The Dumb Girl Picked Up The Ghost Seal, And I Guardian Was Finally Exposed

271 The Storm Is Coming! Is He Crazy? (Seeking Subscription)

At this moment, President Zhang and Boss Yin couldn't help but look at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

They were no longer surprised by Zhang Jin's appearance.

For them, it is the same whether Zhang Ban appears or not.

They don't care at all.

They care more about Zhang Ling.

Seeing that Zhang Ling hadn't rested for six days and nights, sitting on that rock all the time, looking at the scenery below the mountain and the stars in the sky, they couldn't help holding their breath.

Zhang Ling's willpower is too strong!

Powerful to a terrifying level!

Six days and six nights without sleep, who~ can do it?

And, it's a 10-year-old kid!

This is nothing short of a miracle!

"Immortal, have you seen this kind of person before?"

Boss Yin couldn't help asking.

Chairman Zhang shook his head slowly, he said: "I used to think that Buddha's willpower was strong enough, but now it seems that Buddha is simply not comparable to him, it's too scary

Boss Yin exclaimed: "I, Yin Nan Feng, think that I have seen enough strange people in this world, but I have never seen anyone who can compare with him, even if they are compared together, there is no one!"


Boss Yin's words came from the heart.

President Zhang is also very appreciative.

Before seeing these videos and memories of Zhang Ling, the person he admired the most was the Great Buddha Zhang. Even if he knew of Zhang Ling's existence, at most it was because of the clan's respect for the patriarch.

However, when he learned about Zhang Ling's past, after watching the videos of Zhang Ling, especially when he saw that he had persisted for six days and six nights in order to find the Qihe tomb, something happened in President Zhang's heart. changed.

In the past, the image of Grand Buddha Zhang standing in his heart can no longer be compared with Zhang Ling.

The image of Zhang Ling has been completely deified!

At this moment, there is only one word in his mind, incredible!

Boss Yin said again: "He will not persist for thirty days? This is too outrageous! I don't believe anyone can persist for such a long time."

President Zhang shook his head and said: "This is impossible. It seems that his state has reached the limit. Judging from his physical reaction, I am afraid that he is on the verge of collapse. If he does not rest after tonight, he may really persist. It's gone."

After a pause, President Zhang said: "The member of the Zhang family was right. Tonight is the best time for him to rest. The clouds in the sky are very thick, so he can't see the stars at all, and he can't observe the changes of Feng Shui and save his energy. That's the wise move."

Boss Yin said: "But judging by his appearance, he has no intention of resting at all."

President Zhang sighed: "Yes, this is what I'm worried about, I don't know how he got through this in the end.

These memories are all past events, and they are all in the past.

Today Zhang Ling is still alive and well, which means that Zhang Ling did not fall down here.

It's just that how he got through it is strange.

The curiosity of the two was aroused again.

And at the same time.

In the live broadcast, as time goes by, although it is still at night, the clouds in the sky are obviously getting lower and lower.

The climate is getting worse.

A strong wind began to blow all around.

This place used to be the top of the mountain, and it was very windy, but now the wind is even stronger.

Anyone with a little experience knows that this is the prelude to heavy rain.

There might even be thunder.

Staying here now is definitely not a big deal.



After a while, the thunder of the sun rang out.

It was like a silver dragon appeared in the sky, wandering in the sky.

Bitter white light illuminated the entire dark sky.

With the help of Lei Guang, everyone can clearly see the current situation.

The clouds in the sky are almost pressing on the top of the mountain.

The thunder seemed to be ringing right beside him.

The audience even saw that the bolt of lightning exploded almost ten meters above Zhang Ling's head!

This made them jump with fear and shortness of breath!

If Zhang Ling was hit by lightning, he would not be able to survive even if he was a god!

Now Zhang Ling has to leave!

Everyone is thinking.

Those young people from the Zhang family were also horrified.

Especially that flash of lightning, which almost scared them to pee.

"Let's go quickly, if we are accidentally struck by lightning, it will be a disaster!"

A member of the Zhang family said in panic.

The long-haired young man hesitated for a moment, looked at Zhang Ling, and said, "Zhang Ling, the situation is special now, let's go quickly, otherwise it will be very dangerous if the thunder and lightning fall later, and it is raining heavily. It is good for you to look at Feng Shui, and you can come back after you have rested and the rain stops.

The young man with long hair said this not because he was worried about Zhang Ling, nor because he cared about Zhang Ling.

It's because he knows Zhang Jin's character!

If something happened to Zhang Ling staying here alone, and Zhang Jin's goal was not achieved, then they would most likely suffer.

...asking for flowers...

The young man with long hair knows Zhang Jin's character too well!

Zhang Jin will never let him go!

Therefore, the long-haired young man who spoke harshly before had no choice but to persuade Zhang Ling.


Zhang Ling didn't pay attention to him at all, as if he didn't hear his voice, he still raised his head and looked at the sky, as if he was observing those thunders!

This made the faces of the young people of the Zhang family look ugly, extremely livid!


The long-haired young man cursed and felt his scalp go numb.

In the eyes of several young people from the Zhang family, the current Zhang Ling is no different from a lunatic!

too crazy!

This is simply courting death!

The cloud cover is so low, and this is the highest point nearby, it may be struck by lightning at any time.

But Zhang Ling still didn't want to leave. Isn't this courting death?

too crazy!

At this moment, they finally felt the gap between themselves and Zhang Ling!

The degree of Zhang Ling's insanity is beyond their lifetime.

Under such circumstances, who would dare to stay here?

Even Zhang Jin would not dare!

But Zhang Ling dares!

"How to do!"

A young man from the Zhang family gritted his teeth and said.

The long-haired young man gritted his teeth and said, "He is going to die here, why can't we accompany him? Let's go!"

After speaking, he turned around and chose to leave here.

They have already explored the nearby terrain and know that there is a cave nearby, which is a place to shelter from the rain.

So they left here and hurried to the cave.

As for Zhang Ling, he seemed to have not noticed the departure of those members of the Zhang family.


The thunder all around [has no intention of stopping at all.

The clouds were pressing lower and lower.

Torrential rain may strike at any time.

Zhang Ling was still sitting on that rock, like a pine tree, standing still!

This scene moved everyone!

But something even more shocking happened!

At such a time, Zhang Ling actually closed his eyes and moved his ears slightly, as if he wanted to use his ears to observe the movement around him!

What exactly do you want?

Everyone is dumbfounded.

Zhang Ling closed his eyes when he was here!

If it is for rest, you can follow those Zhang family members, leave here, and go to other places to rest!

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