The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 840 Surrender

"how so?"

Hei Yan's face was shocked, he looked at Zhao Shi in disbelief, and then disappeared into a white light.

It stands to reason that since one side among the kings has already conceded defeat and given up all the interests of the competition, then the side that is the winner will politely let him go.

After all, players are immortal, and few people are willing to form endless hatred.

If one day Wei Tianyang and others admit defeat and recognize the superiority of the Blood Sea Road, they can also be accepted by the Immortal League, but whether they accept it or admit defeat, they will be given enough dignity.

Zhao Shi looked indifferent, and said lightly: "Those who block the way, die."

War is a battle of ideas and interests, and no matter who wins or loses, it is normal.

But Heiyan shouldn't slaughter civilians just for a little supply, showing a strong anti-human tendency.

The way of the sea of ​​blood lies in gathering the crowd, bringing together the strength and wisdom of hundreds of millions of sentient beings to build the road to longevity. Heiyan, who has shown anti-human tendencies, is a pest on the road.

The stronger he is, the greater the threat to Dao of the Blood Sea in the future, and he must seize every opportunity to suppress or even eliminate him completely.

Zhou Bihu and other kings looked at Zhao Shi's stern face, thoughtfully.

After the confluence of the second front army, the number of blood sea troops outside Dadu swelled to 450,000. The speed of building the outer earth wall was a few minutes faster, and the earth wall was closing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In Dadu City, there are only 200,000 regular troops of the Wu Kingdom, and more than 100,000 civilian husbands. Everyone is panic-stricken, their fighting spirit is low, and the patriarchs of the various families have different thoughts.

It can be said that if it weren't for the remaining 2,500 players in the martial arts area who have firmly controlled all aspects of rights, some people have already opened the city gate and surrendered at this moment.

No matter how high the city wall was, or how thick the grain and grass had been stored, this process could not be stopped.

No one wants to be involved in a war where you must lose and you must die after winning.

This is also the reason why the past dynasties basically could not arouse any resistance after being beaten to the capital.

"Hei Yan died, died twice, and fell into the Nascent Soul Realm."

On most of the majestic city walls, Bai Feng said calmly, without any hope between words.

"The morale of the soldiers we brought out from the grassland is also very low now, and their fighting spirit is weak. They don't want to surrender, but want to return to their hometown on the grassland."

Since the attack on Yanzhou, the grassland cavalry suffered heavy losses. If the player's force was not strong enough, according to the traditional grassland customs, internal turmoil has already occurred.

A khan who can't consistently win is not what they need.

Kuang Xu also knew about this.

"Are you trying to say you want to surrender? It's not difficult. Zhao Shi agreed to let us leave safely, and the remaining soldiers will not be retaliated against."

Bai Feng nodded slightly.

After many years of fighting, she also developed some feelings for the soldiers under her command, and after she was sure that she could not win, she also hoped to find a way out for them.

Zhao Shi, who firmly implements the plan for the aborigines, should be able to make them live a good life for the rest of their lives.

Kuangxu sighed: "Then do as you say, Heiyan doesn't need to care about it, and there is no need to force him to be with us."

A system panel appeared in front of him, lines of words appeared on it, and soon covered a large area, sliding down quickly, the words were carved like a knife, and the words were sincere, making people unable to hold back tears.

For Dynasty World, both other martial arts kings and martial arts players have paid a heavy price, a lot of resources, many players have died in battle several times, and their realm has fallen to the flying sky.

This defeat was due to the incompetence of these heavenly kings as the leaders, and they had to explain to the players above and below.

After spending several hours, Kuangxu drafted the "Book for the Major Players in the Martial Arts District", and silently stamped his own seal. It is a pattern of the back of a human being fighting against the sky,

There is a unique breath of power on it.

"Hei Yan has made a real fire, and he doesn't agree." Kuang Xu handed the document to Bai Feng.

"He has a reason to disagree. Zhao Shi is too much and has broken the bottom line."

Bai Feng's eyes were full of coldness, silvery-white sharpness flickered on his fingertips, and he carved his silver spear forest seal stroke by stroke.

Zhao Shi executed a sky-level king who had surrendered for the so-called enmity against the road, which was a great shame to all sky-level kings, and even had the intent to kill.

The instigator has no successors?

Now that his strength is strong, no one will say anything because of it, but if he weakens one day, it will inevitably attract more brutal blows.

After the seal was engraved, Bai Feng stared at the words on it for a long time, silently pointing his finger on the send button.


Kuangxu stopped him suddenly, with a look of confusion on his face: "Wei Tianyang asked us, the war in the mortal world is over, are we still interested in fighting the second war, the war in the underworld?"

Bai Feng's fingers snapped.

Zhao Shi outside the city still didn't wait for Bai Feng and others to surrender, but he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​attacking the city. He just mobilized more troops to guard the ever-expanding earth wall construction site.

Three days later, the gate of the city was opened, and 70,000 to 80,000 cavalry rushed out of the interior. First, they tentatively attacked the earth wall construction site, causing a large number of bloody soldiers to concentrate on defense. After that, they rushed to the depths of the grassland without looking back, and soon disappeared. in the sky.

The current grassland is still the territory of Wu Kingdom, where they can get sufficient food and grass.

Zhao Shi led more than 80,000 cavalry in pursuit, and had to stop after going deep into the grassland for dozens of miles. The result of the battle was only a few thousand people.

Wu Guo's cavalry has always refused to contact them. If they continue to pursue and go deep into the hinterland of the enemy's territory, the Blood Sea Cavalry will undoubtedly lose when they are short of men and horses.

"Let's go back, we need a lot of preparations to liberate the grassland people."

In the future, as long as the grassland people are liberated, Bai Feng and others will no longer have any advantage, and will face the situation of being hunted down to death.

This point, not to mention Zhao Shi, any unified Central Plains empire can do it.

woo woo woo

The melodious horn sounded at the moment when the cavalry merged into the Chinese army, and the siege tower that had been prepared for a long time began to advance slowly, like hundreds of giants rising from the ground. Every time they took a step, the ground trembled, and the armored torrent with them.

The densely packed machine sound reinforcement began to explode, thousands of trebuchets and bed crossbows were ready,

With just one order, thousands of bed crossbows and catapults will cover the city, setting off a large amount of blood.

Zhao Shi got off his horse and put on heavy armor, surrounded by Karina, Chi Yaoyue and others.

In order to reduce casualties, as long as the time is right, he will personally lead the troops to attack the city and enter it.

It was clear that the sky was clear and the sun was scorching, but all the soldiers of the Wu Kingdom felt a strong aura of war rising into the sky, making people feel chills all over their bodies, as if seeing a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.


When the army was ready to go, the city gates of Dadu slowly opened to both sides, revealing a deep doorway, and a huge white flag was raised on the city wall.

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