The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 989: Frontline

The junction of the eastern hemisphere and the western hemisphere is a long and narrow continental plate. Since the Federation was defeated in the battle of mighty twenty years ago, and the western hemisphere of Huolingxing was occupied by the Xiewu Empire, it has become the place where the two sides fought.

Over the past twenty years, in this small place, the two sides' forces have been criss-crossed, and cruel and tragic fights have taken place all the time. Corpses piled up on the ground until the land lost its original color.

Countless warriors died here, some civilians accounted for the vast majority, and there were relatively few, but many of them were descendants of high-level warrior families.

But the war still hasn't stopped, and soldiers drawn from various planets in the Federation continue to gather here.

On this day, a ship with mottled knife marks on its hull, a meteor-star warship that has been to and from the battlefield many times, reappeared here, bringing a more immature and fresher breath of life than before.

"It's really a typical bloodletting tactic."

Through the porthole of the battleship, Zhao Shi silently watched the devastated land below, as well as the ubiquitous smell of rust in the air.

The Xiewu Empire's strategy is almost obvious. When the powerful battle cannot be fought, it will gather heavy troops to attack one place. In this way, it will consume the power of the Federation little by little, and bleed a pool of blood every day.

The low-level aristocratic innate warriors and aristocratic real-qi realm warriors may seem inconspicuous, and their aptitudes are not too outstanding, but they are the foundation of a cultivation civilization.

Relying on its huge number, at least two-thirds of the top kings and powers come from this group, and only one-third are the descendants carefully cultivated by kings and powers.

This is still due to the inefficient family government of the Federation, otherwise the proportion will expand.

If this bloodletting tactic continues for hundreds of years, and the Xiewu Empire does not attack by then, the younger generation and the backbone generation of the federation will die completely, leaving only the top-ranking powers and their direct descendants.

Losing the children of these grass-roots families means losing the ability to control the Nuoda Federation territory to obtain resources. Only relying on a few powerful and royal descendants, the Federation will definitely not survive two generations.

When Da Neng gets old, and the juniors he personally trained also get old, that is when the federation completely perishes.

What if you ignore the opponent's bloodletting tactics?

This is impossible, if the Federation dares to ignore the heavy troops assembled by the Xiewu Empire, its army will drive straight into the hinterland of the Federation,

Devour every federal land and kill every descendant of the family on the land.

There is no way, there is no way at all, because the absolute strength is not as good as human beings.

This is the consequence of the federation family taking the world as their own family for 100,000 years, ruthlessly suppressing all civilian warriors, using all the wealth created by the countless people of the federation for their own enjoyment, and refusing to share any of the fruits with the people of the world.

Now even if Zhao Shi put himself in the situation, he could only think of attacking a powerful person in the Xiewu Empire with all his strength when the black bone power was severely injured by the planetary orbital gun, even if he fell completely.

The bet is that there are bound to be many contradictions between the powers of the Xiewu Empire. I hope to win a war with less than half of the opponent's strength with a more united internal and the spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice. internal reform.

Reform is easy. The extraordinary world is different from mortal dynasties. As long as there are no internal conflicts at the top, there is enough determination for reform, and the reform is bound to succeed if they are willing to pay a heavy price to cleanse the diehards.

But how is this possible?

Everything in the world has a cause and effect, and it is not a new thing. There has never been the core of the group spirit of the weak, and the internal cohesion is stronger than that of the strong.

If the internal cohesion is really so strong and united, how could the federation be reduced to what it is today?

This is as ridiculous as Bronze Slag fantasizing about learning from the pain when the crystal is about to be blown, and bursting out with super micromanagement and consciousness to win the game.

Hum~ let's read a book

With a lot of thoughts, the battleship shook slightly, changed from a high-speed state to a low-speed state, and sailed into a continuous metal fortress.

As the warship docked, Zhao Shi and Yang Qiushui walked down the escalator together and looked around.

This is a metal square that can't be seen at a glance. The ground is as smooth as a mirror, and the white light shines on every place.

At this time, the square seemed to be turned into a new barracks. Warships docked one after another, and walked out of young children from aristocratic families, as well as cowering civilian children. Most of them were only soldier-level mech masters.

They are all students who come out once a year from various universities on various planets.

Genius training aside, the Federation has stepped up its training of civilians over the years, and civilian warriors have more and better channels to rise to innate warriors and true energy.

Without any delay, the moment they disembarked from the battleship, the wristwatches on the hands of each student flickered.

Zhao Shi looked down at his watch.

"Military number 7...2723, Lieutenant Colonel Zhao Shi, the military department ordered you to board the battleship KX-45 within ten minutes."

There is also a seemingly substantive letter of appointment.

"Colonel Zhao Shi, you have been appointed as the battalion commander of Huorong City Mecha Battalion. You are in charge of the guarding of Huorong City. Note that the general who lost the city will deal with it according to the law. The chief officer will be executed, and everyone below the chief officer will enter the death camp."

Zhao Shi's face instantly became extremely ugly.

Then click on the watch, and open the school-level military map obtained by Huo Linger.

Sure enough, it was a fortress node at the forefront of the war.

"how come!"

Yang Qiushui's face turned pale: "Didn't that Huo Ling'er from the Huo family say that their family will protect you and not let you face the family's hostility?"

"You are a super genius level. According to the regulations, you must stay on the secondary front line. How could you be assigned to the most dangerous front line as soon as you come?"

Undoubtedly, it was someone, and it was a child of a high-ranking family who was acting as a hindrance, wanting to kill Zhao Shi right now.


At this time, the watch is connected to a communication, and the profile picture is a cute girl with a single ponytail.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Huo Ling'er clasped her hands together and said guiltily, "I originally asked my brother to take care of you personally and let you enter the first group army.

But he just told me that your military registration was taken away by the Second Army, and he didn't want to break face with Wang Tianjie of the Second Army, and he didn't want to take care of this matter anymore. "

"Oh, I see."

Zhao Shi was relieved, he seemed to understand, and without any dissatisfaction, he continued to ask: "Will the commander of the Wang family's army just find a reason to execute me?"

"No." Huo Ling'er shook his head like a rattle, and said murderously: "You are the registered child of grandfather, anyone who dares to murder you, my Huo family will definitely not let him go, the Wang family is the king The same goes for Tianjie."

"Because Wang Tianjie is a direct descendant of the royal family who is very close to the center and is full of talents, but he is not a direct descendant of any king."

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