The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 876: Nether Bird

The death of Jinlong's true body does not mean the end, only the complete blast of the Great Flame Court, which is shining brightly in the distance, is the final end.

Boom, boom!

Wanzhang Demon God strode forward, halfway through, his body suddenly stopped, and hazy scenes appeared in many places, which were divided into several parts and scattered around.

There was deep regret and reluctance in his eyes as wide as a great lake, but he didn't stop it.

The Wanzhang Demon God separated from his body except for the head and neck, and regrouped into a ball in the distance. The hazy gray light quickly turned into emerald green.

Amidst the thick vitality, a girl with a soft face and long hair reaching the ground appeared surrounded by thousands of grasses and trees.

At the same time, three blood-colored lights rose from the edge of the battlefield, the eight-winged blood angel and blood starfish came to the sky above the green grass forest world, and the three girls in the blood lotus sword field rushed to the place where the red jade flying sword fell.

The atmosphere was suddenly tense, and the murderous intent on all sides was icy cold. Even the slightest movement could cause unimaginable and terrifying consequences.

Fortunately, the Wanzhang Demon God, whose domain was ten times smaller, stood holding a halberd, watching all this indifferently, and did not make any outrageous moves.

Ouyang Wu carefully picked up the red jade flying sword that was about to fall to the ground, and carefully scanned the inside and outside with her spiritual sense and the natural intimate relationship between them.


She let out a breath, and looked at Chi Yaoyue and Zhao Ling'er who were also extremely nervous beside her: "The internal spiritual energy is exhausted, and it is trapped in a self-seal, but the structure is intact."

The hearts of the two women were relieved a little.

Jianxiu's wealth and life are all pinned on a flying sword, as long as the flying sword is not damaged.

On the other side, the most elite troops of Huahong Guild and Taixu Guild also left the body of Wanzhang Demon God, took over the blue Taixu Sword and three heavy starry sky magic weapons, watched Ouyang Wu and the others vigilantly, and quickly returned to the army formation law inside.

"Original King of Thousands of Armies"

After they finished dealing with these matters, Zhou Bihu said: "Zhao Shi means that according to the previously agreed share, you and I will each have 50% of the resources seized. I don't know what you think?"

Indistinctly, the formation of the Blood Sea Fairy Allied Army under her command, the Blood Starfish, the Eight-Winged Blood Angel, and the Blood Lotus Guard all released a trace of aura,

Comes with some caveats.

The current strength of the original Qianjun has been greatly reduced, but after all, it is a heavenly king, so it is necessary to maintain sufficient vigilance.

This gesture made the players of the ten guilds of the Eastern Immortal League nervous.

"I have no opinion."

Yuan Qianjun glanced at them in surprise.

In terms of strength, there are now four powerful Huashen who have a lot of advantages in strength, and they don't have the idea of ​​wanting to eat black, which is not like Zhao Shi's style.

But if they want to go back on their word, even though they can't beat them, they can exchange the lives of 250,000 players for the lives of two Transformation Gods.

This is also the reason why Wei Tianyang agreed.

Then they did not attack the Great Flame God Court.

The two sides each dispatched a thousand Golden Core players to spread out in all directions, scattered on the land of the underworld, and confiscated all the cultivation resources of Dashun Divine Court, Heitian Divine Court, and Great Flame Divine Court.

The treasuries of the ancient gods were opened one after another, and the mountains and seas of resources blinded the eyes of many players. They were quickly counted and classified under the monitoring of their respective spiritual senses.

Even though Jindanjing's ability to gather and transport is extremely strong, this work was not completed until half a month later.

In total, all the resources were placed on the ground and piled up into thirty peaks, on which the aura of all kinds of treasures shone incomparably, including ores, magic weapons, wood, bones, fur, herbs, etc., at least They are all resources above Jindan Realm, and Nascent Soul-level things are not uncommon. love me Please

Even Huashen-level resources were listed separately, piled up into two hundreds of meters of peaks.

There are only two things in front of the two peaks.

They are respectively a dark bird skeleton, more than two hundred meters high, with a wingspan of one thousand meters, on which there are countless scenes of the birth and death of quiet runes. was forcibly frozen.

There is also a gray spar, which has nothing special about it.

Zhou Bihu and Yuan Qianjun ignored the other mountains of resources and stared at these two things with fiery eyes.

"Too bad it's not mine."

After a long time, Zhou Bihu lamented, "Zhao Shi said he wants this ghost eagle skeleton."

This is the skeleton of the great power of the Void Refining Realm, and it looks like it is a skeleton that has naturally ended its lifespan. There is not a single wound on its body, and there are even traces of the Void Refining Space.


Yuan Qianjun said without hesitation, and took the spar of the space attribute.

It is not suitable for him and Hua Youwei, but it is very useful for Wei Tianyang, and it should be able to greatly improve his strength.

Wei Tianyang only owns a third of it, and if he wants to get all of it, he must pay a sufficient price.

Zhou Bihu nodded: "The other things have also been counted. Are there any mistakes or omissions?"

"No, that's it."

Yuan Qianjun waved his hand, and the space above his head was blurred and distorted, and a space dragon composed of transparent crystals appeared. Thousands of scales spread out on it, and a huge suction surged out to sweep the fifteen treasure mountains and the short peaks on the ground. Some of the god-turning treasures were swallowed by the mountain peaks.

At the same time, Zhou Bihu's green grass forest area opened up, and countless grasses and vines broke through the ground, spreading to all the resource peaks and sealing them all.

After a dozen or so breaths, the ground turned into empty green mountains again.

"Pleasant cooperation."

Having obtained such a sum of resources, Yuan Qianjun finally felt better about the guilt towards the guild players, and smiled a little: "Before I leave, I can help you eliminate the Great Flame Court."

"Thank you so much." Zhou Bihu was not polite either.

Wanzhang Demon God and the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance corps flew to the golden stars in the sky, and five huge fields spread out, crazily swallowing the aura between heaven and earth, and the rules were intertwined and woven, condensing their strongest blow.

"Stop! I can give you more!"

A translucent phantom of an old man in dragon robes appeared on the Great Flame Court, shouting in panic, even at this moment, his every move still carried majesty and dignity, making people involuntarily obey his orders.

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him.

The five major realms of transformation of gods were turbulent, and the spiritual energy that was being pumped in and out was getting faster and faster, and more and more. Casting spells without any worries caused a destructive wave that far exceeded their previous peak state.

"I know how to refine the emptiness, I know the Taoist treasures of the ancestor Shilong, I..."


A heavy halberd, a sky-reaching giant tree that condenses the entire green grass forest world, a thick blood-red beam of light, and two flying swords with completely different shapes have accumulated their power to the peak.

They shot at the same time, blasting Yan and the Great Yan Court behind him into countless tiny fragments.

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