The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 2 The Universe as Usual

Ye Sheng quietly left from the God Realm, leaving only the earth clone and Ye Sheng.

The clone of the ancient god remained in the God Realm.

He still needs to continue to perfect his body of the ancient god. Only when the body of the ancient god is perfected can he regain the majesty of the ancient god and help Ye Sheng.

After the earth clone left the God Realm, it immediately went to the hell dimension and began to devour other dimensions, strengthening itself, and also seeking a way to become stronger.

Both the earth clone and the ancient god clone have great potential, not much worse than Ye Sheng's main body, one is the body of the ancient god, and the other can swallow dimension growth.

The growth of Trinity is what Ye Sheng hopes to see.

He needs to become stronger, not only himself, but also his avatar, and they all become stronger together, so that he can be challenged without fear.

"We don't have much time left." Ye Sheng said to the two clones.

They also know what Ye Sheng is carrying, Chu Xiangyu's expectations, and dare not say that he is the one who saves the universe, but Ye Sheng is also a part of this era, and he needs to make contributions to this era.

Eliminating the Four Horsemen was Ye Sheng's current goal.

But he is only a half-immortal and sixth heaven, it is far from enough, Ye Sheng still needs to continue to grow up.

"A lot of times, I'm catching up, not chasing after my peers. In fact, I've been behind my peers for tens of thousands of years. What I'm chasing are those who have transcended, people from the last era, and old monsters who have existed forever." Ye Sheng Sometimes it can feel really stressful.

People of the same age and the same realm have long since been left behind by him.

Just in the half-immortal realm, the current Ye Sheng can sweep the half-immortal realm, but is this his goal?


Ye Sheng's goal is the Four Horsemen. Although the Four Horsemen are not the first generation, the first generation of the Four Horsemen has entered the road of detachment, and now it is the second generation.

But even as the second-generation Four Horsemen, Ye Sheng still needs to make great efforts to catch up, surpass, and struggle.

The vast universe, the vastness of the stars, the beauty and majesty, when Ye Sheng stepped into this place, he knew clearly that he was back.

From entering the God Realm before, entering the Seventh Realm, and entering the previous era from the Seventh Realm, Ye Sheng has traveled a strange path.

Now, after going round and round, Ye Sheng came back here at Zaidu.

real universe.

This is where Ye Sheng needs to come, he is rooted here, his family and friends are all there, and only this universe can make Ye Sheng feel warm.

"Let's go to Tianqiong." Ye Sheng's eyes were sharp, like a falcon, confirming the star map.

At the same time, he also communicated with the Great Demon King of the Void.

Ever since Ye Sheng handed over the Great Demon King to his daughter to protect his daughter, Ye Sheng hadn't communicated with the Great Demon King much.

After all, he went to the God Realm, the Seventh Realm, and the last era, but he couldn't communicate with the Great Demon King of the Void.

Now, Ye Sheng sent a message to the Great Demon King of the Void: "Where are you?"

Ye Sheng was asking the Great Demon King of the Void, and the surprised voice of the Great Demon King of the Void also slowly came out, saying: "Ye Sheng, why did you disappear before, I can't find you."

"I went to a dangerous place. It's normal not to find me. Are you and Yun'er okay?" Ye Sheng asked.

"It's okay, what can happen, I will protect Yun'er, as long as you don't provoke big forces, everything will be fine. Yun'er is growing slowly now, although the speed is not as monstrous as yours, but it's not too slow, breaking through to the realm of perfection It's gone." The Great Demon King of the Void announced the good news.

Ye Sheng was relieved now, he smiled and asked, "Is Yun'er by your side?"

The Great Demon King of the Void said: "Here, do you father and daughter want to communicate?"

Ye Sheng nodded and said, "Turn on the communicator and let me see my daughter."


The communicator was called, and the virtual screen appeared, and Ye Sheng saw his daughter Ye Yun'er.

Today's Ye Yun'er, her beautiful face has completely inherited the good genes of her parents, she is truly an adult, she used to be a little girlish, although she is not young, she has been growing up in a greenhouse,

It's normal not to be able to get rid of it.

But looking at it now, Ye Yun'er has completely transformed, working hard outside, in a complicated environment, without the help of her family, it is very tough, Ye Yun'er has become mature, and her thinking mode has completely changed.

Seeing Ye Yun'er now, Ye Sheng smiled slightly, with mixed emotions in his heart.

He also hoped that his daughter would not grow up, act like a baby in front of him, and call his father to deal with anything.

But I also hope that my daughter will mature and become extremely mature after going through the vicissitudes of life, so that she can face ups and downs alone.

"Daughter." Thousands of words finally turned into a call, and Ye Sheng looked at it with satisfaction. This is the continuation of his life. All his struggles and efforts are for their mother and daughter.

"Father!" Ye Yun'er shouted happily, as before, shouting.

Ye Sheng said happily, "Did you have a hard time outside?"

"No, I'm very happy. I can see different races, different cultures, and different languages. I'm very happy. And my cultivation has greatly improved. Dad, I will fight side by side with you in the future." Ye Yun'er said happily, her smile was bright, it didn't seem fake, it was from the heart.

When Ye Sheng saw her happy, he was also happy, and said, "Fight with me, what do you mean?"

"The great demon king of the void told me that you are fighting against the great forces in the universe. It is very hard and dangerous. I can often hear people say your name, but I am proud of it. I want to tell them that this is my father. But I refrained from saying it, I just said that I admire you very much." Ye Yuner said with a smile, in front of Ye Sheng, she became a daughter, showing her mature appearance to others, in front of her parents, Ye Yuner It was still the relaxed Ye Yun'er.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to grow up and be able to help Dad." Ye Sheng smiled dotingly.

"Father, where did you go a while ago?" Ye Yun'er asked.

"I went to a strange place, walked on the long river of time, and saw the scenery of the last era." Ye Sheng said truthfully.

"Wow, that's so cool." Ye Yun'er said enviously.

"It's okay when you grow up. During the time you went out, did you communicate with your mother?" Ye Sheng asked.

"Yes, every three to five times, if there is a signal, I will communicate more frequently, and if there is no signal, it will be every few days." Ye Yun'er said.

"That's right, I'll go to Tianqiongxing to see your mother right away, protect yourself outside, don't provoke any big forces, your Uncle Void Demon King can't protect you." Ye Sheng warned.

The Great Demon King of the Void had a black line on his forehead, and muttered, "You look down on me."

On the other hand, Ye Yun'er laughed loudly, then turned to Ye Shengni, said something in the girl's heart, and then reluctantly hung up.


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