The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 427: The Evil God - Goddess of Twilight

On September 8th, the eleventh year of the Blood Sea, the Blood Sea Guild mobilized for war, regardless of the consequences and the cost, and won an army of one million. At the same time, it launched an attack on the former territory of the Bright Church and the former territory of the Holy Flame Empire.

Emperor Gregory III and Pope Joseph died,

Most of the sky-level knights and priests, most of the knights and priests died in battle,

The order of the empire and the church has collapsed, morale is low, and they have not been able to hold on for even a day under the vanguard of a million troops.

Even if there are only hundreds of thousands of foundation-building-level warriors in this million-strong army, most of the rest are body-training-level warriors, and there are hundreds of thousands of ordinary farmers who just put down their hoes from the fields.

The territory of the Blood Sea Guild expanded at a frightening speed, and where millions of troops passed by, vigorous land reforms were launched, quickly winning the hearts of the local people.

In Saint-Souler, the core city in the southeast of the Church of Light, the soldiers of the Blood Sea Guild advanced to fight against the army that the local noble priests barely formed.

The army under the official priest is not strong in combat power, weak in fighting will, and easily defeated.

At the end of the battle, there were a dozen official priests, and a bishop priest tried to turn the tide, but he was easily killed by two Daoist flying swords flying out of the army just after he appeared.

The army that ended the battle did not stop, and the soldiers turned to do civil affairs work, and almost immediately organized land reform work, and distributed the land to the liberated serfs in a hurry.

With the assistance and personal participation of hundreds of thousands of angels who participated fully, all the serfs in the city of Saint-Souler and the surrounding tens of kilometers were allocated land in just three days.

Because of acting too impatiently, there was a lot of confusion in the work, which caused a lot of future troubles.

However, the speed of land reform of the angels not only did not slow down slightly because of these, but accelerated the speed of reform again.

It was as if someone was chasing them with a knife behind them.

After most of the land reforms are done, the work of the Angels really begins.

The small town of Guise near the city of Saint-Suller was originally the parish of an official pastor family for generations. The army of the Blood Sea Guild distributed the land to the serfs within three days, and gained a lot of gratitude.

Now, more than 10,000 people from the entire town were summoned here, and they all looked at the somewhat weak-looking female angel on the high platform with reverence.

Yang Yang's younger sister was a little nervous, and shouted loudly under Yang Liu's encouraging gaze behind her: "Folks, we discovered an evil church, and its name is Twilight Church."

The crowd became agitated and numerous.

Almost everyone in the Church of Light is a believer in the God of Light, and the Daughter of Twilight took over its original believers after usurping the belief in the God of Light.

It can be said that the more than 10,000 people in the small town of Guise are all verbal believers of the Goddess of Twilight.

"The priests of the Anthony family are the minions of the evil god. This hateful evil god uses these lackeys to suck our blood and kill us."

Many people below became hesitant. The pastor usually treated them, the original serfs, really badly.

"Think about it, everyone. These lands belonged to all of us. Why do these lackeys come to sit on our heads, ask for our offerings, and kill our relatives at will?"

"What kind of life did we live in the past?"

The faces of the people are miserable, thinking of the painful past, and the joy of owning their own land and working for themselves now, it is the difference between heaven and hell.

"Master Angel, why are they?"

Among the crowd, an old man with white hair and a cane asked: "Why do these demons do this, why do they beat my grandchildren alive with whips to death?"

The words of the old man resonated with many people, and the suffering life in the past emerged little by little.

"Why did the pastor of Anthony's family take my wife and kill her?"

"My whole family was killed by the pastor, woohoo..."

"We work hard all year round, but we can't even feed our own children.


At the beginning, I was a little cautious, but soon these familiar people said the real things, which made these people with the same identities empathize with them. The atmosphere was warm and sad, and some people even cried loudly on the spot.

"Everyone listen to me."

Yangyang's younger sister used a lot of strength to temporarily quiet the scene, and said in a decisive tone: "The reason why these people treat us so unscrupulously is because of this damn God of Twilight."

The atmosphere at the scene was quiet, and the ideas accumulated through thousands of years of rule and brainwashing made them extremely awed by the gods, even if the so-called gods caused them great misfortune.

"It's because it was commanded by the beast who used to be called the God of Light and is now called the God of Dusk, and it made those priests do it."

Yangyang's younger sister raised her hand and shouted: "Down with the pastor, down with the God of Twilight! Our land is our own!"

As soon as her words fell, dozens of people scattered around echoed loudly.

"Down with the priest! Down with the God of Twilight!"

"Return our land!"

There were a few sparse young people who responded with flushed faces, and then more people followed the roaring and roaring around them.

Some people were still in awe of the gods, but when they heard the land, they shuddered and joined in the roar.

Owning land is something they never dared to think about in their lives. No one can take away the land that has already been in his hands, no one can!

But there are still quite a few people with hesitation on their faces, most of them are elderly people.

"You are blasphemy! After you die, you will go to hell, and your soul will be burned and tortured by fire!"

An old man with red withered hair was trembling with anger, pointed at the people around him and said angrily, "These are all fallacies. God loves people, and he only punishes those heretics who disrespect God."

The roaring people around quieted down, with fear on their faces. They completely believed in the theory of ghosts and gods going to hell, and did not doubt the words of the old man in front of them at all.

Yangyang's younger sister saw him immediately and asked him, "Your name is Old Smith?"

"Heretics, true believers will never be deceived by your rhetoric."

Old Smith pointed at her and said angrily: "You will go to hell after you die, go to hell."

Yang Yang's younger sister was not angry, and asked him: "You are not from the Anthony family, nor a pastor, but an ordinary serf who works hard every day, and a son in the family died at the hands of the pastor. To speak for them?"

Old Smith was speechless, his face flushed with anger, and he searched his brains, thinking something was wrong, but he didn't know how to refute it.

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