The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 35 One person beats six people

The celestial beings of Chaos have arrived.

They came here after discovering the aura of Martial Patriarch Ouyang Ran.

If Ye Sheng hadn't dug out the Martial Ancestor, they wouldn't have come.

Ye Sheng didn't care about regrets, his face was serious, and he stretched out his hand in front of him. The alchemy furnace of the gods appeared, and he had to deal with it with all his strength, even under great pressure.

The immortals who came here were six people, the real immortal realm, and some were in the late stage of immortality, or even at the peak.

Ye Sheng had no chance of winning.

He couldn't win any of them, how could he face six immortals?

Baby Zulong was dumbfounded: "What can I do, six of them came at once?"

Ye Sheng stopped talking, and his heart was also heavy.

Together, the six immortals can destroy a star field. With such a powerful force, Ye Sheng is now surrounded, and he has nowhere to escape.

Even if Ye Sheng used the black hole, he would be torn to pieces in an instant. Black holes are very powerful, but they are not omnipotent.

"What should I do?" The little girl Qianyuan was dumbfounded, she could only hope that Uncle Zhong would have the ability to defy the sky.

Ye Sheng smiled bitterly, and said, "Perhaps, it's time for us to leave this time."

The only way he can think of is to use the power of the big clock to travel through time and space and return to the seventh realm.

But once the power of the big clock is activated, it means that Ye Sheng's return to the Battle of the Era was a waste of time.

He also killed some Chaos warriors, nothing serious.

Ye Sheng was very tangled, but the situation was like this, he could only hold the power of the big clock and watch silently.

He will not activate the power of the big clock until it is a close call.

The six immortals of the Chaos Clan surrounded Ye Sheng and Wu Zu, and then ignored Ye Sheng one by one, just staring at Wu Zu.

"I didn't expect that the Martial Ancestor, who was invincible in the world back then, was buried here tragically." A Chaos Clan immortal said mockingly.

"The Martial Ancestor broke into the ancestral land of our Chaos Clan back then, pushing eighty thousand miles horizontally, what a majesty, now, it is not buried in loess." Another Chaos Clan immortal said disdainfully.

"The Martial Ancestor who created martial arts ended up in such a miserable state, with a lonely grave, it's deplorable." This is what the immortal who admired the life of the Martial Ancestor said.

"If the Martial Ancestor agreed with our Chaos Clan's ideas back then, he would have been one of our ancestors long ago, but unfortunately, even if he is against the sky, he can't change the facts."

"The cosmic cemetery has buried countless outstanding people throughout the ages, and Wuzu is the most powerful among them. But time flies, he is dead after all. Take his body and go back." Chaos Clan Immortal said.

"Then what about this tomb?" Suddenly an immortal looked at Ye Sheng and asked indifferently.

Ye Shengcai's semi-immortal state, in the eyes of these immortals, he is just a mortal, just a mortal, who can be killed at will.

"Kill, he killed many juniors of my Chaos Clan. Although those juniors can be resurrected, their potential, cultivation, and status will be greatly reduced. I still have to kill them." A Chaos Clan fairy said coldly.

"Then kill him, he's just good at running, it's not worth mentioning." The Chaos Immortals agreed that Ye Sheng was no threat.

Actually it is.

Ye Sheng was no threat to them.

Even if the alchemy furnace of the gods is in hand, it is the same.

If it is a complete alchemy furnace of the gods, it may be able to change fate against the sky, but the current alchemy furnace of the gods is incomplete, and the original source has not been restored even half, so it cannot help Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng felt grief and indignation in his heart. The evaluation of these immortals was like a group of people talking to an ant.

Ants are strong, but they are also ants, and they are not worthy of being taken seriously.

"Let's go back." Baby Zulong said in fear.

"Uncle Zhong, be careful." Gan Yuan said worriedly.

Ye Sheng squeezed a force of the big clock, he was very unwilling to go back like this, but seeing the current situation, he had to go back.

Just when Ye Sheng made up his mind to crush the power of the big clock, the Chaos Clan immortals also attacked Ye Sheng.


A celestial being flicked his fingers, and a flash of colorful light flew towards him.

Ambilight, incomparably bright, dazzling, bursting with infinite murderous aura.

In an instant, Ye Sheng was enveloped.

As soon as Ye Sheng's expression changed, he immediately wanted to crush the power of the big clock.

But at this moment, the surrounding world became silent.


Ye Sheng felt that his cultivation had disappeared without a trace.

He widened his eyes, watching in disbelief.

With the power of the big clock, he couldn't crush it.

Now that something happened, Ye Sheng was terrified, and hurriedly looked at the Chaos Immortal.

They were more frightened than Ye Sheng. They were terrified, lost all strength, and turned into ordinary people.

"It's not them, who is that?" Ye Sheng looked at it in surprise, he put away the power of the big clock, and the situation seemed to have changed.

The speed of change was far beyond Ye Sheng's imagination, and he couldn't help looking at Martial Ancestor.

The immortals of the Chaos Clan also looked at Martial Ancestor, all shocked and angry.

"Is it caused by Martial Ancestor?"

"Our strength has disappeared, it must be Martial Ancestor."

"Is he not dead?"

"It's been buried for so many years, and it hasn't died yet?"

"Then how did our power disappear?"

The immortals of the Chaos Clan were startled and angry, talking a lot, staring at Martial Ancestor, and began to discuss.

But no one dared to approach Wuzu's body.

Ye Sheng was also observing, he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

Baby Zulong also said excitedly: "You have lost all your strength, and the Chaos Immortals have also lost all their strength. Now you are on the same starting line."

Ye Sheng laughed, happily, and burst out laughing.

The Primal Chaos Clan frowned and scolded angrily, "Shut up, or I'll kill you right away."

Ye Sheng's eyes were bright and incomparably bright, and there was a trace of tyranny in them. He said, "You want to kill me?"

"Did you guys not understand the situation? Now everyone has no strength and is on the same starting line." Ye Sheng sneered.

"Hmph, even if we are on the same starting line, you are not our opponent. We are six people. If you are talking nonsense, we will kill you immediately." An immortal from the Chaos clan stared at Ye Sheng coldly.


Without saying a word, Ye Sheng stepped forward and punched him hard.

He has no strength, but Ye Sheng has a physical body that has been tempered infinitely. His physical body is so strong that it is beyond imagination, and it is far from being comparable to the immortals of the Chaos Clan.

This is Ye Sheng's advantage.

The Chaos Immortal didn't expect Ye Sheng to make the first move, he was furious, and then punched Ye Sheng with a backhand, trying to subdue Ye Sheng.


There is no earth-shattering collision, just like a fight between martial arts masters, there are no bells and whistles, just a simple fist fight.


With a crisp sound, the moment Ye Sheng's fist collided, he broke the arm of the Chaos Immortal.

"Without dao rhyme, without the law of the universe, you are nothing to me." Ye Sheng growled, and bullied him, but he didn't care about anything, he just shook his head.

Ye Sheng has no fear in beating the six of you alone.

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