The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 37 The Powerful Martial Ancestor (5000-word chapter)

Looking at the bottomless black hole in front of them, no one would have thought that this is the secret path leading to the ancestral land of the Chaos Clan.

The ancestral land of the Chaos Clan is a mysterious place, and the outside world can't get in at all, but when the Martial Ancestor pushed eighty thousand miles across, he went in and left this passage.

"Follow me, I'll take you in." Martial Ancestor said to Ye Sheng.

Ye Sheng nodded, of course he had to follow Martial Ancestor, Martial Ancestor was a boss, he was just a newcomer.


Without saying a word, Martial Ancestor jumped into this black hole and fell down.

Ye Sheng also immediately followed, not daring to distance himself, if the Martial Ancestor went to the ancestral land of the Chaos Clan and he didn't make it, then he would be fucked.


There were countless voices of gold and iron horses coming from his ears, as if he was in a battlefield, and there was a bottomless pit under his feet. Ye Sheng couldn't see, he could only hear countless voices, which were constantly circling.

The Martial Ancestor in front fell very quickly, sweeping away all obstacles, and Ye Sheng fell down without hindrance.


I don't know how long it took to land, but Ye Sheng's feet landed on the ground. He saw a piece of white divine light, and then saw a piece of magical light. These lights were very dazzling. When his eyes got used to it, he realized that this place was actually a piece of original light. mainland.

Not far in front of Ye Sheng was Martial Ancestor, who landed on the ground with a calm expression, looking around, as if trying to identify the direction.

But Ye Sheng fell into shock: "This is actually the mainland of origin?"

A huge continent, this is very common, there are countless places like this in the universe, but it would be strange if this continent was all forged by the source.

Rare in the world.

Ye Sheng can say that no matter where he is, no matter what historical records, there is no so-called continent of origin.

The origin of the universe, such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning, gold, wood, water, fire, etc...

The more advanced ones are time, space, fate, death, etc...

These origins build a universe.

So in theory, as long as there are countless origins, a universe can be created.

The origin is a rare and rare treasure resource in the universe. If you master one origin, you can live with the universe forever.

But now, the continent that Ye Sheng sees is the continent shaped by the source.

Countless wind, rain, thunder and lightning, countless gold, wood, water and fire, countless time and space fate and death...

The continent formed by the convergence of origins, picking up a stone at random, is the origin.

In the universe, the origin is hidden very deeply, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone who is not a great practitioner to notice it, but here, Ye Sheng can touch it with his hands and control it, except that he cannot absorb it.

This made Ye Sheng very disappointed.

If he can absorb it, he will not do anything, just dig some soil and bring it back, study hard, and break through the realm of immortality is just around the corner.

Martial Ancestor said: "The Chaos Clan destroyed several epochs, and most of the origins of these epochs were absorbed by them, because the origins belonged to the previous era and could not be used by others, so they were used to shape the continent and the ancestral land of the Chaos Clan, so This is what I said, the reason why outsiders cannot enter the ancestral land of the Chaos Clan."

Ye Sheng nodded, understanding that these things are superimposed together, which can be regarded as a kind of resource reuse.

When an era is destroyed, the origin in this era is either wasted with the destruction of the era, or it shrinks itself along with the era, just like the seventh world.

There is another kind, which is to be taken away in advance, stored, and used again.

But when a new era is born, the old origin is not suitable for the new era, so if you get the new era, you will be out of place. This is why the Chaos Race is so extravagant, using the origin to shape a continent.

Ye Sheng threw away the stone in his hand, these sources could not be absorbed, and the shock in his heart was much smaller.

But at the same time, Ye Sheng saw this huge, endless continent, and couldn't help feeling: "How many epochs did the Chaos Clan exterminate before they got this continent?"

Wu Zu didn't answer Ye Sheng's words, he looked into the distance, at the junction of heaven and earth, a castle was located there.

Martial Ancestor strode over.

Ye Sheng hurriedly followed and asked, "Is there anyone living in this castle?"

"Yes, and they are all high-level members of the Chaos Clan, those who cannot go out." Martial Ancestor replied, "We are now in the depths of the ancestral land of the Chaos Clan, not the edge area. After entering, what you can see Castles and cities are all people from the Chaos race who are about to escape."

Ye Sheng was stunned, the people in this castle just wanted to escape?

Like Chu Xiangyu, who transcended in the Seventh Realm, these people from the Chaos race transcended here?

"They are detached, what did you do in the past?" Ye Sheng asked hastily, detached, this is the realm above the immortal emperor, very powerful.

But Martial Ancestor is even more powerful, he said lightly: "I'm going to pull out their roots, the Chaos Race doesn't need so many detached people."

Ye Sheng watched in surprise, Martial Ancestor's domineering words shocked him, he can also pull out the foundation of the super weak, is it so cruel?

Baby Zulong murmured: "Ye Sheng, I have a hunch that the next battle will continue."

Seeing this scene, the little girl Qianyuan couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"Follow Martial Ancestor, seeing these masters fighting is also a reward for us." Ye Sheng was unwilling to give up this opportunity.

The Martial Ancestor was very fast, walking swaggeringly deep in the ancestral land of the Chaos Clan.

On the huge land, no one appeared.

This is the territory of Chaos detached people. No one will come here, and no one dares to come. Martial Ancestor walks without worrying about being discovered.

Soon, Ye Sheng saw the castle. The castle was huge, like a noble family's territory, but the inside of the castle was empty, and the gate was closed tightly, no one was allowed to enter.

In the castle, there is a tall statue standing, just like Chu Xiangyu back then, he was detached.

But unlike Chu Xiangyu's statue, which still looks stiff or incomplete, this statue is already complete, round and full of vitality.

Around the statue, hundreds of flowers are in full bloom, and the fragrance of flowers is overflowing, which is very beautiful.

Seeing this scene, Wu Zu said: "He is about to succeed."

Ye Sheng was startled, is this a sign of success?

"If you succeed, you are a detached person?" Ye Sheng said in shock.

"Yes, I know this person, the main force of the destruction of the last era, obtained most of the cultivation insights of the last era, spent an era to transcend, Sir Tanggula." Martial Ancestor narrowed his eyes and said.

"Then what should we do?" Ye Sheng asked immediately, he didn't know how terrifying the detached person was, but he knew that Chu Xiangyu hadn't even reached the detached person, so he could know how terrifying the detached person was.

"Go and smash the statue of the transcendent." Martial Ancestor said suddenly.

Ye Sheng pointed at himself in surprise, and said, "Can I do it?"

"Yes, do you know why these detached people must build cities and fortresses?" Martial Ancestor asked.

"Why?" Ye Sheng asked curiously.

"Because when transcending, they are in a state of silence and cannot make a move. Once they make a move, it is tantamount to giving up the transcendence automatically. The follow-up foundation is broken. If you want to continue, the difficulty will increase tenfold." Martial Ancestor said.

Ye Sheng nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Then if I go in, will he give up the statue?"

"You smashed the statue, and he can't do it unless he gives up. For every detached person, if the statue is broken, it is equivalent to giving up." Martial Ancestor said.

Ye Sheng smiled and said, "Then I'll go."

Destroying an immortal emperor's detachment, I am very excited just thinking about it. Ye Shengguang is very excited just by hearing it.

He came to the gate of the castle and stretched out his hand to push it away.


A powerful force sent Ye Sheng flying and hit the ground.

Ye Sheng was not discouraged either, it was Sir Tanggula inside who was stopping Ye Sheng.

But can he stop it?

Without pushing the door open, he just flew in.


A huge power grid appeared in the sky, trying to electrocute Ye Sheng to death.

But at this moment, Martial Ancestor stretched out his hand and tapped the void lightly. With a bang, the void split and the power grid exploded automatically.

"Who!" A roar came from Sir Tanggula.

"Your young master, I'm here to break your way today." Ye Sheng sneered, Martial Ancestor was behind him, what was he afraid of, Ye Sheng's true heart was not afraid of heaven and earth.

Entering the castle, Ye Sheng went straight to where the statue was.

"Presumptuous, I am Sir Tanggula of the Chaos tribe, what do you want to do, get out of here!" A voice shouted angrily, accompanied by a rolling momentum, like a huge wave tens of meters high on the sea, slapping towards it.

"Hmph!" Martial Ancestor snorted coldly outside, and the giant wave disappeared without a trace.

Ye Sheng knew that these two big men were fighting, he didn't care, he only had the statue in his eyes, he ran over quickly, stretched out his hand and punched it violently.

bang bang bang!

The statue trembled, and Sir Tanggula's cheeks appeared on the statue. He glared at Ye Sheng, his eyes were burning, and he scolded: "This deity and even the supreme Tanggula, an insignificant human being, are you looking for death?"

"Great shit, how many steps would you take now if you are capable?" Ye Sheng sneered.

Sir Tanggula was furious. He glared at Ye Sheng: "You humble human being, stop me. How did you come to the ancestral land of my Chaos race?"

Ye Sheng put his head down and worked hard, completely ignored the scolding, just ignored the wind, clenched his fist, and slammed the statue hard.


Ye Sheng didn't know how many hundreds of blows the statue finally cracked.

" stop, do you hear me!!!" Sir Tanggula screamed, he really wanted to mobilize the power of the entire castle to kill Ye Sheng, but outside the castle was his real enemy, Sir Tanggula did not Dare to act rashly.

"Youngsters of the Chaos Clan, come and save me!" Sir Tanggula had no choice but to shout, his foundation must not be destroyed, otherwise the time of this era would be wasted.

"Don't shout, history repeats itself. Back then, you benefited from the destruction of the last era, but now the era is destroyed again, and the top leaders of the Chaos clan have gone out. Your destruction is also due to the destruction of the era. One drink and one peck, Everyone has a definite number, and today is your definite number." Martial Ancestor said coldly.


Ye Sheng punched down hard at Du, and the statue cracked more than a dozen gaps.

Sir Tanggula said in horror: "It took me an epoch to complete the foundation, don't break it, I can give you whatever you want."

"I just want you to be unable to escape." Ye Sheng snorted coldly, his speed was very fast, and he kept punching the huge statue without giving the opponent a chance.

Bang bang bang!

Sir Tanggula saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, burning with anger and helpless at the same time.

If he moves, the efforts of an era will be turned into ashes, and it is tantamount to cutting off the way forward. The next time he wants to condense and transcend, it will need ten times the effort.

One epoch this time, ten epochs next time?

Sir Tanggula couldn't wait, but he couldn't stand Ye Sheng's unhindered continuous beating.

"Get out!" Sir Tanggula tried to kill Ye Sheng with his momentum, but Martial Ancestor stopped him.

Finally, under Ye Sheng's 10,000 punches, the foundation of detachment that had just been forged collapsed.


"I... want... to... kill... you..." Sir Tanggula roared up to the sky, his face was ferocious, he was wearing a uniform, handsome and handsome, but at the moment his face was hideous and terrifying, he roared up to the sky, exuding a terrifying aura The power and influence made Ye Qi gaspless.

The statue shattered, releasing a great demon king, the realm of the Immortal Emperor, far surpassing Ye Sheng's response, and even more terrifying than Candle Demon Qiankun.

And it was such a terrifying power, if you slapped it, it could tear Ye Sheng into pieces in an instant, but it stopped in front of Ye Sheng.

Wuzu appeared in front of Ye Sheng, facing the furious Sir Tanggula.

Sir Tanggula's eyes were bloodshot, and he was insane. His efforts of an era were completely shattered by Ye Sheng's 10,000 punches.

Whoever it is, the mentality will collapse.

Sir Tanggula recognized the aged Martial Ancestor, and shouted: "You are a Martial Ancestor, and you are not dead. Just in time, I will kill you all today."


Sir Tanggula's arrogance was surging, and when he stretched out his hand, a torrent of laws struck directly.

Time crushes!

Sir Tanggula screamed, used the law of the original attack, and played the passage of time to weaken the Martial Ancestor.

Martial Ancestor is old and lacks energy and blood. In Sir Tanggula's eyes, Martial Ancestor should continue to age until he dies.

The attack of the source of the law is the attack of the source of the masters. No moves, skills, or any means are as good as this flood of laws.


Under the law, Martial Ancestor was shrouded in it, but his face did not change, his hands were behind his back, the shroud wrapped his body, his somewhat hunched back tried his best to straighten up, his eyes were firm, and he said: "Time cannot wear away my body, The body of a warrior cannot be destroyed by the sky, cannot be buried by the earth, and exists forever with a flick of a finger."

Every word is pearls, every word, every word, gold and iron horse, the years are crushed on Martial Ancestor's body, it is useless.

Martial Ancestor is still the same Martial Ancestor, although he is old, but his eyes are still so domineering.

Sir Tanggula was extremely angry, and shouted: "Back in time!"

He used his unique skills to beat the enemy back to the weakest age. You are an outstanding person in the world now, so I will beat you back to when you were young. You have no cultivation and can kill you instantly with just one look.

Martial Ancestor still did not escape, he stood in front of Ye Sheng, facing the backward time.

"If I don't take a walk inside, I'm afraid you won't be satisfied. Today I will show you how terrifying the Martial Ancestor was when he was young." Martial Ancestor said lightly, his body began to change slowly in the time retrospective .

The full head of white hair turned into full black hair, the wrinkles and age spots on the face also degenerated, a shiny, dark-skinned face emerged, the stooped back slowly straightened, and the dry strength in the body, at this moment, quickly fill up.

With the help of time travelling, Martial Ancestor returned to his peak moment and faded away from aging. At this moment, the young Martial Ancestor appeared, and he regained his strength. The unrivaled powerhouse who pushed the Chaos Clan 80,000 miles back then returned.

Seeing this scene, Sir Tanggula was terrified, as if struck by lightning; staring at Martial Ancestor, he lost his voice and said, " actually used my power to return to the peak?"

Sir Tanggula is really going crazy. He personally created an invincible strong man, a pioneer of martial arts, and an unrivaled demon king.

Martial Ancestor moved his young body and said with satisfaction: "I knew you would go back in time, and as expected, I returned to the peak and regained my strength, thanks to you."

Sir Tanggula vomited blood angrily, pointing at Martial Ancestor with trembling fingers, his face turned blue and then black.

"In order to express my gratitude to you, I invite you to taste my Heaven-Defying Eight Styles!" Martial Ancestor narrowed his eyes, his body flew out in an instant, and struck hard.

Eight Heaven-Defying Forms of Transforming Shape and Changing Shadow!

Back in time!

Martial Ancestor stole the origin of Sir Tanggula's law, cast it himself, and hit Sir Tanggula all at once.


Sir Tanggula screamed loudly: "No, this is my power, don't hurt me!"

In just a second, Sir Tanggula's screams turned into the voice of a baby, and he was beaten back to his baby days, only three or four years old, with no cultivation at all.

Ye Sheng was dumbfounded, is this the pinnacle Martial Ancestor?

Stealing other people's power, he beat Sir Tanggula back to his childhood in one fell swoop.

Sir Tanggula was a person who was almost detached. Even if he was destroyed, he was still at the peak of the Immortal Emperor, right?

Such an unrivaled master, who was beaten by the Martial Ancestor and turned into a baby, has no cultivation base at all. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ye Sheng wouldn't have believed it.

There's no way this is going to happen.

But in fact, Ye Sheng really saw it.

He reached out and hit Sir Tanggula, and Sir Tanggula fell to the ground directly, glaring at Ye Sheng with no cultivation.

All this is true.

"My mother, this world is too crazy." Baby Zulong was too scared to come out of Ye Sheng's body.

"Martial Ancestor is too scary, too powerful, our era can be saved." The little girl Qianyuan said excitedly.

Ye Sheng was also quite emotional, but he could only smile wryly at the words of the little girl Qianyuan. Martial Ancestor was very powerful, but when he was at his peak, the one who was beaten could only be buried alone in the cosmic cemetery?

Chaos is not that simple, a Martial Ancestor cannot save this era.

But inexplicably, Ye Sheng had a lot more confidence in destroying the Chaos Clan.

With heroes like Martial Ancestor, Chu Xiangyu, and a series of masters hiding in the dark, the Chaos Clan doesn't seem so scary anymore.

Sir Tanggula was beaten to the ground by Ye Sheng, and he sat in despair. He looked three or four years old, and looked cute, but Ye Sheng would not soften his heart, he was a master who was almost detached.

"You can't kill him." Martial Ancestor shook his head, stopping Ye Sheng's movement.

"Why?" Ye Sheng asked puzzled.

"Because this person is one of the transcendent members of the Chaos Clan. If you kill him, some high-ranking members of the Chaos Clan will know the inside story and will come back. He is a useless person now. If he wants to return to the peak, at least he has to pay a certain price. We Let's go." Wu Zu said.

Hearing this, Ye Sheng could only nod his head, not thinking about it.

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