The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 255 Conflict

Among Bayezid's sons, Musa was considered the better one. He has no bad habit of taking opium. Apart from his bad temper, he is also a qualified prince. But his violent temper was clearly displayed in front of Ansella.

He kept insulting lower-level officers and asked the soldiers to charge continuously. But some fell before they even reached the city wall.


Musa himself came on the scene. He cut off the head of a deserter and led all the troops to attack Ancyra.

Ancyra is a medium-sized city with many places that need to be defended, but it also requires more troops to surround it. The strength of both sides was insufficient, and Musa kept sending troops, which made the consumption of both sides not of the same magnitude.

"Charge, charge, as long as we cross this wall, we will win."

When the soldiers saw that their commanders were gone, they all rushed forward. Woick saw that the arrows were consumed too much and ordered the musketeers to shoot downwards.

The musket takes a long time to recharge, and after one round it is replenished by the bow and arrow. Musa took this opportunity to advance a lot towards the city wall. When he was about to command the soldiers to break through the city gate, a musket bullet hit him.

Musa felt no pain at first, but soon he felt life draining from his body, then his vision went black and he fainted.

When the attendants saw the prince falling, they quickly helped him leave the battlefield. The soldiers in front didn't know it yet. They only knew that the signal to withdraw troops today was much earlier than yesterday.

Seeing that the Ottomans retreated, Wojk quickly let the soldiers rest and stepped up patrols to prevent enemy night attacks.

Prince Musa died, which put great pressure on his attendants. Who could have imagined that he would die so easily. Once the news of his death spreads, it will definitely cause morale disorder in the military, and withdrawing the troops before everyone knows it becomes the only option.

So at the beginning of the second day, the Ottoman army retreated and ran away without even taking cover.

Seeing this scene, Woike initially thought it was Osman's plan, but soon the spy came back and said that Osman had really retreated, which made him feel relieved. Then began to rectify Ansela.

In order to keep the residents of Ancyra at home or in religious places, Voick arrested several people who might cause trouble and cordoned off several public places, waiting for the final order.

Two days later, the leading troops of the reinforcements arrived and the scope of the reconnaissance was expanded to avoid any remaining Ottoman troops. Rome recovers Ancyra.

----Dividing line----

Peter quickly came to Pozzoni via the Rhine and Danube rivers, and Count Pinsk had been waiting for a long time.

"Your Highness, you are here."

"Thank you for your hard work, Earl."

Peter didn't say anything more and asked him to take out the basic information about the Duchy of Pozzoni. He wanted to take a look.

The current duchy governs the city of Pozzoni, 24 towns with a population of 3,000 people, 178 castles and 11,257 villages. If converted, the total area reaches 800,000 hectares. Is Hungary's largest landowner.

Don’t think that these all belong to Peter alone. There are three main forces under him as a duke. One is the church and the Orthodox nobles. Some of the land is given to them. The other is the army. Soldiers can get some of the land and in exchange they will serve. For 25 years, these lands will be leased to farmers for cultivation.

The third group is groups such as citizens and yeoman farmers. If they stabilize order, encourage farming and trade, and allow them to live a stable life, they will support the duke. This is also the reason why the Duke of Pozzoni can expand rapidly.

Pozzoni was able to expand so quickly not only because of the turmoil, but also because the officials selected by Peter were technocrats who could better manage the land. Banks also opened branches in Pozzoni to provide funds for local expansion. Taking advantage of the bankruptcy of the small and medium-sized nobles, they harvested a large area of ​​land, and vigorously promoted the Orthodox Church to eliminate the influence of Catholicism and the Hungarian nobles.

"Is everything done?"

"It's done, Your Highness."

Count Pinsk asked his attendant to bring over a piece of clothing, black clothing, a black cloak, and an iron mask. Peter looked at the finished product and nodded with satisfaction.

His identity cannot be exposed, otherwise the Roman Empire Caesar also serves as the Duke of Pozzoni in Hungary, which will let Sigismund know that Rome has the ambition to annex Hungary, and will attract the princes in the HRE to fight.

Therefore, he had to rule Pozzoni in the name of Duke Ceausescu. This way Hungary can be assimilated and integrated with minimal risk.

After the costume change, the Roman Caesar in the eyes of others disappeared and was replaced by the ruthless Duke of Pozzoni. The iron mask brings extraordinary intimidation to people.

"Gather the troops, we are going to face the infidels."


Since Pozzoni is only 60 kilometers away from Vienna, it is particularly important to Sigismund and the Habsburgs. This is why the Habsburg rulers of Lower Austria were particularly keen on the Eastern Expedition. He wanted to ensure the safety of Vienna. .

The entire territory could recruit about 4,000 militiamen and 2,000 soldiers. Peter took part of the army to Buda and gave the rest to Pinsk to defend the Habsburg army.

In Buda, Mary was discussing the next countermeasures with several ministers in the palace, but a dozen nobles and bishops suddenly broke in.

Mary was a little shocked to see them, but quickly adjusted her attitude and sat on the throne.

"What day is it today? Why are you all here? Don't you usually say you don't come to Buda if you have something to do?"

The nobles were not angry at the Queen's strange behavior. The Queen also knew the leader. He was a powerful noble in the west named Horvat. He owned a large area of ​​land near Austria and Croatia, and was also a supporter of Sigismund. However, he also recognized his great power. Mary did not dare to do anything to him. After she returned to Buda, Keep moving, and that's what it is now.

"Your Majesty, we all believe that you are not suitable for government affairs, so we recommend that you establish a conference. This conference will exercise all the powers of the kingdom until you give birth to a legal heir."

Mary was shocked. Is seizing power so blatant now? She didn't even bother to pretend, just because she was a woman.

"Your Majesty, since you succeeded to the throne, the kingdom has been torn apart, business has declined, and farmers have suffered. The formation of a parliament is also for the long-term security of the kingdom."

Long-term security is the excuse every time. Mary couldn't bear it anymore and scolded them.

"You keep saying it's for the kingdom, but all you do is destroy this country and everything my father has done. You are the pests of the kingdom."

"I will not sign this document, not even if Zigmund is here."

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