The Earth Is My Dantian

Chapter 4 Seeing the Old Titan

Chapter 4: Meeting the Old Titan (first update)

Ye Sheng walks along the river with Zhou Meiren, telling lovesickness, and accompanying Zhou Meiren.

Men are still teenagers until they die. When the man you like is always stable and mature, it means that you haven't entered his heart yet.

In front of the woman he loves most, a man will show the childishness, cuteness and impulsiveness of a teenager.

Ye Sheng is like this, he has the heart to fight to the death with the four knights, and also has the blood to rush into the ancestral land of the Chaos clan, but only in front of Zhou Meiren can he show his true self.

Accompanying Zhou Meiren to the end of the river bank, Ye Sheng picked up Zhou Meiren, and flew into the room at once while the beauty exclaimed.

Upside down!

Leprechauns fight!

The love between husband and wife is not humane.


For three days in a row, rolling in the gentle countryside, Ye Sheng was immersed in it, thinking of nothing else, sinking in Zhou Meiren's Wu Nong's soft words, and enjoying under the wonderful skin contact.

Three days later, Ye Sheng left Zhou Meiren, and with great perseverance he left Ruanrouxiang to meet Old Titan.

The old titan hides in a small world, where he is the only one and no one else, Ye Sheng sees the old titan as soon as he enters.

He was the same as before, with a tall body and purple skin, sitting in the ruins, looking at Ye Sheng with bright eyes.

Ye Sheng walked over, looked at Old Titan, and said, "Senior, I came out of the Seventh Realm."

Old Tai Tan nodded and said: "I know, you are very good, have you met Chu Xiangyu?"

"Yes, he has also found hope, just like the hope of your Titans." Ye Sheng nodded.

"We Titans have always kept a low profile. The only thing we did wrong was to put our hope in the main universe. If we were discovered by others, we would fall short." The old Titan shook his head.

"Chu Xiangyu is very smart about this. He put his hope in the seventh world, so that no one will find out." Old Tai Tan praised.

Ye Sheng knew what he was talking about. Chu Xiangyu was very clever. He took advantage of the great battle millions of years ago, and the enemy replaced him into the seventh realm, and then used half of his soul to walk out of the road of detachment in the seventh realm.

But this time Ye Sheng came to the old titan not to talk about Chu Xiangyu. He looked at the old titan and asked, "I want to destroy the four knights. How should I do it?"

Ye Sheng knew very well that it was impossible to destroy the four knights by relying on himself alone. He needed to use his strength to fight.

With whom?

Old Titan was one, but Ye Sheng wasn't sure if he would make a move, because they were the only one left in the Titan clan in that battle.

"To eliminate the four knights, your ambition is great, but your strength is not good enough." Old Titan said unceremoniously.

"I know I'm not strong enough, so I hope you can help me." Ye Sheng said sincerely.

The old titan stood up, Ye Sheng only reached his thigh, the old titan was very burly, like a wall, walked among the ruins, looked up at the sky, and said: "We Titans have not appeared in the universe for a long time, everyone thought We are destroyed, the four knights are a pawn of the Chaos Clan, and if they are destroyed, the Chaos Clan will have to step forward without this pawn, this is an opportunity."

Ye Sheng was overjoyed. Did the old Titan say that he would make a move?

"I will only act at the last moment. If you want to eliminate the four knights, you must start a war." The old titan said to Ye Sheng.

"How can we start a war?" Ye Sheng asked humbly.

"The four knights of this generation each have their own descendants, and there are many outstanding talents among the descendants. You can kill them all." Old Titan said coldly.

Ye Sheng's eyes lit up, and he said, "I will do it."

"One more thing, if you want to quickly improve your strength, you can go to the Daoist Academy, and the Daoist Academy may be able to help you." The old Titan thought thoughtfully.

Ye Sheng frowned and said, "The Taoist temple in Chaos Sea was destroyed, and the disciples of the Taoist temple all scattered and fled."

"The monastery will not be destroyed, it's just that you can't find it." Old Titan shook his head.

Ye Sheng kept it in his heart,

Look at the old titan and say goodbye.

The old titan watched Ye Sheng leave, then looked at the sky of the small world, looked up at the firmament, as if he had seen through the small world, saw the main universe, and saw the sea of ​​chaos.

"It's time to settle the vengeance of the Titan clan." The old Titan murmured.


Ye Sheng left the small world, and his first step was to find the Red Army.

Under the various tortures of his uncle Chihun, his cultivation improved rapidly, reaching an incredible level.

Half Immortal and First Heaven.

This surprised Ye Sheng. It wasn't too long since we met this time last time. How did he improve so quickly?

The Red Army said to Ye Sheng: "My Titan bloodline was completely activated by my uncle, and my strength will increase by leaps and bounds. The bloodline of the Titan clan is the top bloodline in this universe."

Ye Sheng clicked his lips, a little envious, people with blood are good.

"Brother Ye Sheng, why do you want me?" Chi Jun asked Ye Sheng.

"Do something big." Ye Sheng smiled mysteriously.

"What's the big deal?" Chi Jun became excited. He was trained by Chi Hun very badly. Although his cultivation base has been improved, he prefers to take risks with Ye Sheng and see many incredible things happen.

"Start a battle to destroy the Chaos Race." Ye Sheng said loudly.

The Red Army looked at Ye Sheng in surprise, but he didn't expect Ye Sheng to target the Four Horsemen who have swept the entire universe recently.

When people hear this, they will find it unbelievable, and then think that Ye Sheng is crazy.

But the Red Army did not. Instead, their blood boiled with excitement, and they said excitedly, "Since Brother Ye Sheng said to do it, then do it. Isn't it the Four Horsemen, beat his mother."

Ye Sheng laughed out loud, the Red Army still believed him.

"The two of us can't do it for the time being. We need to call Zhuge Xiaoming and Du Qingyi to make suggestions together." Ye Sheng said with lightning-like eyes.

He didn't act impulsively, killing the descendants of the four knights and starting a war, this was the goal set by Ye Sheng, but how to implement it needs to be carefully planned.

"I'll let them know that Zhuge Xiaoming has been trained by his grandfather recently to make life worse than death, and he has been contacting me for a long time, saying that he is going to do something big." The Red Army said excitedly, and he took out the communicator and contacted Zhuge Xiaoming.

After a while, Zhuge Xiaoming's chubby face appeared in front of Ye Sheng and the Red Army.

"Why are you two together?" Zhuge Xiaoming asked.

"I'm looking for you to do something big, come or not?" Ye Sheng asked directly.

Zhuge Xiaoming's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Come on, I will definitely come, even if you ask me to fight the Four Knights' lair, I will go."

Zhuge Xiaoming said casually, he really guessed right, he was going to fight the Four Knights.

"How do you know we're going to deal with the Four Horsemen?" Red Army asked.

Zhuge Xiaoming's face froze, and he said in surprise: "Are you really planning to deal with the four knights?"

"Of course, come or not, I just want to destroy the Four Horsemen this time." Ye Sheng asked.

Zhuge Xiaoming jumped up all of a sudden, and said excitedly: "Come on, how can you do such an exciting thing if I don't come."

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