The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 828 Fortification

"After more than a year, I came back here again."

Zhao Shi rode forward and stared at the tall and majestic city in the distance.

It is worthy of the name of the capital of a state. The city wall is eight meters high, and there is a moat more than ten meters wide outside the city. The turrets, bed crossbows, and catapults on the city wall are densely packed. Rolling stones and giant logs are piled up like a mountain.

The Kingdom of Wu has planned and prepared for a long time, and the various materials inside the city are extremely abundant, consuming most of the country's reserves, and employing millions of civilians from all over the country.

This was originally the bridgehead for Wu State to invade Lingzhou, Hezhou, Mingzhou and other places, and the starting point for Wu State to unify the world.

But with Mingren City Wei Tianyang's defeat and no mutual losses with Zhao Shi, all this came to naught, but it also made the defense of Qingzhou possible.

Instead of rushing to attack the city, they first excavated anti-cavalry fortifications, assembled siege tower trebuchets, built high platforms, quarried stones, and so on.

Step by step, as steady as a tortoise, not in a hurry.

There are more than 400,000 regular troops of the regular army of Jiawu Kingdom gathered in it. Even if several heavenly kings lead the army to attack the city, it is extremely difficult and extremely dangerous.

It's just that this preparation seems to have been prepared for too long.

One week has passed, and we are still preparing, which everyone can understand, and two weeks, three weeks can still be accepted.

However, after two months in a row, there was still no sign of siege, but a low city wall appeared outside the city.

It is not high, only two meters, and four meters wide. Many people can stand on it, and it is built with giant logs and mud. It is far inferior to the state city in front of us, but the protective cavalry is absolutely foolproof.

Not only the low wall, but also densely packed pits for tripping horses on the inside. There are horse-repelling and traps near the pits, which make any cavalry's scalp tingle immediately when they see it. This is a systematic project for cavalry.

In the past two months, this simple city wall has already surrounded half of Qingyi City.

It is expected to be fully closed in another two months.


Bai Feng, who was patrolling the city defenses on the city wall, was suddenly startled: "Zhao Shi wants to besiege us, he won't attack the city, just like he bypassed Mingren City and captured Yizhou and Kezhou."

Heiyan and Kuangxu both shook their bodies,

Also thought of this possibility.

The army of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance did not dare to bypass Qingyi City because their food roads might be cut off by the 180,000 cavalry in the city at any time.

But once the outer city wall is built, the cavalry will be trapped in the city, allowing the bloody army to attack Yanzhou, Liangzhou and other places, making their city a lone army that must die.

"They must be stopped!"

buzz buzz~

The gate of the city, which had been closed for two months, was opened. Kuangxu led 70,000 cavalry to rush out. After making some confusing movements, he suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the construction site at the gap in the earth wall on the left.

The front of the soldiers was as swift as lightning, and suddenly punched out like a heavy punch. The blood sea soldiers who were unarmored and working on the construction site quickly hid behind their vigilant companions.

During the construction of the city wall, Zhao Shi, who was sitting cross-legged next to the white horse and practicing, opened his eyes, climbed on the horse, and said briefly: "Follow me!"

"Yes, President."

More than 80,000 riders in the rear accelerated to the peak and rushed towards the battlefield.

In front of Kuangxu was a piece of repelling horses made of logs. There were three rows, two meters wide, and they stopped in front of the cavalry.

It is useless to go around, because this kind of refusal horse has three sides, and the other side is a city wall that has already been built, and there is no weakness. 53 Chinese Network


Kuangxu on the horse didn't use weapons, and blasted out seven or eight punches with two pairs of fists one after another, smashing the repelling horse more than a hundred meters in front of him, and the army entered the tight formation of the blood sea infantry along the gap.

Blood flowers bloomed continuously between the two. This was not a loose army formation during the march, but a tight army formation that had already been prepared.

Kuangxu's double fists blasted out continuously, and each fist swayed a transparent ripple outward, blasting and killing dozens of blood sea soldiers nearby. Their spears and armor were broken, and there was no one enemy. The denser formation instead caused More casualties.

But in the places he can't take care of, the cavalry of the Wu Kingdom are at a huge disadvantage.

In order to protect the cavalry, the Blood Sea Guild put on five-meter-long spears and put them on the shoulders of their teammates, forming a sharp jungle.

This formation is cumbersome and has poor flexibility. It is difficult to form during the march, but there is no problem at this moment.

When the cavalrymen of Wu State collided with this kind of armed jungle, they instantly turned into gourds of blood. The cavalry who couldn't avoid them died with both men and horses. The cavalry behind them had to stop from the high speed and lost their speed.

It is too weak for the cavalry to attack the tight infantry formation head-on, which is what the infantry should do.

It's just that they have a strong cavalry unit, but their infantry is pitifully small and weak, so it would be nice to be able to defend the city.

As for the strong men and the like, they can barely defend the city and fight under the guard of the officers. If they are released, they will surrender immediately and use the enemy out of thin air.

Kuangxu bombarded and killed the blood sea soldiers all the way, and when he looked back, his heart sank suddenly.

I rushed in with thousands of people, but most of the cavalry were trapped outside the infantry position, neither advancing nor retreating, and there were a lot of casualties every moment.

Also, both instinct and reason, developed to an extremely high degree, told him that great danger was approaching.


Not daring to delay any longer, Kuangxu cleared the way with both fists, smashed a path and fled backwards, gathering the cavalry who were still outside and rushing towards the city gate.


There was a deafening sound of horseshoes in the distance, and the speed of the blood sea had reached its peak, and it turned into a bolt of lightning to kill here.

At the same time, three icy murderous intents locked onto the front of the army, causing every cell in his body to tremble.

This is what it feels like to be dead, and very likely to be dead in a short time.

"It's great, but it's a pity that it can't be done now."

There was longing in the wild eyes, but he could only restrain himself and lead his subordinates to escape from here quickly.

The core of his practice is to fight constantly, between life and death, sharpen his instincts with the battle of death at any time, and awaken more human treasures.

He could feel that the present Zhao Shi and his Huashen combat team were an excellent target to fight, they would not kill him instantly, but could kill him at any time.

If he can win the battle with Zhao Shi, he is confident that he will have a big breakthrough in his strength.

It's a pity that this possibility is very small. Bearing the expectations of many people, he can't willfully fight according to his own ideas, and Bo Na has a chance of survival.

Zhao Shi didn't understand the mad desire. The cultivation of immortals lies in the continuous accumulation of mana and research. It seems to him that one fight can make one's strength soar.

The 80,000 blood sea cavalry under the command intercepted the cavalry brought out by Kuangxu at the waist, stopped more than 40,000 people, and were annihilated under the encirclement of infantry and cavalry.

After this battle, no cavalry was sent out to harass the city for a long time, allowing the blood sea fairy alliance's city building plan to continue to advance.

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