The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 861: The Sorrow of the Heavenly King

Although the system can also communicate, the effect is still not as good as face-to-face communication.

Although not much, but if things are very important, this effect is very important.

"Yes, you guessed right." Jiang Hua said sternly: "After a large amount of resources are tilted towards alchemy, our refining resources are not enough."

"The current resources are only enough to produce 3,000 sets of magic weapon suits. If you don't want to reduce the quantity, you must greatly reduce the technical indicators of the magic weapon set."

"The second and third-level refining plans also encountered this problem at the same time, and it was even more serious."

Sun Yue next to her was startled.

Xianmeng internally prepares three sets of plans for players to advance to Yuanying on a large scale this time, namely alchemy, weapon refining, and talismans. The resources invested are also in this order.

Now the alchemy resources are qualified, and most of the refining resources are lacking, let alone the talisman resources. The pre-designed good talisman crossing tribulation set has to be discarded, and only some talismans from the strategic reserve of the Immortal Alliance can be equipped. The effect is only a little better than nothing. .

The absence of the refining project and the talisman making project means that the success rate of a large number of players at the peak of Jindan will be much lower than before. Many old players have to watch their lifespan die helplessly.

It also means that many familiar partners will be gone. They are the backbone of the Xianmeng. Losing them will greatly weaken the strength of the Xianmeng.

Zhao Shi didn't reply immediately, and remained silent for a long time.

"Then you came this time, do you want me to get you enough resources to make up for this gap within ten to twenty years?"

There is some dislike between the words.

The peak-level array of the Nine Peaks of the Blood Sea Nine Peaks Nascent Soul roared slightly, and the red light flickered, ready to be activated at any time.

The blood starfish in the sky is even more dazzling. With Zhao Shi as the center, it projects a sharp red light within a radius of ten thousand miles, scanning the earth over and over again.

The commanders of all levels of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance army received the call-up order in an instant and could gather at any time.

Under this blue sky, the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance was able to mobilize four god-level combat powers, including Zhao Shi, and Blood, whose strength had expanded several times after twenty-five kings and more than a hundred players advanced to Nascent Soul. Haixian League Corps.

If he hadn't fought against the original Qianjun Corps and was restrained by the Way of Wanjun, the strength of the Xianmeng Corps would have almost rivaled that of Zhao Shi.

Combining these strengths together, it doesn't take much time to besiege a heavenly king.

Sun Yue also realized something, and looked at Jiang Hua with a little hostility.

Jiang Hua showed shame on his face: "King Wei found me and asked me to Zhou Xuan one or two. I think this is a good thing for both of us, so I agreed."

During the joint scanning of Blood Starfish and Zhao Shi's consciousness, a transparent blur appeared in a space, and a gentle middle-aged man with an ordinary face appeared in a white Taoist robe.

"Long time no see, Zhao Shi."

Wei Tianyang flew in front of Zhao Shi, and said solemnly: "I came here in person this time, not with hostility, we need a concerted effort."

Zhao Shi didn't reply, and the Blood Sea Domain was weaving a cage continuously, sealing off the surrounding space little by little.

The Xianxia District has been unable to unify for a long time, and Wei Tianyang is the key factor. Killing him, killing him below the combat power of Huashen, even if the kings of the Eastern Immortal League who have lost their key combat power are unwilling, they will not be forced to survive under the pressure of survival. not return.

"Why do you want to kill me so stubbornly?"

Wei Tianyang sighed, his body became transparent and blurred, completely integrated into the space, and disappeared.

The sharp edge of the Blood Lotus Sword flew out from Zhao Shi's heart, and disappeared following his steps.

Thousands of miles away, the figures of Xuelian Sword and Wei Tianyang appeared at the same time, two sword lights, one transparent and one dark red, entangled with each other, tinkling, and the occasional burst of energy collapsed tens of miles of space,

A dark space crack was revealed.

During the clash of the two swords, there were tens of thousands of fierce collisions every second. The God-level flying sword and the deeper blood sea mana made Wei Tianyang's body numb from the shock, and he couldn't stop backing up.

There is also an invisible cold and bloody sword intent seeping into the surrounding air, hovering outside his soul, and only waiting to find a gap, it will drill into it, shattering the core of the soul.

"You are stronger."

Wei Tianyang's face was pale, and the Taixu sword in his hand tapped the space lightly, as if it was on a water wave, the power of the rules of the Taixu space overflowed outward, and even the sword and the person disappeared.

One hundred thousand miles away, Wei Tianyang, who had finished a long space shuttle, felt a little relieved, but his expression immediately changed and disappeared again.

call out!

In the distance, thousands of miles away, a red comet came with great momentum, and with extreme speed, its monstrous icy sword intent suppressed the space of thousands of miles.

The enemy was gone, it didn't stop at all, turned a 90-degree turn, and went out with a clear purpose.

Thirty thousand miles away, Wei Tianyang walked out of the transparent space, and saw the red sword shadow again without any surprise.

Without a word, he disappeared again.

The two chased and fled for three days and three nights, and the distance between them still remained unchanged.

The Blood Lotus Sword stopped and stood in the sky, no longer chasing and killing.

Zhao Shi's figure emerged, and his stern face was replaced with a kind smile: "Brother Wei came from a long way, I'm sorry, please come in and tell me."

The way of space is indeed the second rule of the master level, even if one's own strength is stronger than his, there is nothing he can do about it.

However, this does not mean that Wei Tianyang has the capital to threaten Xianmeng. If he pursues and kills him recklessly, he should be able to grind him to death within fifty to one hundred years by relying on the recovery ability of the bloodline.

But too many variables and not worth it.

Wei Tianyang appeared in front of Zhao Shi. After being hunted down for a long time, his expression was a bit ugly, but he still nodded.

In the sky of Xuehai Peak, two heavenly kings flew down from the sky, talking and laughing at Yanyan, exchanging their understanding of Taoism with each other, looking like close friends.

Jiang Hua and Sun Yue breathed a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that the two of them would fight real fire, the kind that would never stop dying. Now that many affairs are busy, it is not a good time to fight.

"Brother Wei, what is the purpose of your coming here?"

After taking his seat, Zhao Shi asked even though he had already guessed something.

This is declaring the initiative, and it is the Eastern Immortal League that needs to cooperate with the Immortal League, not the other way around.

Wei Tianyang had already been prepared for this disadvantage, and said lightly: "It's not a big deal, I need a lot of resources recently, and it happens that you are the same, so the other gods in the underworld gods in the dynasty world can perish."

"Dynasty World can give you all the spoils after this, but I want 70% of the resources captured."

The majestic king of the sky revealed a sense of sadness and weakness in his words, just like a father who cannot provide enough milk powder for his child who is waiting to be fed.

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