It is difficult to siege a city, even if it is besieged by ten times the force, there will often be heavy casualties, and it will take a lot of time to conquer.

But this is between the traditional feudal army and the traditional feudal army, between the player's army and the player's army.

It will be much easier for player troops to attack traditional feudal troops. Although casualties are inevitable, they will never be so miserable.

The reason is that the player's long-range troops are extremely powerful.

The bed crossbow with an effective range of 400 meters is accurate, the trebuchet can also guarantee approximate accuracy, and the archers are completely suppressed.

The cities of Wu Kingdom, Blood Sea Immortal League, and Great Immortal League Empire are all similar. In just a few years, Dagan was suppressed from the vast thirteen states to the land of two states. The contradiction lingers on.

At this moment, most of the Wu Kingdom players have been evacuated from Qingyi City. The morale of the abandoned soldiers is low, and there is no doctrine bonus. It is a city guarded by traditional feudal troops.


Thousands of trebuchets and bed crossbow machine amplifiers vibrated the air, setting off a roar like firecrackers, which could be heard clearly by the soldiers of the Wu Kingdom on the top of the city.

They who followed the Great Khan to fight in all directions knew what it was and what consequences it would cause, so they couldn't help but turn pale.

The temporary massive retreat of player commanders also showed bad consequences. The troops in many places were in chaos under heavy pressure. The newly promoted centurion commander was at a loss for what to do, and had neither the ability nor the prestige to appease the soldiers under his command down.

"Steady! Don't panic, go into the bunker and hide!"

"The Great Khan and the Left and Right Kings will come back!"

The remaining dozens of Alpine Rock Guild players shouted to motivate the surrounding soldiers.

The result is very tragic. Their shouts can only be spread to hundreds of meters around. They lost the player commanders who served as commanders of tens of commanders, commanders of hundreds, and commanders of thousands. .

Like an unresponsive bulky giant, it takes minutes to move every time.


A rain of crossbow arrows rose from the ground like a dark cloud and covered the city wall. Many arrows were supernaturally accurate, and shot through the narrow holes, killing three or four people.

The sky darkened slightly again, and a rain of boulders covered the city wall.

Blood flowers bloomed densely in an instant, screams were heard endlessly, flesh and blood piled up on the ground, the city walls were in a mess, and nearly a thousand people were killed or injured.


Without stopping, wave after wave of bed crossbows, wave after wave of stone throwing hit, constantly covering the city wall.

During this period, the thousands of bed crossbows and trebuchets deployed on the city wall by Wu Kingdom at a huge cost also started to move, trying hard to aim at the camp of the trebuchets and bed crossbows of the Blood Sea Army outside the city, and shot out their own crossbow bolts and boulders .

It's a pity that the bed crossbow missed, and most of the arrows shot into the ground, and the precision of the boulders thrown by the trebuchet was even worse. Many of them even landed halfway through the flight, with little success.

The range of 400 meters is already beyond the eyes of ordinary human infantry. Without the players to correct and fine-tune them little by little, they simply do not have the ability to control ultra-long-range weapons.

"Escape! The Khan and the others have already escaped, why can't we escape?"

"We will die, we will die!"

The city wall turned into a bloody hell in an instant, the strong men collapsed immediately, and the Wu Guo soldiers also collapsed after holding on for a while, not daring to stay on the city wall any longer.

"Damn it!" Kulu Literature

Before the two sides contacted, his army began to collapse, which made a round-faced male player of Gaoshan Zhiyan startled and furious: "Come on, those who retreat will be killed! Those who deceive the crowd will be killed!"

Even at this time, there are still loyal soldiers in Wu Kingdom, who are the guards of the king's tent specially left for them by Hei Yan and other kings.

Hearing the order at this moment, even though he had roughly guessed that he was about to die, he still accepted the order solemnly: "Yes, Commander Heishiyang!"

Wearing armor, the guards of the king's tent with sharp swords and bright swords joined together. They beheaded all the guards in the front row with more cruel methods than the enemy, and forcefully drove the almost completely collapsed army back to the city wall.

The newly appointed centurions and thousand commanders tried to remember what their leaders had done in the past, commanded the army clumsily, and barely restored order in the army.

However, no one dared to take a look outside the city again, and the centurions did not dare to force them, and curled up behind the sandbags.

This terrifying cover bombing lasted for an hour before slowly stopping.

At this time, the soldiers of the Wu Kingdom could already hear the sound of siege towers and ladders hitting the city wall, as well as the sound of iron armor and swords hitting wooden boards, which seemed more crisp.

They were old soldiers, had experienced many campaigns and sieges, knew what it was, so they were all the more afraid.

"Go out, kill an enemy and reward one tael of silver!"

"Death to those who fear the war!"

The Ten Commander and the Centurion Commander sternly shouted, threatening and luring at the same time, forcing the soldiers of the Wu Kingdom to stick out their bodies and catch up with the city wall for defense.

They looked around and saw that there was a siege tower every ten meters, and armored soldiers were coming out of the bridge hole, murderous.

Under the city wall, there are dense ladders to climb the city wall, and many blood sea soldiers are attacking the city.

The only good news is that at this time the two armies have already begun to contact, and the blood navy dare not continue to launch its terrifying ultra-long-range attacks.


"Rolling Stone, Gold Juice!"

The tens and centurions drank.

Wu Guo soldiers stopped the blood sea soldiers on the siege tower with spears, and the two sides fought together.

The strong men who were forced by the sword had to go up the city wall, lifted boulders and rolling logs and threw them down the ladder, clearing out seven or eight people on a ladder, causing many casualties.

The boiled hot gold juice was poured over again, scalding the blood sea soldiers below until their flesh was torn apart, and the stench was suffocating.

There are even a lot of kerosene poured down on the city walls in some areas, and several flames are shot in accurately, creating a large flame hell in an instant. Hundreds of blood sea soldiers and the players in them struggled in the flames, and the whole person became a group of people type torch.

There are a large number of casualties at all times, and it is impossible to break through for a while.

Zhao Shi's eyelids twitched, and his murderous intentions arose: "Karina, Chi Yaoyue, you go, and Lilina. Zhou Bihu, Poshan, you follow."

A red ball was thrown out of Zhao Shi's arms, ignoring the loud snoring coming from inside.

Even without them, the city would definitely be destroyed, but the casualties made him unacceptable.


The three God Transformation Forces commanded seven or eight kings respectively, and led the most elite soldiers of the First Front Army to enter from three directions. Whether it was a boulder or a rolling log along the way, they were all torn apart by the bloody sword energy. broken.

The enemies who blocked him face to face, whether they were ordinary soldiers or Wu Kingdom players, were easily killed, and the city wall was instantly broken, like three sharp long swords piercing into the hinterland of Qingyi City, annihilating all resistance.

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