As he was talking, Wu's car arrived.

She lost her usual composure and hurriedly got out of the car, her heart pounding, not knowing what the outcome would be...

Wen Jiao couldn't hide her excitement and followed closely behind.

Wen Su sighed secretly that her eldest sister was so unlucky and got out of the car.

"Yu'er...Yu'er, how are you!?" Wu shouted loudly as soon as she fell, showing great shock and worry. When I saw the overturned car, I thought happily: Even if I am not dead, I am disabled! Better break that face!

 But when she looked around, she realized... "Huh?!"

Wen Yu was standing there smiling at her. "Second aunt!"

 “Are you okay!?” Wu was so disappointed that her voice shrilled.

“Is everything okay?! Why, Second Aunt, you still think I’m going to die or be crippled?”

" could it be?!" Wu's face turned cold involuntarily, and she didn't bother to act anymore, "Who are your subordinates?! How do they do their work? But really...something can happen! Don’t you know how scared the old lady is?”

The second aunt, who was anxious for her niece's safety, suddenly disappeared.

 Old Mrs. Wen's car arrived. The situation was unknown and she was anxious. As soon as she got out of the car, someone said something to her.

  “…” This life is really tough!

"Yu'er! Yu'er! Where are you!" She rushed over. Seeing Wen Yu, he grabbed him and said, "Are you okay?! Great! Great! Amitabha! Grandma was scared to death."

 The feeling of love is pouring out, and the eyes are red!

Wen Yu looked frightened...

"You girl! If something goes wrong, how can I explain it to your father?" As he said this, he glanced over there and saw Mr. Qi standing beside the carriage.

She couldn't let him stand there: "The one who ran over just now was Mr. Qi, right? Mr. Qi!" she shouted.

Wen Yu looked at Old Mrs. Wen in shock: "...Yu'er has made you worry! Grandma, look: the horse is crazy, the car is damaged, there are so many dangers on the mountain road, but Yu'er is fine. Is Yu'er serious? A blessed person!"

Listening to Wen Yu's words, which seemed to indicate something, Mrs. Wen could only nod her head: "That's natural! How much luck can my eldest granddaughter be less lucky than me? As long as it's okay, just help the girl aside to rest! "She ordered.

 Mother Song came up and said, "Girl, please sit here for a while!"

 “Old Mrs. Wen!” Qi Si turned over from the other side.

"Oh, you really are the Fourth Young Master!?" The old lady immediately burst into tears of gratitude, "Thank you so much, Fourth Young Master Qi, for your life-saving grace. What can I say, old lady! Fortunately, you saved my granddaughter... I just said Almost scared to death."

Qi Si smiled lightly and said: "Old Mrs. Wen is too polite to come to the Qi family as a guest. The safety of the guests is also the Qi family's responsibility."

“Fourth Young Master Qi, you are so capable! You are also very considerate! I will also thank Mrs. Qi very much when I look back!”

 “The road down there is easier to walk. Don’t worry, old lady!”

“Yes, yes. This car is broken down and can’t be used. Someone, please clean up the place and clear the road! Put Yu’er’s things in my car.”

Mr. Qi Si said: "There are so many more people at once, I'm afraid the old lady will be a little crowded. I have already led the people back to drive. The carriage and the doctor will come in a while. The old lady can go forward slowly. After a while, Qi Si will **** the car in person. , will deliver Miss Wen safely.”

When Mrs. Wen heard this, her smile did not change and she said, "That would be too much trouble for Mr. Qi."

 It is only right to leave as soon as possible.

I don’t know what the stupid woman did. It would be very serious to find out. However, as long as we leave, we will never recognize you again!

 It seems that the Qi family treats Wen Yu very well.

How can…

Wen Jiao stood there and looked around for a long time, but no one from Qi arrived. I was extremely disappointed.

 Also, although Qi Si is not as good as Qi Wu, his appearance is quite impressive. But he only directed the work and did not even look at the girl (himself) present. He also heard that he wanted to **** Wen Yu personally, and he felt even more mixed in his heart, feeling that everything was not going as he wished.


Li Jiang ran over just now to see that Wen Yu was okay. Sitting on the side, sobbing and crying.

After Mrs. Wen left, Qi Si and Sun Ying pointed their doubts at Wen Yu.

Li Jiang also wiped his tears and came over.

When he saw it clearly, he couldn't help shouting: "This horse, this horse, was it poisoned by those two people when they hit me in the morning?"

Sun Ying nodded: "According to the reaction time of this medicine, it is almost at that time. This huge mark should have been caused when we were separated yesterday." In a few words, he told them what Wu asked them to help yesterday said.

 Then, feeling a little embarrassed, he said, "I'm sorry, Miss Wen, I was careless and derelict in my duty."

Li Jiang also blamed himself terribly and fell to his knees: "It's Li Jiang's fault, girl, please punish me!"

Wen Yu said to both of them gently: "Although you are at fault for being careless, let alone you, even I didn't expect to be dealt with like this. So, I don't blame you, just be careful in the future." But those two people , still looking ashamed.

"Furthermore, if you hadn't handled it properly, I might have died or been disabled. You were all injured. Okay, don't mention this. We must be careful in the future! Li Jiang, get up quickly!"

“Thank you so much, Fourth Young Master, for saving me.” Wen Yu saluted Qi Si.

Qi Si said: "Miss Wen, fortunately my fifth brother gave me a few words before he left. Otherwise, I really wouldn't be here... Regarding the matter of horses taking medicine, I will check it out when I get back."

But I was laughing secretly in my heart, that boy, pretending to be serious! In fact, he is really protecting his wife!

Wen Yu walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down, unable to see the bottom.

If it really fell, all the people in the car would be dead or disabled...

This time I really escaped from death...My life is not too bad.

Sun Ying came over: "The Fourth Master Qi and his subordinates have the same view. In these two places, it is not like a group of people, because there is no need. Moreover, it is precisely because the car broke down in advance, which delayed the uphill time, Qi Only the Fourth Young Master can rush to the rescue. If we rush directly to a high place, it will be really dangerous to go down again...

 This poison is of little use on ordinary days, so it cannot be bought everywhere. There aren't any in town either. The Wen family probably wouldn't have thought of this..." Sun Ying continued his analysis.

“There’s no need to go around in such a big circle, we’ve already started.” Wen Yu nodded in approval.

 The axle should be Wu's handiwork. She knew about the Qi family's proposal, so she did it.

 But this medicine... probably must be Webster's.


 Beijing City, Zhenyuan Hou Mansion Flower House.

 A woman in light brown embroidery with large flowers is pruning the flower branches.

 Her hair is shiny and smooth, and her complexion is delicate and rosy.

 There is always a faint smile on the corners of the mouth and eyes.

 As for her appearance, she wasn't that outstanding. Only her brown eyes gave her a quiet look.

 And her always leisurely and comfortable expression is particularly easy to make people like her.

 The sleeves are long and thin, and the hand holding the scissors is almost retracted inside. But if someone sees her, they will be a little surprised. She is obviously a wealthy old lady, but why does she have a pair of thick hands?

 After so many years, she has carefully nurtured these hands, and the calluses formed by hard work have long since receded.

It’s just that the fingers, which were slightly deformed due to excessive exertion, can’t be cured no matter what. She was reminded all the time of the poverty and fear she had experienced.

She looked at the potted flowers for a while, and then began to prune the branches. She also slowly cut off the branches with several buds.

The girl next to her smiled and said: "Old Madam, you are the only one in the whole capital who is good at raising flowers. But if others see you pruning branches, they will probably feel very distressed! You can cut off such beautiful budded branches wherever you ask." ! It’s a pity for me to look at you.”

The woman smiled and said, "Only by pruning the branch in this way can the flowers bloom to their best condition. Otherwise, the nutrients will be dispersed and a lot of flowers will bloom, but none of them will be perfect!"

 “Madam Wisdom!”

 “Haha, I am just an illiterate woman, how can I be wise!?”

 She never concealed her poor background. In the early years, when socializing among noble ladies, there would always be people who used different tricks to ridicule her and laugh at her.

 She never cared and even took the initiative to mention it herself!

 Finally, the embarrassment is someone else’s!

Now, she has a solid position in the circle of ladies in the capital, and no one mentions her anymore.

 “Old lady!” Someone came in and handed her a letter.

 She opened it herself and saw that she was not really illiterate!

After looking at it, the smile faded slightly, the brows furrowed slightly, then quickly relaxed, and the smile appeared again.

 …What a pity! Things didn’t work out…

This Cui family’s life is not too bad!

 Haha, does she know that it was me who did it?

 I know, no one believes me when I say it, and they can’t do anything to me. It’s really interesting...

Her smile actually had a hint of pride and sarcasm.


 (End of this chapter)

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