"After I escaped from Zhang's family, I don't know whether it was due to excessive blood loss or other reasons. I fled in a daze for a long time, and finally passed out. When I woke up, I had lost my memory."

"However, someone saved me. According to what he said, he is a foreigner of the Zhang family. In a certain dynasty, he was expelled from the Zhang family because of the intermarriage between his family and outsiders, thus forming their lineage. No matter what, he has no doubts about the Zhang family. I am fine, adopted me as an adopted son, taught me to read and write, and I felt the meaning of life for the first time in my adoptive father’s house.”

"It's just that this period of time didn't last long. It was only two years. I was only thirteen years old. I was found by the Zhang family again, but this time the Zhang family was very polite to me and wanted to invite me back to the Zhang family. .”

"I can't remember the reason14. In the end, I went back to the Zhang family and entered the big tomb, which is the big tomb where the head of the Zhang family was killed."

"In that big tomb, I experienced something that I will never forget in my life..."

This time the subtitles are very, very long.

The information expressed is not much, but a lot of words are used.

Everyone can see that Zhang Ling attaches great importance to this experience, or to this log information.

You must know that usually, the things Zhang Ling recorded were short and concise, and they could be saved as much as possible.

Try to use the fewest words to express the richest experience.

But this time is different.

Obviously, they can all feel that Zhang Ling is very concerned about the happy time when he was adopted by his adoptive father after leaving the Zhang family.

Perhaps, that was the happiest time in his growing experience.

That's why he used so many words to explain.

Although these words are not many for others, for Zhang Ling, they are already very rich.

It can be seen how much Zhang Ling attaches importance to this.

It's just that later, he didn't know why he returned to the Zhang family again!

The viewers in the live broadcast room felt a little complicated when they saw this.

"Hey, little brother is too miserable, obviously he has found an adoptive father who wholeheartedly treats him, but in the end he was harmed by the Zhang family.

"What the hell, what is the Zhang family going to do, can't they let the little brother go?"

"Fortunately, my brother has spent two years of happy time."

"I don't know what the Zhang family is going to do when they find my brother this time. Could it be that they want to spill my blood again?"

"I don't think so, I didn't see my brother say that the Zhang family is more respectful and polite this time, maybe there is something that needs my brother.

"I hope my brother will be safe this time."

"My little brother also said that this time in the tomb, he experienced something that he will never forget in his life. I'm afraid it's not a good thing, and it definitely won't be a good thing."

"What the hell, I don't even want to watch it anymore, it's too difficult."

"Yeah, little brother is really difficult, can't God be nicer to little brother?"

The viewers in the live broadcast room felt a little uncomfortable when they saw Zhang Ling's log information.

It's not just them, but Xiaomei can't help but sigh.


"Little brother is too miserable. After two years of good life, he was found by the Zhang family again. Is the Zhang family going to rely on him? It's disgusting!

"Can they let the little brother go!"

Little Sister Dai was a little helpless, and the helplessness was mixed with some helplessness.

She almost put herself in Zhang Ling's situation now.

The more she looked down, the more uncomfortable she felt.

Professor Chen couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Comrade Ji Xinwei hasn't understood yet, Zhang Ling and the Zhang family already have a bond, and they are inseparable, this is fate.

Captain Xing also nodded involuntarily: "Yes, no matter what the previous process is, the final outcome cannot be changed. Zhang Ling has always become the patriarch of the Zhang family, the so-called Zhang Qilin, to protect the Zhang family. The secret and the ultimate secret have been running around for a lifetime, so no matter what, brother Zhang Ling and the Zhang family can never be separated.

After a pause, Captain Xing said again: "I just don't know what happened to the big tomb he went to, so that he will never forget it for 300 years."

Professor Chen thought for a while, and then said: "I think it has something to do with his adoptive father in all likelihood."

Captain Xing frowned, this time he didn't speak again.

It's just that when Professor Chen said this, the captain also had a bad feeling in his heart.

And at the same time in the Crescent Hotel.

Boss Yin said: "This family is really like a gangrene, it depends on Zhang Ling's life and death."

However, President Zhang said something similar to that of Professor Chen and Captain Xing: "Since he was born, he has been bound to the Zhang family. How to escape the Zhang family?"

"The Zhang family's Qilin, how can it be so easy to be?"

After listening to Chairman Zhang's words, Boss Yin frowned, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

Regardless of Zhang Ling's previous experience, the final result is doomed.

That is, Zhang Ling will definitely become the Qilin of the Zhang family, and become the last patriarch of the Zhang family!.

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