In May of the year 242 of the Blood Sea, the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance broke through the capital of the Wu Kingdom, cleared the last piece of land in the Central Plains of the Wu Kingdom, and ended all possibilities for the re-establishment of the Grassland Empire.

In August, the land reform in Liangzhou was completed, the rule of Xuehai penetrated to the grassroots, and the army of Xuehai regrouped.

Zhao Shi was riding on a horse, and nearby was a bloody army that could not be seen at a glance. They were marching into the distance in a tight formation, and their military aura soared into the sky.

He said to Zhou Bihu in front of him: "Liangzhou, I will leave it to you."

"No problem, if Heiyan and the others dare to come, I will destroy them."

Zhou Bihu believed in herself. The second army with 200,000 troops was several times stronger than the grassland cavalry and was defending the city. She never imagined that she would fail, even if Karina and her 50,000 angels were sent away by Zhao Shi. Also like this.

"That's good."

Zhao Shi nodded, urged the horses to sit down, and rushed to the front with Chi Yaoyue and more than a thousand cavalry from the personal guard battalion, before disappearing in front of Zhou Bihu and other kings.

His goal is Yongzhou, the only remaining state in Dagan, and its core Yongdu.

The march all the way was very smooth, without any danger.

This is Liangzhou, Liangzhou in the sea of ​​blood, within his own land.

Half a month later, Zhao Shi saw Jiang Hua's Second Front Army stationed on the border between Yongzhou and Liangzhou. The two troops merged to form a super-large corps of 450,000 people.

"King Zhao Shi."

Jiang Hua bowed to Zhao Shi, and handed over a document: "Our army has achieved great momentum, and the major families in Yongzhou have no strong will to resist. They want to surrender to us, but they still have delusions about the land reform policy. It is the bottom line of surrender.

If we agree to this condition, they can open the gate of Yongdu for us. "

"Don't bother, tell them clearly that the most recalcitrant can be sentenced to death for counter-revolutionary crimes."

Zhao Shi said lightly, he didn't have much energy to deal with these big Yongzhou families.

The blood navy has paid so many sacrifices to achieve today's situation. Now there is only one state left in Nuoda's big army, and the resistance is weak.

In this case, if they give up or relax the land reform for their so-called support, then Zhao Shi is a sinner in the imperial world.


The army of 450,000 blood rushed into the land of Yongzhou like a torrent, destroying cities and villages along the way, washing away all the dirt of the old society, and establishing a new order on the land.

There is no place to stop it, the county town is vulnerable, even the county town can stop the army for a few days at most before being bombed.

It was not until the gate of Yongdu, in front of Yinguan, that he slowly stopped his pace.

Yin Guan was built on the mountain, and the city wall was 14 meters high, higher than the capital of the king. It has always been a battleground for military strategists, and the terrain is extremely dangerous.

Throughout the ages, the Central Plains dynasties have relied on this pass to defend the northern grasslands and rebellious rebels, and have saved dying dynasties several times in history.

The last 100,000 Central Guards of Daqian were stationed in the pass, and 200,000 civilians were recruited. The supplies for guarding the city were sufficient relying on the accumulation of the Daqian royal family.

"Blood Sea King is really arrogant!"

In the gorgeous mansion, a bearded man threw a letter stained with blood-colored sword lotus on the ground, and said angrily: "I don't ask for an official, I don't ask for a name. The thief is still unwilling!"

Immediately there are people around to interface.

"Xiao Zhuguo's words are very true! This king just defeated some state soldiers and killed some prairie barbarians, so he is defiant!"


"The forbidden army in my royal capital is not those weak brigades!"


For a moment, his words resonated with the nearby generals, who couldn't stop ridiculing, and their momentum rose a bit.

Huang Degong hid among the generals in a low-key manner, echoing a few details from time to time, without standing out and making a difference.

Nazhaxu is one of the contemporary Zhu kingdoms. Xiao Zheng, Xiao Zhuguo, after the founding of Beigong, is also the most senior general who is still alive. In the eyes of outsiders, he has won the trust of the royal family and entrusted him with the life and death of the king's capital.

Huang Degong knew that was not the case.

For such an important matter, how could the royal family be willing to leave it to others?

It's just that they can't help it now.

Since the anti-thieves rebelled three years ago, Dagan has been undefeated in a single battle, but the commanders are all sent by the Fang family royal family, either the uncle or the prince.

The original intention was to fight the lion against the rabbit, wipe out the rebels in the bud, and lay down the majesty of the royal family by the way.

It's a pity that they lost, and every time they lost, the nobles of Yongdu would lose half of the city, and the prestige of the royal family continued to decline.

There are already many voices in the imperial court, who believe that the reason why the world fell into the hands of some rebels in a short period of time is because those princes who do not understand military affairs forcefully command the army. This is the only reason why the world has fallen so far.

As long as this reason is changed and completely discarded, the world will still be the world of scholars, and it will still be the world of nobles and landlords.

This kind of voice quickly lost the foundation of the royal family's rule in Yongzhou, and many careerists appeared as a result.

If it weren't for the presence of foreign enemies, civil strife would have erupted by now.

Zhenbei Gong Xiaozheng is currently the most powerful person of this kind, almost completely controlling the 100,000 forbidden troops.

This person's purpose is clearly revealed. With the advantage of Yinguan's location, hundreds of thousands of troops are used to defend the city and even defeat the bloody army, to win the hearts of the people in Yongzhou and even the world's gentry, and to force the emperor to abdicate with this great victory.

The previous statement of surrender was also sent to Jiang Hua, with the purpose of cutting off the retreat of the generals and schools, and fighting with their backs.

He did.

His plan was not wrong. Once he defeated the bloody army, the hearts of the people of the world's gentry would immediately join him. The legitimacy of a mere orthodox effort was not worth mentioning in the face of the survival of this class.

It's just that although he received many battle reports in the capital, he never participated in counter-insurgency.

Huang Degong thought sadly.

He was willing to support Xiao Zheng as emperor, and so was the Huang family and his in-laws, the Li family.

Outside the city, the sound reinforcement was exploding. Thousands of trebuchets and bed crossbows formed a cloud of smoke, exploding the crowds of soldiers on the city wall into pieces of blood. The screams were continuous, and the morale of the soldiers at the grassroots level was barely maintained. a lot.

"How is it possible? This place is at least half a mile away from the city!"

Xiao Zheng, who was not far from the city wall, and the generals around him were terrified, watching this scene that overturned their common sense in disbelief.

Although they knew that the rebels had such characteristics in the previous military newspapers, they, who claimed to be veterans in the army, didn't believe it at all, and regarded it as an exaggerated exaggeration of a defeated general. Many of them have done this kind of thing.

The aroused fighting spirit of many generals was instantly shaken and chaotic, changing from arrogance to fear in an instant.

If you continue to fight, you will die.

If you surrender at least you won't die.

Xiao Zhengnai was a veteran general in the army, he was keenly aware of this emotion, and said in a deep voice: "This is nothing more than a cunning skill, our Daqian Heavenly Army is invincible in battle, and now without Huangkou Xiaoer's command, we will surely win. "

As if responding to his words, the bed crossbows and trebuchets outside the city had been shooting, but they hadn't officially launched a siege for several days, as if they were afraid of taking over.

The morale of many generals and school slowly recovered.

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