The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 24 The Great Princess of the Golden Core Realm

The eldest princess looked at Fang Conglong, and just wanted to nod her head, saying forget it, to gather people's hearts, but suddenly a maid rushed in and panicked: "Eldest princess, something happened."

The eldest princess frowned, and scolded: "I haven't seen so many distinguished guests here, and dare to barge in?"

The maid sobbed, "Princess, something happened to sister Xiaocui."

The eldest princess' face changed suddenly, and she hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

Xiao Cui is her capable subordinate, and her strength has reached the innate tenth level, and she knows many of her secrets, so nothing can happen.

"Sister Xiaocui was killed." The maid trembled and said in horror.


A huge aura burst out of the eldest princess's body instantly, like a volcanic eruption, shaking people around all at once.

"Golden Core Realm?" Wang Shouyi's face changed. He didn't expect that the eldest princess, who had been talking with them all the time, was a master of Golden Core.

Fang Conglong was dumbfounded. The princess is only a teenager, and she has stepped into the golden core realm?

The expressions of the other disciples from the other great powers all changed wildly, and they looked at them in shock. They were all innate, and they thought they were weaker than Wang Shouyi, but they didn't expect the princess to burst out and shocked their eyes.

The eldest princess ignored them, but stared at the maidservant with an ugly face and asked, "Who is it?"

She gritted her teeth when she asked these two words, Xiao Cui was her right-hand man, helping her deal with too many dark things, losing the eldest princess would make her heart bleed.

"Who killed Xiao Cui? She is in the tenth innate realm, and her strength is not weaker than any one in the tenth innate realm. No one can kill her unless she is in the golden core realm." The killing intent turned into substance, condensed into a long knife, and the chill swept the entire room.


At this moment, except for Wang Shouyi, the rest of the people were trembling and watching in horror. Only at this moment did they realize the horror of Jin Dan.

And Fang Conglong, the weakest among them, almost lay on the ground. He was only at the tenth level of Soul Cultivation, and he couldn't resist such an aura at all.

That is to say, the eldest princess did not face him, otherwise Fang Conglong could be crushed to death just by her momentum.

This gap is too big.

The maid trembled and cried, "It's the man outside, the sister Xiaocui who committed suicide."

"Impossible." Fang Conglong shouted in shock.


The eldest princess stared at Fang Conglong with her cold eyes, and asked, "Why are you arguing for the people outside?"

"I know him. That person is a student of my Jixia School and a good friend of mine. He is only born in the sixth level of heaven. How could he kill the level of tenth level of innateness?" Fang Conglong immediately argued.

The eldest princess looked at the maidservant, and said coldly, "Tell me the details."

The servant girl trembled all over, buried her head very low, and tremblingly said: "The man was in the cabin, kicked sister Xiaocui out, and then sister Xiaocui died, this servant saw it with her own eyes."

Wang Shouyi said indifferently: "Kick to death a person with ten innate realms. No one can reach the innate realms. It must be the cultivation base of Jindan."

Fang Conglong bit the bullet and argued: "I can guarantee that my friend is only born in the sixth heaven."

The eldest princess's whole body condensed and turned into a huge sharp knife, slashing fiercely.


The house was instantly torn apart and all exploded.

The outsiders were startled. When they looked up, they saw the big princess in men's clothing walking in the void with a terrifying aura. As she walked, the air behind her was distorted. She stared at Ye Sheng on the deck with terrifying eyes. , asked coldly: "You killed my Xiaocui?"

This question resounded throughout the river.

This time, the Moonlight Night in the Spring River stopped, and everyone's eyes were cast on the Eldest Princess and Ye Sheng.

Wang Shouyi and others all followed, and Fang Conglong also came out together, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother Ye, tell me you didn't kill it."

Ye Sheng turned his head, looked at Fang Conglong, and said calmly, "Come here, come with me."


The eldest princess' aura was suddenly overwhelmed,

The river was turbulent, and the building boats were torn apart. Unable to bear the aura of Jindan, many people ran away to other building boats in a panic.

"I asked if you killed him?" The eldest princess said coldly with a grim face.

"Brother Ye, tell me you didn't kill him." Fang Conglong was about to cry, worried about Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng laughed suddenly, looked at the eldest princess, pointed at Xiao Cui's body, and said, "Is this the woman you're talking about?"

The eldest princess stared at Ye Sheng coldly, her killing intent materialized, and around her body, long knives condensed and creaked.

"That's right, I killed it." Ye Sheng raised his head, a smile appeared on his face, and he admitted it openly.


The eldest princess's aura was suppressed even more violently, like a violent storm, slapping towards her.

The building boat is like a flat boat in the sea, it was smashed to pieces in an instant.

"Damn you!" The eldest princess said coldly, stretched out her hand, and the long knife with murderous intent on her side fell down.

"Damn me? I think you should be the ones who should be damned. I have no objection if I want to be the emperor, but you shouldn't use such cruel methods against my friends." Ye Sheng smiled coldly, and suddenly a huge wave rushed out of his body. The energy turned into a golden giant, and it was slapped down with one palm.


The turbulent air waves stirred up the surrounding fields, causing many people to close their eyes, unable to tell where it was.

The next moment, they heard a shout.


It's the eldest princess, she wants to kill Ye Sheng with a long knife.

Ye Sheng is indeed born in the sixth heaven, there is no mistake in this point, the eldest princess didn't take it to heart at all.

But in the next second, she knew she was wrong.

Ye Sheng's golden giant incarnation slapped it down, crushing everything.

What kind of momentum, what kind of long knife, what kind of attack, under this palm, completely annihilated.

When everything returned to calm, the eldest princess was standing in the void, and Ye Sheng was standing on Biejiang.

The river was choppy, and Ye Sheng stood on it, as if walking on flat ground, staring at the princess coldly.

On par.

The eldest princess's pupils contracted violently, she stared at Ye Sheng and said, "You are only born in the sixth heaven, and you can resist my aura and killing intent?"

The rest of the people also watched in surprise, this is not a battle of the same level at all, one with the full aura of Jindan, but one with only the sixth level of innate.

Wang Shou thought it was a trick, but at this moment, he looked at it in surprise, he didn't expect Ye Sheng to be quite stubborn.

At this time, a person appeared behind Wang Shouyi, it was Liu Changgeng.

"Eldest senior brother, this is the person who injured me during the day, even humiliated you, and even tried his best to protect that Changlehou. He just came back from the grassland. I think he and Changlehou must know each other." Liu Changgeng said weakly, He hated Ye Sheng so much, so he naturally wanted the senior brother to kill him.

Wang Shouyi frowned, and said indifferently, "He really said that?"

"I swear to God, that's what he said. He also laughed at your marriage contract with the daughter of the sub-sage, and his words were very disrespectful to you." Liu Changgeng said firmly.

"Let the Eldest Princess kill such a person. Even if a congenital sixth heaven can withstand the aura and killing intent, he cannot resist the Eldest Princess' blow." Wang Shouyi said coldly.

Liu Changgeng backed away obediently, proud of himself, as a licking dog, he naturally knew what the change in his master's face meant.

At this moment, Wang Shouyi obviously had the intention to kill Ye Sheng.

"I offended the two great golden pills, I don't think you will die today." Liu Changgeng smiled triumphantly, thinking viciously in his heart.

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