"The way this zongzi appears is a bit weird!"

When the fat man saw the floating corpse coming out, he couldn't help saying strangely.

Hearing what the fat man said, Wu Ya was speechless. He said, "Fatty man, can you turn your head around a bit? This floating corpse is definitely not a dumpling. Didn't you see that he was still wearing a diving suit?"

The fat man was stunned for a moment, and carefully took a photo with the flashlight, it really is!

The fat man heaved a sigh of relief, and cursed: "Damn it, I frightened the fat man so much, I thought there were some zongzi, feelings are a grave robber."

After speaking, the fat man walked to the coffin and looked at the floating corpse.

Since the floating corpse was facing down and its face was in the water, they couldn't see each other's face clearly, but judging from its body shape, it should be a man.

The fat man said, "Little comrade, this could be your third uncle, right?"

Wu Ya scolded: "Fatty man, don't talk nonsense, my third uncle is not so big and big."

The fat man said: "That's not necessarily true. I don't know how long this floating corpse has been soaked. You look tall and big, but maybe it's edema, has it been swollen?"

Wu Ya's face darkened, and he said annoyedly: "I said fat man, can you stop being so stingy, I said it's not my third uncle."

After a pause, he scanned the corpse with a flashlight: "Look at the diving suit worn by the floating corpse. It is obviously a product of the last century, and it is different from what we have now."

The fat man rubbed his chin, thinking it was true.


The fat man said, "Why bother him so much, let's see who this corpse is, maybe it belongs to the archaeological team more than 20 years ago."

Wu Ya nodded, thinking it was possible.

So the two of them were going to check the floating corpse.

However, Zhang Ling stopped them and said, "The Lord is below, be careful."

Hearing this, both Wu Ya and Fatty's expressions changed, and they quickly took two steps back, not daring to move forward.

Wu Ya looked at the floating corpse and asked, "Poker bottle, could it be that after someone came in, he wanted to open this coffin, and the moment he opened it, he was pulled in?"

Zhang Ling nodded.

Wu Ya and Fatty looked at each other, not daring to get any closer.

And Zhang Ling took out a flying tiger claw, threw the flying tiger claw out, hooked the floating corpse precisely, and then pulled it suddenly.

There was a "crash".

The floating corpse was right in front of them, pulled out by Zhang Ling directly, and fell to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Wu Ya and Fatty went to the floating corpse to check.

The two worked together to turn the floating corpse over.

The floating corpse had indeed been soaked and swollen, and its face had been gnawed so badly that even the bones could be seen, so it was impossible to tell who it was.

"It's so miserable!"

Wu Ya said with some unbearable heart.

The fat man covered his mouth and nose and said, "What crime did this buddy do in his previous life? It's fine if he was dragged to be buried with Zongzi, and he suffered so many crimes."

As he spoke, the fat man took out the dagger and stabbed Diao Fushi's belly.

The diving suit broke, and a small package appeared in front of them.

"There is something!"

Wu Ya said.

The fat man quickly took out the package with a dagger.

This is something wrapped in a blue cloth, a bit like a book.

Wu Ya frowned: "Is it also a notebook?"

The fat man took the thing over and said, "Open it and have a look."

After speaking, the fat man took the thing and opened it, only to see that it was not a notebook, but a photo with a frame.

"This photo again?"

Wu Ya frowned.

It was found that this photo was the same as the photo they got in the ghost ship before, and it was a group photo of all members of the Xisha archaeological team.

Then it is almost certain that the corpse in front of him was a member of the Xisha archaeological team more than 20 years ago.

"This photo frame is waterproof, it seems to be protecting something?"

Wu Ya said with some doubts, he handed the flashlight to the fat man, and then began to grope for the disassembled photo frame.


As soon as the photo frame was opened, a piece of paper floated out.

Wu Ya picked up the piece of paper and looked at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the weirder his expression became.

"Little comrade, what the hell is this thing? What's on it?"

the fat man asked anxiously.

Wu Ya said: "This is the founding document of the Xisha Archaeological Team, which records the characters of the Xisha Archaeological Team, and there is also a list of archaeological team members behind it!"

Fatty's expression changed, and he couldn't help saying: "The list? Who's there, let me see!"

And at the same time.

When Professor Chen saw this scene, he couldn't help standing up and staring at the screen.

List of Xisha archaeological team members!

There is also the task of the Xisha archaeological team!

Professor Chen really wanted to know about these two points.

Especially the list of Xisha archaeological team.

He really wanted to know if there was Zhang Ling in the list of the Xisha archaeological team, and if the person who looked exactly like Zhang Ling in the photo was really Zhang Ling!

If it is Zhang Ling, it proves that Zhang Ling has not changed his appearance for more than 20 years, and he has not aged!

This is definitely a very sensational thing.

Also, those people on the list of the Xisha archaeological team.

If the list of those people is obtained, Professor Chen can use this as a starting point to find those people on the archaeological team.

After finding those people on the archaeological team, it is relatively easy to find Zhang Ling.

But at this moment.

Captain Xing's phone rang.

Captain Xing was also looking at Wu Ya intently, wanting to see who was on the list, and also wondering if Zhang Ling was a member of the Xisha archaeological team.

But at this time someone called.

Captain Xing took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Captain Gao from Golmud!

Seeing Captain Gao's call, Captain Xing was a little excited, but at the same time he also had a bad feeling.

Intuition told him that something should happen.

Otherwise, they usually contact each other through prestige, and rarely talk directly!


PS: At 12 o'clock tonight, this book will be on the shelves on time, with 50,000 words in it, everyone, give me a first order, click Customize, please!

In addition, I asked for flowers and evaluation tickets for the last time, and I will never ask again.

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