While eating, the two young masters of the Qi family were not present.

The table is full of delicious food, but everyone is absent-minded and trying to think of ways to praise their daughter.

Wen Yu ate deliciously, and Yuanyuan even made an appointment with her to watch the sunrise the next day.

 Very confused: As a little girl, wouldn’t it be good to sleep in? What sunrise to watch?

 But no matter what, there may be a long-term relationship with the Qi family, and it is necessary to maintain it well.

Moreover, I heard from the girls present that there were quite a few people going to watch the sunrise the next day.

 After returning to the house, Wen Yu went to bed early.

  It gets dark very late in the mountains, and at 1 o'clock, it's still dark outside.

Breakfast was not brought. After drinking some warm water and eating a snack, we set off with Yan Zhu.

 As soon as I went out, it was quite cold outside.

Originally, Xiao Ji volunteered to accompany her, but looking at her fat and short legs, she thought it would be difficult for her, so she brought the fragrant book with her.

Xiaoji originally wanted to fight for it, but Wen Yu told her to stay here and inquire about all kinds of news.

It’s okay to wake up early in Xiangshu, but I haven’t climbed a mountain.

 After walking for a while, we started going uphill. As soon as they left, Wen Yu shook his head and said to Xiang Shu: "Looking at you, you don't look like many people who can walk on mountain roads. You can walk slowly. You can go as far as Guanyiting Pavilion at most. It doesn't matter if you can't get there, just wait on the road. ”

Xiang Shu hurriedly agreed. She was still carrying water and snacks, and she felt really tired after walking for a short distance.

When we arrived at the intersection going up the mountain, we found that none of the people who had vowed to come to climb the mountain yesterday had come.

 Children Yuanyuan didn’t come either! Instead, he sent a girl.

The girl smiled with a smile on her face, "I'm sorry, Miss Wen. My young lady really can't get up... Let your servant accompany you to climb up first. She will come up to you later!"

“…” Well, she didn’t go on her own, but tricked me into going, and even forced me to wait for her on the mountain. It was so cold in such a cold weather.

This kid is so unreliable.

 Look around, the clouds are shrouded in mist, it’s really beautiful.

The opportunity is indeed rare, "Just wait for your girl here, let's crawl first, let's go!" Wen Yu waved her hand, and Yan Zhu opened her legs.

The two of them breathed in the fresh air. Yan Zhu turned around as he walked and said, "The Qi family is such a waste. We can't live in such a nice house, so we have to live in the capital! I heard that there are many people in the capital and the houses are very crowded. Can it be the same as here?" "

 “There is an emperor in the capital!” That is the center of power.

 After a while, I started wheezing and panting.

 Walking around and around quite quickly, we arrived at the place to watch the sunrise.

A pavilion was built here. Standing here, you can see the town below. The stream next to it flows to Pinghu in the distance, and then further down, flowing into a small river.

 The sun comes out, and all the scenery is enveloped in golden glow... It’s so beautiful!

 Two beautiful girls are looking at the scenery, but they also become part of the scenery.

 The moment was so wonderful~~but Yan Zhu said something very inappropriate: "Ayu, I want convenience!"

 “Huh?! Then...” Wen Yu looked around, but there was no convenient place.

 “How about you go down the mountain first?”

 “It’s too late...” Yan Zhu said honestly.

 “Oh, you, why don’t you go into the woods!”

 “Okay.” Yan Zhu was very obedient and walked away.

 “Be careful, don’t go too far…but don’t…”

“What’s this? Have you forgotten that we were still in that bamboo forest when we were children…”

“That was when I was a kid! Okay, okay, go ahead! I’ll watch it for you!”

 Yan Zhu nodded, with a little excitement on his face...

Seeing her hiding in the forest, Wen Yu looked on the road. Fortunately, no one came yet! Otherwise, from a big girl's family...

 When I am anxious, it feels like the time is extremely long. "What's taking so long? What is she doing?"

The sweat from climbing the mountain fell down, and then a gust of morning wind blew, and her body tightened. Wen Yu suddenly realized that she actually wanted to go for a convenience...

It’s quite urgent too!

   …”This is so true! Why join in the fun!

 Why did she go away for so long?

 Shall I go in too?

 No, it’s dark. What if someone comes?

 She was grinding in place, hurry up, hurry up...

The more anxious she became, the more she wanted to go. When she felt that she was about to burst, Yan Zhu came back with satisfaction, humming a little tune, leisurely and leisurely.

“Zhuzhu! Why are you so lazy?! Come on, I’m going too!”

“Ah! You want to go too?”

"Yes, yes, yes, you stay here until dawn, so no one will see you later."

 “Don’t worry, you can’t see it.”

Wen Yu entered the forest in a panic.

 Take a few steps and look back, but you can still see Yan Zhu swinging there. Walk a few more steps and look back, and you can still see...

  Didn’t you say you couldn’t see it? ?

She just didn't expect that when the sun came out, the surrounding area would become brighter every moment!

 Suddenly, she heard who Yan Zhu was talking to...

 Is this someone coming? !     So fast, it’s really too much!

As a last resort, I walked deeper and deeper and turned around.

 Finally there was a place, which was well blocked by shrubs and trees. She squatted down with relief, but found that the more anxious she was, the longer it would take to solve it.

  After finally finishing her work, before she could get up, a gust of wind seemed to come, and the grass behind her swayed, and her PP was swept away. How did she know it was grass?

 “Huh?!” He immediately picked up his clothes and jumped to the side. When he looked back, there was nothing...

 “Damn it!” She tied her clothes in a hurry. Haven't finished packing yet...

There was a sudden whooshing sound, the grass swayed, and something gray and furry flew past her leg.

 “Huh?!” This time, she yelled even more, grabbing her skirt and jumping her feet.

 “Why are you here?!” Someone was asking her, a man.

“Huh?!” Wen Yu was almost dizzy. Although her pants were fastened, her outer skirt had not yet been tidied up...

So, in the woods, she, who was disheveled in clothes, was stared at dumbfoundedly by Qi Wu, who was all dressed up and holding a bow and arrow...

It seems that she also shocked Qi Wu, his eyes stared straight...

“…Turn your face away!” Wen Yu screamed, his face turned red.

After a moment of excitement, Qi Wu also blushed and turned around quickly.

Wen Yu hurriedly arranged her clothes and ran away without saying a word...

"Hey! Don't run...don't run there!" Qi Wu heard the sound and turned around quickly.

 As soon as he saw the direction Wen Yu was running in, he quickly called her.

 But Wen Yuli ignored him and ran away without thinking.

 A familiar scene flashed in Qi Wu's mind, but at the moment, he couldn't think about it.

 Hurry up and catch up...

How can Wen Yu outperform Qi Wu in this situation? Within two steps, he was caught up.

"Stop running! There is a creek and a cliff ahead. It is easy to slip and fall. Are you going to die!?" He was unhappy.

 What are you running for? I didn't see anything.

Wen Yu looked ahead and stopped. Without looking at him, he turned around and went back. He couldn't run anymore, and he was panting as he walked. He didn't know whether he was tired or angry.

The beautiful woman with pink cheeks and scented fragrance passed by. Qi Wu's heart almost jumped out of his throat. After thinking about it, he still followed Wen Yu.

He explained clumsily: "Don't be angry. I, I didn't see anything!"

 He also said? ! "Don't follow me!" Wen Yu said angrily.

 “Okay, I won’t follow.” He said without stopping.

 “I was just passing by while hunting, I didn’t know you were here...” Should I not mention it again?

 Actually, the reason why he came here was really arranged by Mrs. Qi to meet Wen Yu.

 But, he didn’t know what to say to Wen Yu, so he took the bow and arrow.

 If his mother asked him to go up the mountain, wouldn't it be enough if he went up?

 At that time, he said that he didn’t see anyone, and there was nothing his mother could do!

Unexpectedly, when I went up the mountain, I actually found a badger, chasing it...but I still saw someone...and doing unspeakable things.

 Alas, this is fate!

 “I will be responsible, and I will marry you!”

Wen Yu was walking up dizzy when she heard his words...

Although my steps are still moving forward, my mind has stopped.

“Really! I know that the girl’s family attaches great importance to this. No matter what, it’s my fault. Now that we are married, you don’t have to worry about your reputation.”

Wen Yu finally stopped and said, "You didn't know I was here beforehand. How can you force a marriage?"

"It's not forced. Mother was also telling me. Okay? That's it, don't be angry."

"That... is what a gentleman says." Wen Yu was overjoyed, but couldn't show it.

 “Don’t worry.” Qi Wu returned to his original mode: nothing more to say.

"We can't stay here for long, I'm leaving first." Wen Yu blushed again.

"Hmm. Wait..." Qi Wu grabbed a few branches of flowers and walked over to hand them to her. "Someone should be coming from the top, just tell me they're here to pick flowers."

Wen Yu felt a little sweet in her heart and did not dare to look at him. She took the flowers, bowed her knees and turned away.

He, isn’t he quite romantic? He still knows how to give girls flowers?

 Actually, she was overthinking it!

This set of actions is not out of friendship at all, but Qi Wu's way of doing things.

 He took this as a task. Know how to operate it so that no one outside becomes suspicious.

If Wen Yu knew about it, he would probably be angry, right?

Qi Wu stood there, watching Wen Yu walk away with his clothes fluttering, his back was beautiful.

 Everything just happened was like a dream, leaving no trace behind.

 But he knew it was different.

 He has a fiancée…

 (End of this chapter)

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