"Miss, I couldn't keep that commoner."

Mu'er handed Ji Ziyi the swamp order with a face of shame, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

"Just bring back the Swamp Order."

Ji Ziyi smiled lightly, hiding the cold killing intent, but did not act immediately, but turned around and came to the swamp platform, and pressed the last swamp order into the groove.

The blocking shield cracked open, revealing a black palace. All the civilians stayed outside respectfully, and sixty or seventy excited children of the family followed her in.


Several white birds that were cleaning their feathers on the tree suddenly screamed and fled in all directions, their feathers fluttering in disorder, and squirrels, sparrows and other animals within a radius of ten meters moved away in panic.

But soon, they returned to their original peaceful appearance, no longer feeling any threat.

Zhao Shi slowly opened his eyes, restraining the trace of sharpness that escaped from his breakthrough.

"Name: Zhao Shi"

"Boundary: Martial Artist Level 2 (Yang Weimai, Yin Weimai)"

"Strength: 4.7"

"Physique: 4.3"

"Consciousness: None"

"Divine Soul Body: Slightly"

"Warrior level two, the same realm as these little dolls... Just right, I'm tired of playing." Zhao Shi pondered for a moment, then flicked the Qiushui scabbard around his waist with his fingers, and let out a high-frequency low-pitched cry to the surroundings.

Chirp! Chirp!

Twelve little yellow birds came to Zhao Shi excitedly and flew around, as if they were playing their songs.

"Greedy little ones."

Zhao Shi took out a elixir bottle from his arms, poured out six yellow elixir pills and threw them into the sky, and the two birds devoured them happily, not letting go of any fine residue.

These pills are called feed grain pills, but they are not actually pills. They are just a dozen kinds of herbs that are ground into powder, mixed according to a fixed ratio, and then kneaded into balls with bare hands. It is an apprentice-level method of beast control.

These different species of yellow birds are very fond of this pill,

Because this is of great benefit to their growth, it is possible to advance to Alien Beasts in the future, that is, innate warriors equivalent to warriors, who can master extraordinary powers.

But that's all there is to it. Beast Familiarization is the path taken by the King of Willow Beasts. In Zhao Shi's view, it is not the real way, and it is not worth investing too much energy.

Even now, after he breaks through to the martial artist, the effect of these little yellow birds on him becomes much smaller in an instant.

"Little guy, you helped me. If I have a chance, I can make you goblins."

Zhao Shi patted the scabbard lightly and sent out an order to spread the little yellow birds who had just had a full meal within a radius of one kilometer to serve as his eyes and ears.

Then, he got up and walked towards the center of the swamp platform openly and squarely.

In fact, more covert methods should be adopted, but the poisonous fog is spreading faster and faster, and now it has swallowed half of the desert and swamp. If you don't speed up, you may not be able to walk through the three maps of swamps, hills, and grasslands before the poisonous fog envelops you. .

The energy nodes of Seablue Secret Realm are very important to him, so important that this incarnation can be sacrificed.

The main body will not die, and may become another person with the help of the system.

At the gate of Marshes Terrace, most of the college entrance examination students had already dispersed. The children of the aristocratic family used them, but they didn't plan to give them any rewards, and they had to fight for their college entrance examination scores by themselves.

Those who are still at the door are either unwilling to give up, or they have received the leftovers from the disciples of some aristocratic families, willing to be driven by them, and regard it as the supreme glory.

A man wearing a black shirt and jeans, with an ordinary appearance and without any family crest approached Marsh Terrace, and he could tell at a glance that he was the most ordinary son of a commoner.

Because any descendant of an aristocratic family would like to show his family crest to everyone no matter when and where, and he would never hide it.

Zhao Shi looked at the more than a hundred ordinary college entrance examination students who were blocking in front of him, and said lightly: "My name is Zhao Shi, and I am a poor boy. Now I want to go there to snatch the opportunity of the children of the aristocratic family. Will you give way?"

The rich and powerful children of the small city who blocked the way were stunned for a moment and then burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... Untouchable, are you awake?"

Someone grinned greedily: "It's just right, sir, I still don't have enough killing points, you are so caring."

"He's the one Mr. Zhou wants!"

Someone also exclaimed, and was instantly ecstatic, and came to Zhao Shi with a knife and a sword.

Zhao Shi shook his head slightly.

"Killing the weak is not my hobby, but it is always necessary, because human beings cannot communicate effectively with language, and must rely on iron and blood."

In front of them are layers of people with ruthless killing intent. It is a flat ground, and it is a breeze blowing over. There is no need to dodge or pay any attention.

Just walk forward.

Zhao Shi strolled along the path leading to the Marsh Terrace, he saw no enemies, only the swamp wetland wind, humidity, light, spiritual energy concentration and other data were collected and transferred to the soul of the body in detail.

Crowds of people rushed over, only to see the indifferent blue sword light, turning into corpses in the bloom of blood, layer after layer.

All the sounds of fury, shouts of killing, and the sound of swords clashing slowly stopped.

Zhao Shi walked twenty meters, and there was a path paved with corpses and blood on the ground.

There is no sweat, no fighting, no confrontation of willpower between warriors.

As long as everyone within one meter of him will die, no matter if it is a peak warrior or a second or third level warrior, the top genius in the small city.

"Ghost! He's an evil ghost!"

After only three breaths, these grinning people turned into little chickens who had witnessed the blood, frantically fleeing in all directions, all loyalty and reverence disappeared.

Zhao Shi's surroundings were finally empty, no one stopped him, and he slowly stepped into the Marsh Terrace that was set as a forbidden area by the children of the aristocratic family.

It is a wide palace with darkness as the main color, made of huge gray stone slabs, and there is only a pair of stone carvings in front of it, which is a picture of a blue wave falling from the sky, and a whale rolling in it.

A faint and vast true meaning of martial arts emanated from it, making this ordinary gray palace majestic and solemn.

More than seventy disciples of the aristocratic families sat cross-legged on both sides of the main hall, closed their eyes and comprehended, their faces showed excitement from time to time, and the energy and blood in their bodies were condensed to a certain extent, obviously gaining a lot.

In the center of their top, where the true meaning of martial arts is strongest, Ji Ziyi sits cross-legged, the power of Qi and blood at the peak of the warrior is trembling, it seems that he can turn into true energy at any time, enter the realm of the innate warrior, and reunite with mortals ever since. different.

She felt the presumptuous gaze, frowned, and opened her eyes.

What came into view was an ordinary young man who looked a little familiar, a martial artist of the second level, even the weakest family's children were stronger than him.

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