The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 957: Battlefield

The two mechas were close together, each defending a direction.

One is Yang Qiushui's sapphire mecha, which was strengthened after she became the true king. It is twelve meters high and covered with jade pieces like fish scales.

This is a custom-made super-standard lieutenant's mecha, which can be used as dozens, but Yang Qiushui's true energy level limits its performance.

The other mecha is also blue overall, fifteen meters high, with natural and soft curves all over her body, only a thin sword in hand, but her twenty-meter-long blue metal filament hair that flutters in the wind shines very brightly.

Yang Lanjiang said coldly: "Waste Caiqiu, if you can't stop ten flying warriors, you will die!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Qiushui couldn't reply, the blue water wave-like light lit up, and countless metal hairs flew in all directions, receiving all the attacks of more than 30 warriors around, and entangled them in turn.

"I can't hit ten!"

Yang Qiushui replied in a tearful voice, she was at the Real Qi Realm, and it was not bad to be able to fight four or five Flying Sky Realm fighters with the help of a good mech, but it was impossible to fight ten.

But no matter what she said, the ten flying sky-level warriors each wielding white bone spears had already arrived. There was a black wind in the tip of the spears, which made people dazzled and limp.


The shoulders of the sapphire mecha vibrated one after another, and two beams of light that were as thick as bowls shot out, shattering the black wind, but in an instant ten bone spears had arrived in front of her eyes, so she could only draw out the two blue long swords behind her to stop the cross cut Down.

Ding Ding!

Even though she broke out under life and death, and blocked six bone spears in a row, four fish slipped through the blockade, leaving four holes in her gorgeous mech. The damaged parts inside were clearly visible, and the overall breath Descend a bit.

Yang Qiushui was even more flustered.

"Teacher, she told you to pin down and stop me, and you don't need to fight head-on." Zhao Shi sighed slightly: "Run away immediately, run away as fast as possible."

The federation's family blood system does have a lot of drawbacks. Yang Qiushui is already hardworking, but it is still like this. What kind of waste materials will the children of other more depraved families be?

"Oh, oh, I see."

After the sapphire mecha received a move, its whole body roared, a bright blue light burst out, and it fled away at a faster speed in an instant, slowly opening the distance from the ten flying warriors.

If it is not a bad energy reserve, it is possible to escape if it continues like this. It is best if it can escape to the federal control area before the energy is exhausted.

"This bitch is too fast, withdraw."

After chasing for more than ten miles in a row, the ten flying warriors of the Bone Martial Sect hesitated for a moment, and returned to the battlefield shrouded in blue metal hair without looking back.

Almost at the same time, Yang Lanjiang's threatening words sounded inside the Sapphire Mecha: "Waste Caiqiu, if you dare to let them come here, I will also run immediately, let's see who can outrun the other!"

What she said was not true, and now she was surrounded by forty people, but Yang Qiushui had no one to restrain her for the time being.

But Yang Qiushui didn't run away immediately, looking at Zhao Shi, he was thinking about something on the control screen of the mecha cockpit.

"Go and save her, we can only break through the first line of defense now, and the remaining obstacles cannot escape with our strength."


Although I don't know how Zhao Shi calculated this solution based on some simple and limited information, Yang Qiushui believed it immediately, holding a blue long sword in each hand and dancing in a circle, turning into a small storm to return to the front of the ten flying apsaras The warriors in the realm killed them, and caught up with them again within a few breaths.

"Bad maid, you are courting death!"

Ten Bone Martial Sect's Flying Sky Realm fighters were frightened and furious, the dantian surged with true energy, and the ten Bone spears flashed together, turning into ten streamers of light and stabbing backwards, their speed tripled in vain.

They were convinced that the woman driving the mecha in front of them had absolutely no ability to dodge, and the one with the blue-haired Wansi mecha was no different.

But the sapphire mecha just escaped.

The two parties were like rehearsing exercises, Yang Qiushui retreated first, and ten streamer-like bone spears caught up in an instant, and they cooperated closely.

Yang Qiushui was terrified, and said in surprise: "Little Zhao Shi, how did you know they would suddenly fight back?"

"I don't know. This is a very common feint. Even if the prediction fails, there will be no damage. Teacher, you need to strengthen your actual combat."

Zhao Shi is numb to her liking to add a small word before his name, and he no longer wants to correct it.

"My little Zhao Shi is really smart, but you are not allowed to teach the teacher a lesson!"

Yang Qiushui hummed, but he followed Zhao Shi's words very honestly, advancing suddenly, retreating suddenly, sometimes stalking, sometimes retreating instantly.

The strength, speed, and strength have not changed, but the combat power displayed has increased several times in an instant, firmly restraining the ten flying warriors.

It's like an ordinary person who suddenly gained the combat experience of a peerless powerhouse. Although his strength has not become stronger, his actual combat ability is much stronger than his original self.

Within thirty breaths, the situation of the battle changed drastically. Three people were injured and one was seriously injured.

The Bone Martial Sect's Flying Sky Realm Warriors continued to return aid, and they worried about being killed from time to time.

Zhao Shi asked Yang Qiushui to continue to harass, and had no intention of killing him by force.

Her actual combat ability is too poor, and many operations that Zhao Shi thinks should be taken for granted, let her use them to risk her life.

"Ah! Ah!"

After holding back for so long, the battlefield at Yang Lanjiang's place finally changed. Over a hundred strands of blue metal hair suddenly condensed into a strand, turning into a sharp cone that pierced through the foreheads of the three Flying-level warriors, a mixture of brain and blood. fly out.

The death of the three flying-level warriors immediately triggered a chain reaction, and the freed-up hundred and blue metal hair quickly rushed to the side to support, smashing the flying-level warrior who was barely entangled with the metal filaments in front of him to pieces.

In just three or two breaths, the thirty or so flying-level fighters who besieged her turned into a large cloud of blood mist, and the blue hair of the mecha in the middle fluttered in the wind, like a female demon god.

"Run away!"

"When the ancestor and senior brothers come, she will definitely die!"

The ten Flying Heaven Realm fighters who were pinned down by Yang Qiushui were terrified, they didn't care about anything anymore, and fled in all directions like crazy.

"You can do it, teacher."

The sapphire mech rushed into the fleeing crowd one step at a time, and the two blue swords in its hands danced like a whirlwind, instantly beheading the three of them.

The remaining seven people wanted to escape, but they got into the sharp network woven by the blue metal hair, turning into pieces of minced meat and bones no larger than one centimeter in size.

Yang Lanjiang looked at Yang Qiushui in surprise: "You are not as useless as I imagined!"

"Teacher, let's go, five o'clock direction."

The Sapphire Mecha didn't talk nonsense to her, and found a place with few people, and fled at full speed.

Yang Lanjiang hesitated for a moment, followed closely behind, and did not leave alone.

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