The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Eight hundred and fortieth chapters of the people's will


Huang Degong looked at the young man in front of him in surprise: "Zhan Peng, this doesn't sound like what you said."

He is the younger brother of his wife with the same father and the same mother. After Li Jing, one of the eight founding fathers of Zhenjiang, the two families were roughly equal when his father was alive, but now his own Huang family is more than inferior to them.

Li Zhanpeng stiffened his neck and said in disbelief, "Brother-in-law, am I wrong?"

"Yes, not right, everything depends on the strength."

Huang Degong looked at the sunset in the distance, and asked: "Master Taishan is shaken? It's not surprising that he has never personally led troops to fight against the Blood Sea King, but my Huang family will not stop."

Li Zhanpeng looked anxious, and he wanted to say something, but he was lightly suppressed.

"Go back and tell Lord Taishan, please think carefully about how the blood sea king's eleven states came to be, how my father used his troops, and how he died."

"If Master Taishan still insists on this, please see that for the sake of our two family members, my son Huang Hu has half the flesh and blood of the Li family, don't spoil me, the two families will leave their own paths and live forever in the world. "

Li Zhanpeng couldn't help but shudder when he heard the warning in his tone.

One day later, the morning dew is dotted on the leaves, reflecting colorful light in the sun.

Boom boom boom!

After a month's delay, the sound of rhythmic drumming outside Yin Guan finally sounded, and the blood sea infantry accompanied by hundreds of siege towers pressed up, like a torrent of iron armor engulfing the land bit by bit.

The generals on the city wall shouted: "Get ready, kill ten thieves, get promoted to a higher rank, and reward you with ten taels of silver!"

"The one who retreats dies! The family members are demoted to slavery"

"Defend the city wall, everyone is a meritorious person, get promoted and get rich!"

The coercion and lure finally boosted the morale of the city walls that were bombed one after another and were unable to fight back.

It's just that the generals and schools of these major families who are full of meritorious deeds and conferring their wives and sons did not notice the sneer in the eyes of many grassroots soldiers.

Not to mention that the blood sea is powerful, can it kill ten people?

So what if he killed ten people?

Ten taels of silver is a lot, how is it compared to dividing the land?

Promotion to a higher level is a matter for gentlemen, how can there be promotions for those with muddy legs? How long can you stay in office after being promoted?

The blood sea infantry marched forward as if no one was around, and no one on the city wall dared to stand up. Such people had already died in this month's ultra-long-range attack.

Until the siege tower was built on the city wall, thousands of armored and bloody soldiers poured out of the bridge hole.

"Kill the thief!"

"檑木, golden juice!"

"Those who retreat will be cut!"

The leaders of the top battalion who were hiding under the city wall stood up, roaring and commanding the soldiers around them to rush up and block the gap.

It's just that, soldiers of the Imperial Guard, you looked at me and didn't move for a long time, just like watching some clowns jumping up and down and acting.

"Why not?"

Enraged, a captain drew his knife and chopped off a nearby soldier, saying coldly, "The one who retreats dies!"


He thought too much, this soldier was not a wooden man, he allowed him to slash and kill without resisting, he drew his sword and took the blow forcefully, took a few steps back and hid among the soldiers.

"Do you still dare to fight back?"

Dutou blushed immediately, and roared angrily: "Soldier, kill him for me, and kill all those who hesitate!"


Personal soldiers are the existence of generals who live and die together, and it is also a place where it is difficult for the workers of the blood sea hidden lotus to infiltrate. At this moment, more than ten personal soldiers responded immediately, drew their swords and killed the soldiers who were lingering, wanting to deter them with blood. Persecute these cowardly people.

Only at this time, it is not a question of what they want, but what the soldiers want.

"Welcome to the sea of ​​blood, divide the fields!"

"There is food for all,

Land for everyone! "

The shouts came from nowhere, like sparks on the dry grassland, and quickly spread to the nearby soldiers, ranging from hundreds to thousands, to tens of thousands, especially the 200,000 strong men.

Tens of thousands of people shouted and roared at the same time, their eyes full of yearning for a new life and disgust for the past.

Their voices formed a huge wave that rushed to the earth, swept to the sky, and scattered the clouds in the sky.

The soldiers who were about to kill couldn't help but pause in this overwhelming wave, looking at the soldiers with red eyes and roaring weapons in all directions, their hearts were terribly cold.

This is obviously his own barracks, but it seems to have suddenly entered the enemy's camp, and every soldier is surrounded by dozens of people.

Among the central army of the imperial guards, who were talking about the art of war, the owner of the chamber, who was confronting secretly, heard the sound of the bloody sea from the mountains and tsunami outside, his heart trembled, and he frantically searched for his own weapon.

"Soldiers, soldiers!"

Zhu Guo Xiao Zheng, who had just subdued several chamber owners, shouted sharply: "What happened? Who is making noise outside?"

A soldier with a scar on his face ran into the tent with a pale face, and said in a trembling voice, "Great... Marshal, the soldiers of the Imperial Army have rebelled, and they are going to meet the Blood Sea King."

The air in the military tent was silent.


How can this be?

All the owners couldn't believe it. After the changes in Yongdu before, all the positions above the head of the hundreds of thousands of forbidden troops were held by cronies of their big families. Without their permission, who could rebel?

Huang Degong, who lived among the hosts, was equally horrified.

These are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and strong men. Although he gave a little help, how could it be reversed in an instant?

"It's impossible! Bewitching people!"

Xiao Zheng was furious, and with a sword he slashed the head of the terrified scarred soldier in front of him, splashing blood everywhere: "All soldiers, come with me, watch me kill the spies in the army who are making trouble here, and correct my military law!"

"Yes, handsome!"

Many chamber owners also had similar thoughts, and walked out of the military tent with anger, preparing to mobilize their own soldiers to suppress the chaos in the army, restore order with human heads and blood, and win the victory.

Walking out of the gate of the military tent, their footsteps froze, and their furious faces turned into panic.

Looking around, there were shouts of killing all around. Thousands of soldiers of the chief general were besieged by tens of thousands of ordinary Imperial Guard soldiers in chaotic formation. From time to time, some people surrendered or joined the bandit army.

It's not that people who don't know how to live and die are bewitching the crowd, but that the whole army is in chaos, wanting to kill their high-ranking lords.

In the distance, the bloody lotus flag marched forward amidst cheers, and quickly approached the still-resisting Dagan soldiers, and perhaps could clearly feel the icy cold aura born of hundreds of battles from a distance.

The complexions of all the chamber owners, including Xiao Zhengzhuguo, suddenly turned extremely pale. The majestic general trembled all over, and he could no longer hold the sword in his hand, and it fell to the ground clangingly.

Huang Degong suppressed his relief and despair.

Hearing the crisp sound of metal hitting the stone, his expression changed, and he said to the pale old man next to him in disbelief: "Taishan, told Xiao Zhuguo about that?"

Li Hailai was silent, but his slightly trembling hands already explained everything.

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