The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 127 What happened after returning

Peter's own small treasury was also investigated. The annual fixed income was 300,000 florins, and the salt trade was 100,000 ducats. Plus the income from the chamber of commerce, factories and banks, there could be hundreds of thousands of gold coins flowing in every year. His fanny pack.

This year's income has also arrived. Peter looked at the money and was a little confused for a while. The construction of cathedrals and churches has a share every year, and the research on firearms has not fallen behind. He didn't know where he could spend it, so he couldn't keep it.

There is enough investment in culture, and continuing to invest will be unbalanced, so we still invest in economic and military activities.

"What happened to Osman while I was away?"

"My lord, there were attacks by Ottoman cavalry near Burgas and Nis, but they were repulsed. I learned from the prisoners that these actions were issued by the governor of Rumelia."

"What, is this Ottoman prince preparing to fight?"

Peter became increasingly curious and disgusted with this Suleiman, after all, his fiancée was married to him in history. Peter would punish anyone who tried to get their hands on his stuff.

"Since they do this, we can't bear it so much and let Constantine take the army to Plovdiv to have fun with Suleiman."


Peter also began to publicize the Wallachian Code. Not only did he copy it and post it in various towns, but he also attended some trials in person, testifying to the majesty of the Duke and the glory of God that the trial would not favor anyone.

Within a few days, Peter received news from Bukul Yesti. The Grand Duke ordered him to return to the capital to attend the meeting. He also brought news from his mother, Lady Maria, asking him to come back quickly, otherwise the Grand Duke and the Madam, it will still get colder.

Because Peter did not discuss the trip with the Grand Duchess, Maria had a conflict with Mircea. Her child is so young and she has to go to another country. What if something happens, she is going crazy.

Mircea felt more at ease with Peter. After all, he had witnessed miracles in the past few years, from the conquest of Moldova to the fight against the Ottomans. Without Peter, he would not have had such great achievements, so he supported his travels in Europe.

The two of them entered into a soft cold war, and the Grand Duke was helpless. After all, he did not discuss this matter with her and could only wait for Peter to come back.

When the gifts Peter brought to his family appeared in front of her, Lady Maria immediately sent someone to call Peter back, and asked her husband to transfer him from the position of governor of Bulgaria back to the capital. She had to keep an eye on Peter at all times. It won't disappear.

At this time, Peter did not know what happened at home. After receiving the order from the Grand Duke, he set out for Bukul Yesti.

When he just left the city gate of Sofia and came to the nearby military camp, he saw a group of children training, and one of them was obviously their boss. He ordered the other children to attack, and quickly captured them using strategies and other methods. The other side's castle. Others cheered for him, and after seeing this, Peter also lamented that Wallachia has no shortage of capable people, but only time and strength.

"Where did all these kids come from?"

"Looking at them, their fathers are either knights or high-ranking military officials. They should be members of the legion."

Looking at these children, Peter asked someone to find out who the leader was, and then continued on his way.

In the capital, Grand Duke Mircea continued to govern the country. During Peter's travels, he met with the special envoys of Poland and Lithuania. Although they were very harmonious, they did not reach an agreement on the most critical issue of sending troops to attack the Ottomans. Hungary was enlightened, but asked Wallachia to give up its attack on Transylvania. It was declared that this was simply impossible and therefore rejected.

However, Wallachia welcomed a special envoy - Grand Duke Vasily I of Moscow sent Ivanovich to Bukul Yesti, proposing an alliance between the two countries to jointly fight against the Golden Horde.

In 1380, Vasily I's father Dmitry broke the myth of the invincibility of the Mongolian army at the Battle of Kulikovo, and the Grand Duchy of Moscow achieved temporary independence. But soon in 1383, the independence of the Grand Duchy of Muscovy was canceled by the invasion of Tokhtamysh.

But among the Rus' principalities, the Grand Duchy of Moscow is the most powerful country, and its international environment is also very poor. There is the Golden Horde to the east, the rapidly rising Lithuania to the west, and the richest Novgorod to the north. republic. This made Vasily have to maintain a balance to protect Moscow from disaster. At the same time, he had to find allies who could attack the Golden Horde and Lithuania. At this time, news of Wallachia's defeat of the Ottomans reached his ears, which made him I feel hopeful.

Although Moscow and Wallachia are far apart, in Vasily's view, the two countries are the same. They both believe in Orthodox Christianity, and their enemies are nomads who believe in the Crescent. Moreover, Wallachia, Lithuania, and the Golden Horde He does not believe that these two expansionist countries will not have any thoughts about Wallachia. If they can reach a secret agreement with him, it will be a profit.

Of course, Moscow also understood that a first-time success was impossible, so it made contact first and sent a special envoy to Bukul Yesti to present gifts to the Grand Duke.

"Wallachia thanks Moscow for its gift and hopes that the two countries can coexist peacefully and conduct friendly trade."

Mircea accepted the gift and returned the gift. It was good to have another ally to fight against an enemy. Although the Golden Horde was not destroyed yet, it was not far away. The aggressive Lithuania will replace the Golden Horde as Wallachia's new enemy, and Poland, which has close relations with Lithuania, must also be prepared for confrontation.

The contact between the two countries is limited to commerce and religion. News from the two countries is exchanged through the Rus Company. The furs from Moscow and the handicrafts from Wallachia are very popular. As long as the opponent is defeated, the alliance will More powerful.

After a round of diplomatic contacts, Mircea decided to include Poland in the list of quasi-rivals. Aggressive expansionism was Wallachia's biggest concern, and he had a premonition that one of Wallachia and Poland would surely perish. .

Wallachia's policy of attracting immigrants to Poland was very successful. A large number of Ruthenians came to Moldova. This also aroused the dissatisfaction of many Lithuanian nobles. They began to prohibit the movement of Ruthenians and even brought them in person. The soldiers intercepted them, but some people still came to Wallachia and settled in Transnistria and Uxhall. The influx of immigrants has increased the development of Moldova, and the capital Iasi has surpassed Suceava to become the most prosperous city in Moldova.

A series of policies have promoted Wallachia's national strength, and in just five to ten years, it will be able to fight a long-term war with the Ottomans.

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