The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 855: The Father of the Nation


It's not the Red Lotus Pavilion behind the palace, which symbolizes the center of national power, but a quiet and ordinary house in Dongcheng District.

"Shouyuan...will be used up soon."

Under the tall maple tree that had grown for ninety-two years, yellow fallen leaves fluttered in the wind. A white-haired old man in a black robe with many wrinkles on his face opened his eyes and said hoarsely.

His teeth had long since fallen out, his eyebrows and beard were gray and dull, and his whole body was filled with a faint sadness.

"Okay, okay!"

Ouyang Wu's dissatisfied voice sounded: "It's just that the time spent in the mortal world of the dynasty world has run out, and it's not the real longevity. You are so scary!"

She is still twenty years old, with black hair and smooth skin, but her body is also covered with a sense of death that the world forced upon her.

Looking at it with spiritual sense, although this body looks young, it is no different from a centenarian. The remaining vitality of every cell in the body is extremely weak.

Correspondingly, her strength is frighteningly weak now.

If she had the strength and agility of an adult woman when she first entered the dynasty world, she could hit a hundred with one hit, but now she can hit five professional soldiers with one hit.

The other players are similar, their strength has been weakened to the limit.

If it was a regime like that of Wuguo Grassland, it is estimated that a new Khan has appeared by now, eradicating the old king and ascending to the throne.

Of course, Zhao Shi didn't need to care about this.

In fact, ninety years ago, that is, in his tenth year as the president of the Dynasty World Blood Sea Republic, he couldn't wait to resign from all positions after his term ended, and fell into a long-term retreat.

"Yes, son, you look so pitiful now."

Zhao Ling'er was also worried.

She is similar to Chi Yaoyue and Ouyang Wu beside her. It doesn't matter if her vitality changes. She would rather die than let her appearance change a bit, just like other female players.

"It's nothing, it's just that the death simulation mechanism in the dynasty world is too real, and there are many emotions."

Zhao Shi turned around, dispelled the pity and sorrow for time, and asked, "Have you informed us of the news that we are about to withdraw from the Dynasty World? Is the follow-up handover going smoothly?"

The rules of the imperial world are very unique. No one can live to be a hundred years old in the mortal world, but it is very important that the tiny mortal world can determine the pattern of the underworld.

The players will all withdraw from the mortal world, and hand over all the dynasty world to the members of the Blood Sea Guild who are mortals. The subsequent survival of the Blood Sea Republic will be entrusted to them and the general public, and no gods can interfere.

This kind of withdrawal preparation work has been roughly completed in the 80s, and players have gradually withdrawn from the country's military and political circles, and now it is the final finishing stage.

"Well, we've been notified, and the handover has gone smoothly." Ouyang Wu seemed to have thought of something funny, and said playfully, "I also promised to do something for President Liu Lan. Do you know what it is?"

President Liu Lan, a native of Dynasty World, was appointed as the tenth President of the World Republic of Blood Sea Dynasty by the Supreme Committee of Blood Sea Dynasty World in January 329th, ten years ago. This is her tenure. last year.

She is Liu Qi, the granddaughter of the girl who was awarded the sword by Zhao Shi himself, the third graduate of the Lingzhou Army Military Academy.

Liu Qi passed away forty years ago with great regret. He held the highest military position as an army general at the age of eighty-two.

"Oh? What are you going to do for her?"

Zhao Shi became a little interested.

"Kill the blood demon!"

"Take back the world of our Fang family!"

"If you succeed, everyone will be able to become kings, and you will enjoy endless glory and wealth! Those who died can also become kings in my Daqian God Court,

Live forever! "

Before Ouyang Wu could say anything, there were frenzied shouts of killing and the clanging of weapons clashing outside this small courtyard that had been quiet for more than 90 years since Zhao Shi arrived.

Looking at the momentum, there may not be hundreds of people.

Chi Yaoyue and Zhao Ling'er's complexion changed drastically, they drew their swords and stood in front of Zhao Shi, looking nervously out of the yard.

If Zhao Shi was at his peak, he only needed three breathing blood lotus swords to kill all these people, no matter how elite soldiers they were.

But at this moment, the vitality of the body has been exhausted to the point where it is difficult to move, and it is very likely that hundreds of people will be beheaded here.

"Ouyang Wu, you are hateful!"

Chi Yaoyue glared at the smiling Ouyang Wu, wishing she could beat her up.

This is the capital, and the First Division of the First Army is always stationed nearby. It is impossible for an enemy to appear in this place. Needless to say, she must have let it in.


The gate of the courtyard was roughly kicked open, and hundreds of murderous thugs entered. The leader was a bearded man with the obvious rank of major general of the Blood Sea Republic, and a dozen soldiers around were wearing blood navy uniforms. It is the desperadoes.

When the bearded man saw Zhao Shi and Ouyang Wu and the others beside him, his eyes lit up, and he said with a sinister smile, "Follow me, kill this blood demon, and you will be rich forever!"

"Ah! Father of the nation!"

Despite the constant psychological foreshadowing in advance, hundreds of people behind him trembled at the same moment when they saw Zhao Shi.

Exactly the same, exactly the same as the portrait in the textbook.

Almost instinctively, reverence and respect arose in the hearts of these little guys who were no more than thirty years old, as if they had seen a living fossil.

Most of their ancestors were farmers or landlords, and today they are able to read and write, have enough food and clothing because of this person, and their firm steps can't help but hesitate.

Seeing this, the bearded man roared angrily: "Why are you stunned, do you think there is still a way to turn back? Don't you want the monstrous wealth of Daqian Shenting?"

Hearing the roar of the big man and the hurried footsteps in all directions, all the people who were still hesitating woke up instantly.

"That's right!"

"Come on, kill him!"

"Father of the nation, don't blame us, old man, we have nothing to do!"

The sound of footsteps and clashes of soldiers in the sea of ​​blood outside was getting closer and closer. Hundreds of thugs suddenly went crazy, their eyes were bloodshot, and they held their swords to kill Zhao Shi.

The reinforcements still haven't arrived at this moment.

Chi Yaoyue's heart turned cold, she wished she could kill Ouyang Wu who was still smiling now.

Liu Qi's granddaughter, isn't that the blood of Dagan?


The dense crossbows suddenly flew from the trees and walls, like dark clouds, causing bloody sprays among the thugs in front of them, falling down in rows.


The rain of crossbow arrows stopped, and there were only thirty or so thugs behind, who stopped their footsteps and fled back in horror.

They boast that they are not afraid of death, and dare to risk their lives for wealth and honor. They have never seen a real war.

"Hold your head!"

"Squat down!"

Escaping is of course an illusion, as soldiers from the sea of ​​blood rushed all around to capture all the fleeing thugs.

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