor.

There were many rooms, and the Wen family was dissatisfied with them, so Wen Yu chose the farthest one, which had a view of the mountains behind.

Although she brought Yan Zhu with her, she didn’t ask for a room and planned to sleep on the same bed with Yan Zhu.

It was indeed a hard journey. After the bed was packed, they lay down without going out.

Wen Jiao was very energetic and wanted to take the girl out to play, but Mrs. Wu saw her and said, "Jiaojiao, don't go out!"

 Wen Jiao was not happy.

"I'm going to see Mrs. Qi in the evening. Let's go back to the capital and go to the Qi family. If you can come and go frequently, it will be of great benefit. So, be energetic, dress up well, and leave a good impression on Mrs. Qi."

After hearing this, Wen Jiao thought what her mother said made sense, so she planned to go back to her room.

They saw Wen Su coming downstairs, taking his daughter with him. Just now, she saw a mutton soup seller outside in the car and planned to have a bowl.

  Wu stopped her and repeated what she had just said.

Wen Su disagreed: "Mom, it's better to let nature take its course. Rushing is not a business!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Mrs. Wu was angry. She didn't like this daughter very much, and her words didn't sound pleasant.

 As a result, Wen Jiao went back to catch up on her sleep, while Wen Su went out to drink soup.


 In the evening, before the sun set, the Wen family came out to freshen up and dress up.

Wu saw that Wen Yu was actually wearing Yan Zhu. Moreover, Yan Zhu was dressed neatly and looked even more delicate.

Anger suddenly broke out: "Wen Yu, she wants to go to the banquet with us?!"

Yan Zhu was originally in high spirits, but when she saw Wu doing this, she felt something was wrong and wanted to step back.

Wen Zhu gently pulled her and said, "Second aunt, take her there to see if she wants to eat with us."

“You look like a young lady after all, why are you so shameless when the elders in your family talk about you outside?!”

Old Mrs. Wen went out and was in a good mood, but she heard Wu's bad words. This was really rare. She was puzzled and looked at Yan Zhu.

 Ouch, this is...

Nanny Song next to her whispered, "Old lady, this is the red bean in the eldest girl's house. I heard it is called Yanzhu now. The eldest girl said that it was the female companion that the first lady found for her, not a girl."

 “Not a girl?”

"Yes, I asked the people around the second wife, and it was true that she did not have a deed. When the eldest wife came in, there was a woman next to her who was pregnant. Later, the eldest wife... the woman disappeared not long after."

Mr. Wen's heart sank when she mentioned the past. Seeing Manager Wang greeting her with a smile, she said, "Come on, don't talk about it. Let's go over first."

 Wu was even more unhappy when her mother-in-law asked her to stop. He glared at Wen Yu fiercely... turned around and walked away.

Wen Jiao glared at Wen Yu dissatisfied.

Wenwan gloats and smiles with his lips pursed.

Wen Su rolled his eyes and said: Just go, Yan Zhu is not ugly!

 It doesn’t matter!

 (End of this chapter)

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