The screams and howls of the army of Da Shun Yin soldiers became one, puffs of ashes fell, and orange flames rose like a sea of ​​clouds.

Under the attraction of the big formation, they are like hundreds of rivers entering the sea, and hundreds of birds returning to the forest, leaving trails like meteors on the night sky.

Strands of orange-red flames converged to the five-clawed red dragon eyes under the high stand, making the orange-red light more and more intense, and the destructive fluctuations spilled outward.

The thousands of green wood spears in the green grass forest world disintegrated automatically when they just approached the fire dragon, and there were no ashes.

Zhou Bihu, who was hiding behind layers of green wood forest, suddenly felt uneasy, and wanted to stop the ocean-like orange flames from gathering, but it didn't work, they were like transparent shadows, which could only be received by specific techniques.

At the cost of more than a thousand Yin soldiers, the condensed orange flames all returned to the five-clawed fire dragon within a breath, making its house-sized pupils brighter and brighter, the surrounding space trembled, and the temperature rose dozens of times.

Gao Li's expression was cold: "Demon girl, since Zhao Shi refuses to unite, then use your life to pay homage to our dead soldiers."

A corner of the Green Grass Forest World suddenly collapsed silently, revealing the shocked Zhou Bihu inside.

She turned around and fled backwards without hesitation, and the entire green grass forest world closed behind her, shielding her from the destructive gaze of the five-clawed red dragon.

"Save her, immediately." Zhao Shi said suddenly.

The blood angel field, the blood lotus sword field, and the blood starfish field suddenly surged, swallowing all the aura within a ten thousand li radius.

The blood starfish roared, activated the orbital gun built by the blood lotus sword array, and blasted a thick and concentrated beam of light towards Zhou Bihu. The weakened version of the blood sea kendo rules filled it, greatly increasing its speed and sharpness. Cut out a straight jet-black crack.

The eight-winged blood angel's six blood-winged flying swords merged into one, turning into a blood rainbow and breaking into the green grass forest field. The flowers, plants and trees along the way not only did not hinder her in the slightest, but spit out a trace of green light to restore her mana and increase her strength .

The blood lotus guard group first condensed three sword qi, either warm, soft, or quiet, with distinct personalities and no similarities.

But when these three completely different flying swords met, they perfectly merged into a blood-red flying sword. There was no conflict between the various components, and the power was sublimated in an instant, breaking through the natural barrier between Yuanying and Huashen.

The crimson light flickered slightly, and the blood-red flying sword disappeared into the dark night sky.

Almost at the same time, Gao Li, who had discovered Zhou Bihu's real body, smiled grimly: "The fire-pupil divine light, break!"

Many places in the Dashun Divine Court were collapsing. The five-clawed fire dragon closed its scaly eyelids and opened them instantly, revealing the hotter and more dazzling eyes, and the scene of the divine gold magma flowing up and down.


Two destructive beams of orange light shot out from the eyes of the five-clawed red dragon. With it as the center, dense spider web-like cracks appeared in the space with a radius of thousands of miles, and the space with a radius of tens of miles was shattered into powder.

In front of these two pillars of destruction, the green grass forest world is like a phantom. Countless sky-reaching giant trees and vine giants were pierced through and burned to ashes, but they could not be slowed down by a single point, nor could their power be weakened by a single bit.

This is something on two levels, air and water cannot stop the boulder from falling.

Along the way, the layers of green grass and forest fields were shattered, revealing the dark night sky, and the figure of Zhou Bihu, who was fleeing in a panic, was also clearly revealed.

"It's just a desperate effort, what's the big deal?"

Zhou Bihu was a little annoyed, and snorted coldly, a clover grass appeared in front of him, frantically absorbing the green light from all directions.

The grass looks ordinary, no different from the weeds that can be seen everywhere on the roadside, but there is an innate aura on it that resembles the birth of the world, which makes people instinctively feel longing and closeness, and the more senior monks, the more so it is.


Two orange-red rays of fire-pupil divine light instantly shattered thousands of green grasses and came from the forest domain. One in front and the other in the back, they wrapped around the bodies of Clover and Zhou Bihu silently. Vigorous consumption.

While the vitality is infinite, while the scorching sun destroys, the demonstration of regeneration and death is vividly demonstrated.

The two confronted each other for a while, but Gao Li was still ruthless enough in the end. He sacrificed tens of thousands of Yin soldiers in advance to gain strength far exceeding his own strength.

Nearly half of the tender yellow leaf in the clover grass has turned a little yellow. Although it is just a trace, it is an ant nest on the embankment, the last straw on the shoulders of a gladiator who is evenly matched.

Gao Li is indeed the founding ancestor of the country who has won many battles. His fighting wisdom is decisive and lofty. He is obviously weaker than Zhou Bihu, but he can achieve such victories.

If there were only two people on the battlefield, he would win, and the price would be only some Qi Refining and Concentrating Realm soldiers who could grow up again in a thousand years at most.

But alas, this is not the case.


Karina drank softly, and the six blood-winged flying swords condensed into a rainbow of light and chopped off one orange-red fire-pupil divine light, and the other was also bombarded and killed by the blood-red flying swords of Chi Yaoyue and the others at the same time.

A little slower, the blood starfish orbital gun and Yuan Qianjun, who held high the demon halberd, turned their attacks and bombarded the battered Dashun Court.

This is the core of Gao Li. If the court is damaged, his strength will drop, and if the court is destroyed, he will die immediately.


"I will not lose!"

Gao Li, who failed in a desperate blow, dropped a lot of breath, but he still didn't think he would lose.

He frantically mobilized the strength of the remaining tens of thousands of Yin soldiers, and roared to kill the Wanzhang Demon God. The power of the five-clawed fire dragon was still there.



The attacks of Yuan Qianjun and the blood starfish orbital gun will not be moved by this. The thick beam of light is sharp and fast, and it shoots from the center of the five-clawed fire dragon's eyebrows, smashing most of its head.

The heavy halberd smashed into the middle of the five-clawed fire dragon, cutting it off in the middle.

The speed of the halberd blade remained unabated, and it hit the already dilapidated Dashun Court with the weight of the world, blasting a gap of tens of thousands of miles in its outer wall.

The sinister northern wind of the underworld poured into it, freezing the vibrant world.


The army formation was shattered, thousands of Jindan warriors and Nascent Soul generals died in battle, but Gao Li was still alive, he just vomited blood, his body became much more transparent in an instant, and his breath of power dropped below Huashen in an instant.

The Lord of the Divine Court, whose soul and Divine Court are fully fused, will not die until the Divine Court is completely destroyed.

With the dark wind from the North pouring in front of us, the demon gods raging, and Zhou Bihu, Chi Yaoyue and others coming from afar, most of the Dashun Temple has been turned into ruins and is on the verge of destruction.

"Stop! I am willing to be a vassal of the Blood Sea God Court!"

"The Dashun God Court is willing to pay tribute, and has been driven by the Blood Sea God Court from generation to generation!"

Gao Li yelled anxiously, but no one responded.

With a miserable look on his face, he said no more, took out the Fire Dragon Jade Seal that he had made after establishing his capital Yongdu, and held it up to the sky.

"Old King, Great Khan of the First Grassland, Founder of the Immortal Hetian Dynasty, Gao Li dedicated everything to you, and only wished to be your slave..."

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