The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 863: Return to Hades

There was no sound in Nuo Da's conference room for a while, and there was no expected neat agreement.

Zhou Bihu, Jiang Hua and other people who were satisfied with the division of benefits were suddenly a little embarrassed to stand out and arouse the bad feelings of other kings.

Nor are they concerned that it will fail the resolution.

A cold and bloody sword intent slowly overflowed from the first place, with heavy pressure, it instantly froze the souls and flesh and blood of the kings present, and could only turn their eyes around.

Fengzi, Liushou, Huitu and other kings gave a start, stood up at the same time, and saluted: "I have seen Commander Zhao and Deputy Commander Zhou. We fully agree with this proposal."

Damn it, a sky-level king dominates, and they have no room for negotiation. It would be great if there is another sky-level king.

"Thank you for your trust."

Zhao Shi immediately returned the gift and said firmly: "During my tenure, I will not be afraid of sacrifices or difficulties, and give full play to my subjective initiative to fight for the fundamental interests of the Immortal League."

"Now, I order, let's go immediately."


After engulfing 750,000 people, the blood starfish suddenly trembled, bursting out into a radiant brilliance, causing gusts of hundreds of thousands of miles to blow continuously, causing trees to collapse in pieces.

A dark blue plane portal like the sky appeared in the haze, swallowing the huge blood starfish little by little.

Finally, less than a year after returning to Cangqing, the blood starfish disappeared from the eyes of the people of Cangqing.

Underworld·Blood Sea God Court

In the sky, bright red silk threads suddenly lit up all over the God Court shrouded in red mist, converging into a silk net and rushing towards the sky, forming a huge and incomparable ring together. There is a layer of blood film inside the ring, smooth Like a mirror.

Under the influx of the power of the entire court, the red light of the blood film became brighter and brighter, until it reached its peak, and then gradually stabilized.

An oval-shaped miniature world slowly gushes out from it, like a transparent eggshell, the upper part is the sky, the lower part is the earth, and the middle is the ground. The killing aura gushes out from the inside, making the blood The land of the underworld shrouded by the Sea God's Court turned slightly cold.

Immediately after the blood starfish appeared in the Blood Sea God Court, it connected with the formations in various places inside, entered the orbit of the Blood Sea God Court, and turned into a planet revolving around the earth.

Zhao Shi also accepted the control hub of the Blood Sea God Court in an instant, and instantly felt that he had an extra powerful force that he could control. above power.

However, this force does not blend with, superimpose, or even conflict violently with the mana of the Way of the Blood Sea.

The mana cultivated in the "Blood Sea Sword Classic" is pure, cold, sharp, and extremely aggressive. He does not allow any mana that is not his own to appear in his own domain, and will take the initiative to eliminate all alien forces.

The power of the Blood Sea God Court is bloody and majestic, and I am the only one in the world. Is it the king's land or the king's subjects in the world? Any power must be controlled by it, otherwise it will be destroyed.

This also led to Zhao Shi not being able to use these two powers at the same time, but to use them interchangeably, or to grant the power of the Blood Sea God Court to others.

After all, the Son of Heaven seldom marches on his own. Suppressing rebellions and pacifying barbarians are only things that generals need to do.

After getting acquainted with it for a while, Zhao Shi looked at the blood film that hadn't dissipated in the sky.

At this moment, there was turmoil inside it again, and the bloody network that formed the teleportation array crazily swallowed the power reserved by the Blood Sea God Court, making the surface of the blood film shine brighter and smoother.

A transparent faucet pokes out the mind from the inside.

It looks like a five-clawed dragon, with transparent antlers, scales, and ferocious teeth.

It entered after confirming the external safety, revealing a slender snake-like neck, a mirage-like body, sharp limbs, five claws, and a length of more than a hundred kilometers.

A colossus eight kilometers wide.

From time to time, there are people's shadows overlapping on each transparent scale, and the appearance of landscape exchange flashes, the breath is not strong, but between the peak of Yuanying and Huashen, the space carrying capacity is unexpectedly large.

Zhao Shi's eyes flickered slightly.

As the Xianxia Heavenly King Wei Tianyang and others are capable of producing the battle power of Huashen, this object should be the space creation of the Taixu Guild, but it is limited by the lack of resources and time to produce all of them.

Many scales on the transparent dragon's body shone with bright white light, revealing the figures of players, densely packed.

Zhou Bihu scanned all the players of the Eastern Immortal League with his divine consciousness that had already reached the Nascent Soul level, and came up with the number 251,221. He couldn't help but feel a little dignified.

Yuan Qianjun is a heaven-level king, and he is a heaven-level king who walks the way of thousands of troops. These 250,000 Eastern Immortal League players have been able to exert his partial power. Even because of the three-fold difference in the number of troops, he is absolutely He is far inferior to him in strength, but he still has a great possibility not to be his opponent.

This principle is like a person with three times her mana using the way of green grass to deal with her. The three times the mana difference does not make the opponent sure of victory.

Fortunately, with Zhao Shi here, Yuan Qianjun had no chance to fight against himself, giving him a chance to defeat the strong with the weak.

Ten figures flew from the front of the 250,000 army, including Wei Tianyang, Bai Gu, Yin Hun, Wu Lulu and other kings.

Yuan Qianjun, who was a little behind Tianyang, came to Zhao Shi first, and the disgust he used to see before disappeared, and he looked at Zhao Shi with extremely hot eyes, as if he was looking at a stunning beauty.

"Zhao Shi, bring me your 750,000 army, and I will guarantee you to lie down and win, and the division of benefits will remain the same."

God is pitiful, since he broke with Zhao Shi and divided the Xianxia into two camps, the Blood Sea Immortal League and the Eastern Immortal League, how long has he not seen so many troops? .

Now, there are a total of millions of players gathered here!

The vast majority of them are Real Condensation Realm players, more than 10,000 are Jindan Realm monks, more than 150 Nascent Soul monks, and more than a dozen pseudo-celestial king academicians who can accept command.

The reason for adding a false heaven-level king in front of the academician is because the players found that although the academicians also practice the heaven-level exercises, their strength is far inferior to the four heaven-level kings. Demonstrated the battle power of the four heavenly kings.

More than three hundred years later, even ordinary players are no longer particularly awed by the aura of academicians. After all, everyone is hundreds of years old.

What they value is strength, and the academician group has never been able to show the strength equal to their own status, which disappointed the players who are interested in them, and their influence has been greatly reduced compared to the beginning of the game.

"talk later."

Zhao Shi glanced at Yuan Qianjun, but did not agree.

Nonsense, it would be extremely dangerous for him to control an army of millions, and he must run for his life immediately, and if he ran slowly, he would die, and he could only expect to use guerrilla tactics to grind him to death.

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