The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 176 New means

Faced with the secret encirclement network, Wallachia also has countermeasures. Although there are many countries, each one has its own evil intentions.

Wallachia adopted a policy of defeating them one by one. Facing Hungary and Poland, Wallachia adopted the method of supporting agents to deal with them. Transylvania and Mazowieckia were carefully selected opponents. In addition, they also dealt with Hungary and Poland. The Teutonic Knights made connections.

As for Genoa and Venice, Wallachia introduced the Hanseatic League and the three forces of Florence and Milan to confront them, and spread the news that Genoa was ready to sign a better treaty, further rupturing the relationship between the two countries.

For Osman, it’s about hitting hard. A large number of light cavalry harassed the border, causing a certain dilemma for the Ottomans, but they did not do it too harshly, giving the Ottomans a certain illusion that Wallachia would not attack them for the time being. So he put all his efforts in the east and confronted Timur.

At this time, Wallachia strongly supported economic development, and all walks of life were booming. These provided the basis for the expansion of the Wallachian army. Farming well is the way to go.

After capturing Serre, the Knights continued to fortify the castle and prepared to attack Thessaloniki. The local Ottoman administrator was a little scared and had already transferred his property to Anatolia, ready to run away at any time.

Faced with the public's enthusiasm for jihad, the higher authorities are trying to restrain it. They had no idea how many troops and supplies would be needed to rekindle the war, nor when it would end. They would fight the Ottomans, but not now.

And just after Peter's wedding, Mircea also found her little daughter's future husband's family. In Northern Italy, Filippo Maria Visconti was the second son of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, the ruler of Milan.

In 1262, family member Ottone Visconti was promoted to the Archbishop of Milan by Pope Urban IV. His nephew Theobaldo became Pope Gregory X in 1271 and was even more elevated. Family power. In 1277, under the resistance of Ottone and other small princes, the de la Torre family that ruled Milan was overthrown, Ottone took power, and the Visconti family began to rule Milan. Ottone adopted a strategy of supporting the nobles, using In order to consolidate the rule of himself and the entire family, unfortunately the good times did not last long. Guido de la Torre of the de la Torre family defeated Ottone's nephew Matteo I Visconti in 1302 and exiled him. , the de la Torre family was restored, but he did not rule for long before he was forced to flee for inciting the people to fight against the Holy Roman Emperor Henry VII. Matteo I returned to Milan with the support of Henry VII to continue to take power. Appointed agent of the empire, he expanded his power to Pavia and Cremona.

Gian, the current ruler of Milan, is a ferocious, cunning, autocratic careerist who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals, but he is also a politician who governs the country shrewdly. He has repeatedly won victories in foreign campaigns, conquering Lombardy and most of Veneto and Liga. Zollia, Emilia, and Tuscany mostly used intrigues to acquire cities, but the number of times they relied on force to break cities was relatively small. In order to promote commerce, he built a canal from Milan to Pavia, which greatly developed the agricultural irrigation and transportation industries. This also led to the rapid growth of the dairy processing industry and commercial grain production within 20 years. There has also been noticeable progress in the handloom textile industry.

By marrying the Visconti family, not only could he have an additional ally, but he could also use the Milan area to intervene in HRE affairs. As long as the other party agreed, he sent people to Milan to find out the other party's attitude.

----Dividing line----

In cities such as Buda and Pecs, local residents found that the prices of Hungarian leather and other products had increased too much. When they inquired about it, they found that the nobles and residents in Wallachia liked Hungarian clothes and products, so the prices of these products skyrocketed. rise.

Wallachian merchants purchased products in large quantities, Hungarian nobles also ordered farmers to produce them, and urban residents also joined the army.

Moreover, the ruler of Wallachia was so crazy that he banned the production of this kind of thing by his own people. Violators would be punished with penalties ranging from fines to jail time. Such a great thing happened to Hungary.

Farmers gave up producing food and turned to producing leather and textiles. Nobles and businessmen hoarded large amounts of food and waited for prices to be sold. No one forgot to produce food, and no one produced these low-profit products. But they don't know that all this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy that existed hundreds of years ago.

Europe currently does not have the concept of a trade war, nor does it have the executive power to solve the consequences of a trade war, but for Peter, these are relatively simple. Although he does not know what the implementation results will be, as long as Hungary is allowed to decline, Wallachia will make money. .

Moreover, the currency in circulation in Hungary has increased several times recently. Some people thought that there were counterfeit currency, but they couldn't find it, so they changed their minds and thought that Hungary's economy was developed and there was more currency.

Nonsense, how can counterfeit currency be spotted so easily. Generally speaking, counterfeiting coins involves adding more lead, but Peter was going to play with something big - silver coins that didn't contain silver.

How to make it without silver? Copper and lead alone won't do. Just copper and lead would become bronze, not like silver coins at all. But if you change to copper-tin alloy...

An alloy of lead and tin, in which the lead content accounts for 37% and the tin content accounts for 63%. The appearance of solder is silvery white, very beautiful, looks like silver, and is very soft. At the same time, because of its high lead content and high density, it can be used to impersonate silver.

After calculation, if 10% copper is mixed into the "silver coin", the hardness of the "silver coin" will be increased. Then, the proportions of lead and tin were adjusted to achieve the same density as the simulated silver coin. In this way, coins of the same size weigh as much as real money, have the same shiny silver appearance, and have the same hardness, making it difficult for outsiders to see. Unless... someone burns this "counterfeit currency" with fire...

However, as long as someone puts the coins into the furnace and heats them to more than 200 degrees, they will be surprised to find that the "silver coins" melt. But there are not many such boring people in the world who will throw silver coins into the fire to heat... …

After several attempts, Peter was finally able to create a silver coin that contained no silver. Because it does not contain expensive silver, the cost is very low. Even the prices of lead and tin are lower than copper at this time. Therefore, the cost of this kind of counterfeit currency is lower than that of silver-copper alloy counterfeit currency. Mass production will definitely make a lot of money...

The only disadvantage of this counterfeit currency is that it cannot encounter high temperatures. Once it encounters a high temperature of nearly two hundred degrees, the currency will soften or even liquefy. However, these days, generally no one goes crazy and throws coins into the fire. Even in temperatures as low as a hundred degrees, it still doesn't show any signs of damage. Only the high temperature of nearly two hundred degrees of fire can test the problem. By the time the counterfeit coins were discovered, Peter had already finished shipping them. If it was really discovered, it would be the Hungarian market that would be in chaos in the end. And this is exactly what Peter wants to see...

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